The worlds first riddle!

Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2013 12:33 pm
Mark, if that is a ‘guess’ I’m George Clooney!

So let’s see:
Since triangles A B1 C1 and A1 B C1 are congruent, angles C1 A B1 and C1 A1 B are equal.

Then angle A P1 A1 = angle A C1 A1 – 90 degrees.

Consequently, angle A P1 B = 90 degrees. Thus P1 and likewise P2 and P3 lie on a circle with diameter A B, so the tin is indeed buries midway between A and B just as Mark foretold.

Spend the cash wisely.

Talking of cash, I have been told that it is impossible to correctly answer this question with the information supplied.

Is there anyone who can prove this hypothesis wrong…

I offered my 350 employees a pay raise of $10 to each male and $8.15 to each female. (We are non-union)

All the females accepted, but a certain percentage of the males refused to accept my generous offer.

The total amount paid was not dependent upon the number of men employed.

What was the total amount paid the women?

Difficult or what!!!

0 Replies
Ice Demon
Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2013 02:55 pm
Ice to see you again. Next, I hope you don't bring up Brad Pitt into any of this or I'll give you another sob story .
Now back to feminism, how insulting that these women are not getting the same raise as the men?
x =# of men; f =fraction of men not wanting a bonus.
If f=0.185, S will be independent of x.
Both x and 0.185x are integers with x less than 350, so x=200.
Established that, 150 women were paid $1,222.50
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Mar, 2013 03:03 pm
Way to go Ice; you rock! No seriously, did Mark assist you with this answer?

Ok, so I’m seriously impressed and was gonna award you the keys to the executive A2K bathroom suite.

However, it has been brought to my attention that you have also achieved the rare feat of upsetting both Osso and Glitter, so to make amends I have awarded the bonus points to their accounts.

It is by politeness, etiquette and charity that society is saved from falling into a heap of savagery.’

- William of Wykeham

Iffin doubt; do as I do and never insult any chick with a cute tush or a pert rack and follow the advice of - ZZ Top

"I aint askin for much
lord take me downtown
I just looking for some tush..."

Whereas Ima looking to confirm the answer…

Let m be the number of men and let x be the fraction of men refusing a raise.

Then the amount paid out is given by T = 8.15 (350 – m) + 10 (1 – x) m = 2852.50 + m (1.85 – 10x), which will be independent of m only if x = 0.185, so that T = 2852.50.

Both m and 0.185 m are integers with m < 350, so m = 200.
It therefore follows that $1222.50 is paid to 150 women. (plus other perks!!!)

Houston we have a problem; I’ve gone and dropped both numbers whose difference and whose quotient are each equal to one more than four.

Can you help me find the numbers?
Reply Mon 11 Mar, 2013 03:15 pm
Iffin doubt; do as I do and never insult any chick with a cute tush or a pert rack and follow the advice of - ZZ Top

"I aint askin for much
lord take me downtown
I just looking for some tush..."

Stalkin ya...

Is that really what ZZ Top says?

I'm just looking for some tush?

I thought they were saying "touch".
Tush does make more sense upon reflection.
0 Replies
Ice Demon
Reply Mon 11 Mar, 2013 03:34 pm
I wish Mark took me every step of the way to the finish line with the last one.
Now what I'm about to tell you, don't tell anyone else. I'm glitterbag's and Ossobuco's secret homie. Talking smack to them and me being smacked by them is all just theatrics. Kinda like blading in wrestling. So If you're convinced, then we're doing our jobs in fooling ya.
ZZ top is right though. The best motto for any gents when dating is to say "I'm undecided" with some efforts to pull off this act in every aspect of their life.
But why I came here is to solve this easy problem.
The numbers are 5/4 & 25/4, since five is the quotient and the difference is four times 5/4.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Mar, 2013 03:28 pm
Yet again the fabled Ice Demon or Orkoori Oni as we say in Japanese has slain the monster of ignorance; or as Confucius says, “Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself.”

In general, if x – y = x/y = a, then x = a^2/ (a – 1 ) and y = a/ (a – 1).

I mention this because of the rumor that I am Ice D; and answering my own questions!

Well, lemme tell yer, if I was; I would not be able to get so many right!
And to prove my point; no one will be able to answer the following…

This morning I had a lecture in algebra and woke up just in time to hear the professor say, “…and I will give you a hint that all the roots are real and positive.”

Checking the wipe-board I saw a 20th degree equation that had to be solved for coursework. I started to copy it down and got as far as the first two terms, x^20 – 20x^19 before the sumofabirch erased the board completely; however I did remember that the constant term was +1.

Can you find it in your heart to help a poor little fat guy find the answer? I only ask because the usual guy I pay to do my homework is off sick…..

The only proviso is; no Canadians! No way will I accept charity from them (No offense intended)
Oh, and no Mexicans either – not after that Taco; man, that was one hot tomali.
For a full list of exclusions please see the Member States of UN General Assembly – Thank you.

Postscript: Missy, you may stalk me anytime… but I had no idea you liked gardening!

BTW: I asked Billy Gibbons, and he confirmed it was ‘Tush’ http://youtu.be/4MEcSM1jfXg
Reply Tue 12 Mar, 2013 03:54 pm
The sum of the roots is 20, and the product is 1. One solution is that all 20 roots are 1. I'm not certain that it is unique.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Mar, 2013 04:42 pm
My goodness....I knew that song's name was Tush.

I am such a ditz sometimes. Losing my mind.
Reply Tue 12 Mar, 2013 08:13 pm
I thought it was "touch" also.
Reply Wed 13 Mar, 2013 06:34 am
Thanks for that Mark. I feel less stupid. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Mar, 2013 07:30 am
Jumping Jehosaphat…

In 2 Chronicles 20 there is a story about a great army, made up of the Moabites, Ammonites, and some of the Meunites, which came against Jehoshaphat king of Judah and his people.

Jehoshaphat was so overpowered by the information that he stood up and made a plea to GOD asking for HIS direction of on the circumstance.

And he said, “Will you two get a room already!!!”

Dearest Missy, if I too supported your tush; would you hold it against me?

Reply Wed 13 Mar, 2013 02:52 pm
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Mar, 2013 05:25 pm
Mark in between trying to get to grips with Missy has once again extrapolated the answer and proved at least he was awake and paying attention during lectures.

The roots are positive and their arithmetic mean is – (-20)/20 while their geometric mean is (+ 1) ^1/20.
Since both means are equal to 1, it follows that all the roots are 1.

As yawl may know, one of my life’s aims (apart from sailin’) is to come up with the most difficult puzzle in the fewest amount of words; and dagnabbit! I may have just succeeded….

My books are published at seven-year intervals. When the seventh book was issued, the sum of the publication years was 13,524.

When was my first book published?

OMG – Missy you said, ‘YES’

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly and try?
Micah 6:8

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
Galatians 5:22-23

Hallelujah… http://youtu.be/HKnxmkOAj88

Ice Demon
Reply Wed 13 Mar, 2013 05:38 pm
The answer is 1911, you naughty thumper.You know if we dropped off that unneeded one and get in a Porsche 911, we may be able2know some tush tonight.
Then again...
"But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart" Matthew 5:28
Y1 + Y2 + Y3 + Y4 + Y5 + Y6 + y7 = 13,524
7Y=13,524, so Yavg=13,524/7 = 1932, so Y1 + Y2 + Y3 + [1932] + Y5 + Y6 + y7, so Y1 = 1932 - (3*7) = 1911
Halleluiah and praise be to sweet Lord BABY Jesus! AMEN!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Mar, 2013 04:10 pm
The Ice man cometh first again:

Congratulations to today’s winner of the most gruelling 1,000 mile Iditarod sled race in Alaska- Let’s give it up for Mitch Seavey.

And let’s not forget our own Ice man who is a chip off the old block; although he reminds me of a long-time member who has just been named Pope.

The arithmetic mean of the publication years is 13,527/7 or 1932.
This middle term is separated from the first term by three common differences, so the first book was published in 1932 – 3(7) or 1911…. But we already know that thanks to ID.

As you may know, Missy has the job of organizing the secret order of the five finalists in this year’s A2K Tush of the Year competition.

Due to the large amounts of money to be made from knowing the order in which the contestants will be called; I tried to illicit the inside skinny!
Is it A-B-C-D-E? I asked.

Try, you are most skilful at being wrong.” She chided. “You not only got each person out of her true position, but furthermore, not one in your ranking followed correctly her immediate predecessor.” She purred provocatively.

Executing an almost flawless battement glissé/degagé resplendent in my pink tutu I asked, “Well then sweetie, is it D-A-E-C-B?

Oh my, I do declare, you are improving.“ She encouraged cautiously. “You have two in their proper position and you have two following correctly their immediate predecessors.”

Much encouraged although none the wiser, even with the thought of pas de deux.

I beseech the assistance of a Southern gentleman who does ‘give a damn’ and entreat him to furnish the correct order?

Thankee most kindly.
Reply Thu 14 Mar, 2013 06:51 pm
Tush of the Year:
I get two solutions:
D-A-B-E-C (D, A correct; A, C followed correctly)
E-D-A-C-B (C, B correct, A, B followed correctly)

The parenthetical notes refer to the second guess of D-A-E-C-B.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Mar, 2013 07:10 pm
@Craven de Kere,
As he approached, he overheard the last part of their conversation, and he later recorded it thus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Mar, 2013 04:02 pm
Mark places his bets and goes for each way; butt there is only one winner in this race; so let’s see how the cookie crumbles…

In the ordering D-A-E-C-B, the two in proper position must be adjacent, for otherwise we would have a correct follower after a proper position, implying three proper positions.

This means that D-A, A-E, E-C or C-B are properly located.
The pairs A-E and E-C must be eliminated since the second correct follower could not occur.

If D-A is properly placed, the order would have to be either D-A-B-E-C or D-A-C-B-E, both of which are ruled out by the comment on the first guess.
Hence C-B is in correct position and A-E-D-C-B is ruled out by the first guess comment – leaving only E-D-A-C-B meeting all requirements and by remarkable coincidence; the one Mark agrees with!

So well done to that guy for lining up all his dominoes and bringing Missy and the pasodoble closer…

Talking of dominoes; I have a set of n smooth dominoes 1 inch by 2 inches by ¼ inch. If I pile then on a table, one horizontally placed domino in each layer.

What is the largest distance that the top domino can be made to overhang the bottom one?

Thanks for the heads up En35edina, I’m sure your quote will make Craven de Kere’s day!

Reply Fri 15 Mar, 2013 06:12 pm
I failed to rule out D-A-B-E-C because I overlooked the part of the comment on the first guess after "but furthermore."
0 Replies
Ice Demon
Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 09:55 pm
I will take a wild stab here. Being it a harmonic series (summation of 1/2n), I'd guess that the dominoes can be stacked forever, ever growing height, thus making the distance between the bottom and the top domino not limited. Harmonic series naturally diverges so there is no limit.
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