The worlds first riddle!

Reply Sun 10 Feb, 2013 04:30 pm
Haha, no one could find a way to solve the puzzle….

No, wait. Neither could I!

But in fact you both provided the correct answer because it is impossible to change MI into MU by using the four rules of the puzzle.

By inspecting the rules given, it is easy to see that any string that can be derived starts with the symbol M, which is the only occurrence of this symbol in the string. (We need this observation to clarify Rule 2.)

Consider now n, the number of I’s occurrences in the strings that can be obtained. For the starting string MI, n = 1, which is not divisible by 3.

Only Rules 2 and 3 change n by doubling it and decreasing it by 3, respectively. Neither of these operations can result in a number that is divisible by 3 if it was not divisible by 3 before the change.
Since for the target string MU, n = 0 and hence is divisible by 3, this string cannot be derived from MI for which n = 1 and hence is not divisible by 3.

Those guys are good!

Now here is a question that does have an answer – and anyone can have a go:

What is the minimum number of shots needed to guarantee hitting a battleship (a 4 × 1 rectangle) on a 10 × 10 board?

The battleship can be located anywhere on the board and may be oriented either horizontally or vertically.

You may assume that there are no other ships and you have 96 empty squares.

(A ‘shot’ is a blind guess of a square on the board.)

Reply Sun 10 Feb, 2013 06:49 pm
I can do it in 24:
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Reply Mon 11 Feb, 2013 02:00 pm
Director of Strategic Studies Markr sinks Red October!


An alternative strike but still using 24 shots:


And the reason is; there are 24 possible positions to place the battleship.

Five A2K members and a Moderator got lost in a melon grove in CA. whilst on their way to Mardi Gras in New Orleans – Don’t ask!

During the first day, they collected some melons to eat the next morning. At night, one member woke up, divided the melons into five equal piles after giving one melon to the moderator hid her pile, recombined the other four piles, and went back to sleep.

Later that night, each of the other four members did the same thing one after the other: each gave one melon to the moderator and then took one-fifth of the remaining ones for herself.

In the morning, they divided all the remaining melons among themselves after giving one melon to the moderator for the last time.

What is the minimum number of melons that could have been in the original pile?

(Bonus point if anyone has a picture of her melons!)

Reply Mon 11 Feb, 2013 08:24 pm
battleship placement: Actually, there are 140 possible positions to place the battleship (7 in each row, and 7 in each column).
Reply Tue 12 Feb, 2013 02:02 am
melons: 15621
Take your pick:
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Feb, 2013 05:43 pm
markr wrote:

battleship placement: Actually, there are 140 possible positions to place the battleship (7 in each row, and 7 in each column).

You city slickers make I laugh, what with your incandescent lamps and Phonographs; I was alluding to the fact that there were a possible 24 blocks of four rectangles that could fill a 10x10 space.

Although I do agree there are indeed 140 possible positions in which they could be placed.

Now let us check to see if Mark has handled the girls melons correctly:

Let n be the initial number of melons, let a, b, c, d, and e be the number of melons taken by the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth A2K member, respectively, and let f be the number of melons each of them received in the morning. Then the following system of equations is obtained:
n = 5a + 1
4a = 5b + 1
4b = 5c + 1
4c = 5d + 1
4d = 5e + 1
4e = 5f + 1.

The easiest way to solve the system is to add 4 to each of the equations to get the following:
n + 4 = 5(a + 1)
4(a + 1) = 5(b + 1)
4(b + 1) = 5(c + 1)
4(c + 1) = 5(d + 1)
4(d + 1) = 5(e + 1)
4(e + 1) = 5( f + 1).
After multiplying the left- and right-hand sides of the equations, we obtain
45(n + 4)(a + 1)(b + 1)(c + 1)(d + 1)(e + 1)
= 56(a + 1)(b + 1)(c + 1)(d + 1)(e + 1)( f + 1),
45(n + 4) = 56( f + 1).

The last equation implies that if it has an integer solution, n + 4 and f + 1 must be divisible by 56 and 45, respectively. Hence, n + 4 = 56 and f + 1 = 45 are the smallest natural numbers that satisfy the equation. Therefore, the smallest value of n is 56 − 4 = 15,621.

Dagnabbit, he is right again!

(Obviously, all the other unknowns, i.e., a, b, c, d, e, and f, will also be positive integers as well.)

One point for him and two points to Missy for her voluptuous melons!

After receiving a research grant from A2K Laboratories I put three types of chameleons on a tropical island:

10 brown, 14 gray, and 15 black.

When two chameleons of different colors meet, they both change their colors to the third one.

Will it be possible for all the chameleons to eventually become the same color?
Reply Tue 12 Feb, 2013 06:05 pm
Consider each quantity modulo 3:
brown: 1
gray: 2
black: 0

Now, consider each possible pairing and what it does to the quantities modulo 3:
brown: 1-1=0
gray: 2-1=1
black: 0+2=2
brown: 1-1=0
gray: 2+2=1
black: 0-1=2
brown: 1+2=0
gray: 2-1=1
black: 0-1=2

In each case, we end up with a 0, a 1, and a 2 (which is what we started with - so we'll always have some permutation of a 0, a 1, and a 2). However, for all chameleons to be the same color, we need three 0s.

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Reply Wed 13 Feb, 2013 04:14 pm
Mark has all the bases covered…

The answer is defiantly “no.”

After two chameleons of different colors meet, the number of the chameleons of their colors will decrease by 1 and the number of chameleons of the other color will increase by 2.

Hence, one difference between the numbers of the differently colored chameleons will not change and the two others will increase by 3. Therefore, the division-by-3 remainders of all the three differences will not change.

This immediately implies that for the data given it will be impossible for all the chameleons become the same color. Indeed, the initial differences are 4, 1, and 5, and therefore their division-by-3 remainders are 1, 1, and 2. But if all the chameleons could become the same color, one of the differences would have to be 0, with the division-by-3 remainder equal to 0 as well.

Guy’s, we have a problem:

The head honcho at A2K Towers whose floor plan mimicked an 8 × 8 chessboard, with each of the 64 rooms having a door in each of its four walls.

Originally, all the floors in all the rooms were painted white. Then the king of the Orc’s ordered the floors to be repainted so that they alternated like the squares of a chessboard (Figure 1).

To do this, his painter had to walk through the place repainting floors in all the rooms he visited from white to black, and vice versa.

The painter was allowed to exit the room and reenter it at another door.

Was there a way to execute the order by repainting the rooms not more than 64 times?


(Figure 1)

Reply Wed 13 Feb, 2013 05:45 pm
Make horizontal passes through every other row and vertical passes through every other column.
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Reply Wed 13 Feb, 2013 06:26 pm
You can easily get it down to 62 by bypassing the white corner that would have been painted twice.
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Reply Thu 14 Feb, 2013 02:36 pm
Hi Mark, I note what you say, but any horizontal line thru a diagonal (or vice versa) would change the floor color… Therefore every time you enter the white floor must be painted black:

Ie. “…repainting floors in all the rooms he visited from white to black, (and vice versa.)”

So to leave a floor white you would either have to keep out – or paint it twice.

However, to keep you thinking; I can get round in 60. ;o)
Reply Thu 14 Feb, 2013 10:32 pm
Well, 60 is better than 62, but I stand by my solution. After going horizontally across every other row (four horizontal trips - rows 1, 3, 5, 7), you have black and white horizontal stripes. After going vertically through every other column (four horizontal trips - columns 1, 3, 5, 7), you have the checkerboard. I don't know what diagonals you're referring to. Half the whites will be unpainted; the other half will be painted twice.
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Reply Mon 18 Feb, 2013 05:02 pm
The algorithm presented (Figure 2). requires the total of 13 + 11 + (1+1+3+1) = 30 room repaintings for the half of the rooms in the palace.

The other half—symmetric to the first one with respect to the main diagonal—can be taken care of in the same manner. Thus, the entire job can be done by repainting the rooms 60 times.


The following problem should not be attempted – or even read by humans.

A light bulb is connected to n switches in such a way that it lights up only when all the switches are closed.

Each switch is controlled by a push button; pressing the button toggles the switch, but there is no way to know the state of the switch.

Can you design a way to turn on the light bulb with the minimum number of button pushes needed in the worst case?

If you worry that you aren't creative, buy a gym membership and see how many excuses you find not to use it.

Reply Mon 18 Feb, 2013 05:49 pm
The painter was allowed to exit the room and reenter it at another door.

In step 5, the white square is exited via the north door and reentered via the same door.

light switches:
Using a Gray code, it will take at most (2^n)-1 button pushes.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Feb, 2013 04:54 pm
The painter was allowed to exit the room and reenter it at another door.”

I maybe a hick from the sticks and a stranger to fair play and compassion…
But in this instance; I agree the wording is ambiguous – and if it constrained your answer then consider it changed from (another) to ‘any’ door.

Your answer working with the options as you saw them is correct.

Light switches:
Mark pushes the right buttons.

The puzzle can be solved by the following recursive algorithm for pushing the buttons numbered from 1 to n. If n = 1 and the light is off, push button 1. If n > 1 and the light is off, apply the algorithm recursively to the first n − 1 buttons.

If this fails to turn the light on, push button n and, if the light is still off, apply the algorithm to the first n − 1 buttons again.
The recurrence for the number of button pushes in the worst case is M(n) = 2M(n − 1) + 1 for n > 1, M(1) = 1, whose solution is M(n) = 2n − 1.

Alternatively, since a switch can be in one of the two states, it can be thought of as a bit in an n-bit string in which 0 and 1 represent, say, the initial and opposite states of the switch, respectively.

The total number of such bit strings (switch configurations) is equal to 2n; one of them represents an initial state, the remaining 2n − 1 bit strings contain the one that will turn on the light bulb. In the worst case, all these 2n − 1 switch combinations will have to be checked.

To accomplish this with the minimum number of button pushes, every push must produce a new switch combination.

There are several algorithms that start with a bit string of n zeros and generate all the other 2n −1 bit strings by changing just a single bit at a time.

The most well-known of them is the so-called binary reflected Gray code, which can be constructed as follows. If n = 1, return the list 0, 1. If n > 1, generate recursively the list of bit strings of size n − 1 and make a copy of this list; then add 0 in front of each bit string in the first list and add 1 in front of each bit string in the second list; finally, append the second list in reversed order to the first list.

For example, the algorithm generates the following bit string sequence for n = 4:
0000 0001 0011 0010 0110 0111 0101 0100
1100 1101 1111 1110 1010 1011 1001 1000

To return to the puzzle, we can number the switches from 1 to n right to left and use the sequence of the Gray’s code bit strings for guidance about which buttons to push: if the next bit string differs from its immediate predecessor in the ith bit from the right, we push button number i. For example, for four switches, it will guide us to push the buttons in the following sequence:

The first solution is based on the decrease-by-one strategy. The second solution takes advantage of two strategies: representation change (to represent switches and their buttons by bit strings) and decrease-by-one (to generate the Gray code).

The puzzle was proposed and solved by J. Rosenbaum in 1938 [Ros38] by the method described above—years before the U.S. patents were granted for the Gray code invention.

M. Gardner mentioned this puzzle in his article about Gray codes [Gar86, p. 21]; the article also included applications to two better-known Lois Gros who should be considered a true inventor of this code in view of Gros’1872 book on the Chinese Rings [Knu11, pp. 284–285].

Can you link all the dots with six lines?

Given an n×n point lattice (intersection points of n consecutive horizontal and n consecutive vertical lines on common graph paper), where n > 2, cross out all the points by 2n − 2 straight lines without lifting your pen from the paper.

You may cross the same point more than once, but you cannot redraw any portion of the same line.

(A ‘greedy’ solution for n = 4, shown in Figure 1, has seven lines instead of the six required by the A2K schools Superintendent.)


FIGURE 1. Crossing 16 points by 7 lines.
Reply Tue 19 Feb, 2013 06:54 pm
paint: I wouldn't have done any better with the wording changed.

a b
d,g |
o---o---o---o e
| \ / |
o o o o
| X |
o o o o
| / \ |
f c

o = lattice point
a-g = labels showing direction

It helped knowing the solution to the 3x3 problem.
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Reply Wed 20 Feb, 2013 04:40 pm
Excellent thinking Mark; proving there is more than one way to think outta the box!

Figure presents solutions for n = 3, 4, and 5. They show how a 2n − 2 segment path through the n2 points can be obtained from a 2(n − 1) – 2 segment path through the (n − 1)2 points by adding to the latter two segments— one vertical and one horizontal—each passing through the next column and row of the n points.


After the puzzle’s instance for n = 3 is solved, the path-construction algorithm implements the decrease-and-conquer strategy bottom up.
The case of n = 3 is one of the all-time favored puzzles. Because of the nature of the solution, it is often claimed as the source of the expression “thinking outside the box.” Both Henry Dudeney and Sam Loyd published it about a century ago.

Dudeney also considered the cases of n = 7 and n = 8 [Dud58, Problems 329–332]. The general case given here was included with a reference to the solution by M. S. Klamkin published in the February 1955 issue of American Mathematical Monthly (p. 124).

I have invented a super-strong milk carton. For publicity purposes, I want to determine the highest floor in A2K’s 100-story building from which such a carton can fall without breaking.

I have given a tester two identical cartons to experiment with. Of course, the same carton can be dropped multiple times unless it breaks.

What is the minimum number of droppings that is guaranteed to determine the highest safe floor in all cases?

Reply Wed 20 Feb, 2013 07:43 pm
milk carton

test 1: floor 14 - if it breaks, test floors 1-13 with other carton
test 2: floor 27 (14+13) - if it breaks, test floors 15-26 with other carton
test 3: floor 39 (27+12) - if it breaks, test floors 28-38 with other carton
and so forth...

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Reply Thu 21 Feb, 2013 04:10 pm
Mark drops in:

LetH(k) be the maximum number of floors for which the problem can be solved in k drops. The first drop has to be made from floor k because if the carton breaks, each of the lower k − 1 floors will need to be tested sequentially starting with the first floor.

If the first drop does not break the carton, the second drop has to be made from floor k +(k −1) to be prepared for the possibility that if the carton breaks, each of the k − 2 floors from floor k + 1 to floor 2k − 2 need to be tested sequentially.

On repeating this argument for the remaining k −2 drops, we obtain the following formula for H(k):
H(k) = k + (k − 1) + • • • + 1 = k(k + 1)/2.

(Alternatively, one can get the same formula for H(k) by solving the recurrence H(k) = k + H(k − 1) for k > 1, H(1) = 1.)

What remains to be done to answer the puzzle’s question is to find the smallest value of k such that k(k + 1)/2 ≥ 100.

This value is k = 14. The first carton can be dropped from floors 14, 27, 39, 50, 60, 69, 77, 84, 90, 95, 99, and 100 until it breaks, and if this happens, the second carton is to be dropped from each consecutive floor starting with the next floor after the last successfully tested one.

This solution is not unique: the first drop can also be executed from floors 13, 12, 11, and 10, with corresponding adjustments of the other drops, of course.


CAPITALISM, AMERICAN STYLE -You have two cows. You sell one, buy a bull, and build a herd of cows.

BUREAUCRACY, AMERICAN STYLE -You have two cows. The government takes the milk and pays you for it and then pours the milk down the drain.

DEMOCRACY, AMERICAN STYLE -You have two cows. The government taxes you to the point you have to sell both to support a man in a foreign country who has only one cow, which was a gift from your government.

DEMOCRAT -You have two cows. Your neighbor has none. You feel guilty for being successful.

REPUBLICAN -You have two cows. Your neighbor has none. So?

Not wanting the milk to go to waste…..

The Seven Dwarfs* are having breakfast, and Snow White has just poured them some milk. Before drinking, the dwarfs have a ritual. First, Dwarf #1 splits his milk equally among his brothers' mugs (leaving himself with nothing).

Then Dwarf #2 does the same with his milk, etc. The process continues around the table, until Dwarf #7 has distributed his milk in this way. (Note that Dwarf #7 is named Dopey!)

At the end, each dwarf has exactly the same amount of milk as he started with!

If the total amount of milk was 42 ounces, how much milk did each dwarf have at the beginning?

*persons of restricted growth.

Reply Thu 21 Feb, 2013 06:38 pm
pouring milk:

12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0

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