Kolyo, it is said that many seek enlightenment by answering a question posed here; in your case you have found Nirvana – your answer is perfect.
Welcome and please be seated at the top table.
Mark, you are correct regarding the coins.
Digits: the first 99 pages require 189 digits - that leaves 1389/3=463 more pages - total number of pages is 562”
And also with the total number of pages; and your answer is much more succinct than mine.
Let D(n) be the total number of decimal digits in the first n positive integers
(book pages). The first nine numbers are one-digit, therefore D(n) = n for 1 ≤
n ≤ 9. The next 90 numbers from 10 to 99, inclusive, are two-digits. Hence,
D(n) = 9 + 2(n − 9) for 10 ≤ n ≤ 99.
The maximal value of D(n) for this range is D(99) = 189, which means that some
three-digit numbers are needed to reach the total digit count of 1578 given in the puzzle. There are 900 three-digit decimals, which leads to the formula
D(n) = 189 + 3(n − 99) for 100 ≤ n ≤ 999.
To answer the puzzle’s question, we need to solve the equation
189 + 3(n − 99) = 1578.
Its solution is n = 562. Ha-ha, just follow Mark’s example!
If we generate a list of all “words” made of letters G, I, N, R, T, and U in lexicographic order starting with GINRTU and ending with UTRNIG……
What position in the list will be occupied by TURING?
More damn coins!
The object of this conundrum is to place the LARGEST possible number of coins at points of the eight-pointed star depicted below.
The coins must be placed one after another, with the following restrictions:
(i) A coin needs to be placed first on any unoccupied point and then moved along a straight line to another unoccupied point, and…
(ii) Once a coin has been positioned in this manner, it cannot be moved again; I mean, totally verboten!
For example, we can start by placing the first coin on point 6 and then moving it to point 1 (denoted 6→1), where the coin will have to remain. Kapish!
Please list the order of your moves, the first to place all eight will receive the highest award A2K can offer – Thank you.
Oh, I will run nekkid round Times Square carrying a chicken.