Dear adversaries, I would like to congratulate y’all as I have nothing but admiration for your perspicacity and talent for finding the mot juste.
As for LOL berating me for a topographical lexicon malfunction due entirely to the juxtaposition of the ‘u’ and ‘i’ keys; please except my floccinaucinihilipilification apologies.
To make amends for my manual dexterity Freudian slip may I present for your edification:
The objective is to fill a 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 sub-grids that compose the grid contains all of the digits from 1 to 9. Out of contrition I have provided a partially completed grid, which typically has a unique solution.
Completed puzzles are always a type of Latin square with an additional constraint on the contents of individual regions. For example, the same single integer may not appear twice in the same 9×9 playing grid row or column or in any of the nine 3×3 sub regions of the 9×9 playing grid.
May the force be with you.