Oylok wrote:
Nice job, markr, that's what I got, too.
(Just letting you know, so that your post would not just be hanging there with zero acknowledgement.

Hey, hold up there partner; to say, '
nice job Mark' is my job!
Let's get some ground rules straight from the get go:
Número uno. I post up an impossible puzzle, Mark answers it over coffee, allowing himself enough time to complete the New York Times crossword.
Rule to. Check spelling and grammer then go>to ruel won.
Nevertheless, you will find me magnanimous in defeat and I therefore concede that you both made a lucky guess and came up with the correct answer.
By the way, "
...hanging there with zero acknowledgement."
Zero is a number is it not, thus by definition- Mark had a number of acknowledgements!
Quid pro quo.
However, before I forget my manners may I welcome ( fill name in here ) to the red hot Riddles thread. Your confirmation was admirable and even though I have never been in the Navy do you know how difficult it is to get on the net when working at -400 feet?
I feel I must warn you that this thread is not for wimps or tree huggers, No Sir-ee Bob , only red necks, hillbillies and bayou folk are allowed. Iffin you meet the strict criteria and have a pretty sister - welcome! If not; mind the door don't...
Mark old buddy, how good it is to see you again, I hope you and the family are well and prospering despite the unfavourable economic conditions. Do you still manage to find time to play squash?
I would call round to buy you both a drink but I forgot your house number and I have to check your age, so grab a calculator and let's run through some numbers...
Enter your house number.
Double it.
Add 42.
Multiply by 50.
Subtract the year of your birth. (All four digits).
subtract 50.
Add the number of birthdays you have had this year. i.e. 0 or 1.
Then subtract 40 from the total...
The last two digits are your age and the rest no matter how long are your house number.
Am I correct or what!
Apart from the fact that you are both old enough to drink; can you tell me how this works?
Wait up! I don't get paid $200,000 per annum by A2K to ask such easy questions...
Try to get your head round this problem...
Due to the increased A2K membership our bountiful leader leads us to a new star and the forum begins to settle, this star is named Dunroming.
However the chief moderators of the 20 Groups can't agree and setup on the nearest planets, all of which are in circular orbits spaced out at distances of 1, 2, 3, ......20 astral units from Dunroming.
Now, to keep the planets computers running and to supply software updates the old Dunroming space droid travels at one astral unit per day and due to a programming malfunction visits the planets in the order1-2-1-3-1-4...1-20-1.
Every whatever years the planets fall into an alignment that allows the droid to fly back and forth along a single straight line staying on the same side. Ignoring the time taken to land, deliver, have a coffee and take off etc, and assume each planet is a point and nothing gets in the way.
How long does the a2k droid take to complete a full system update?