Magnum wrote, "Is it possible that the slow train travels with 36 mph"
Answer; It sure is. Very well done.
In fact, that goes for both of you. What took me days, you managed in minutes. Excellent.
Merchant's Hats
The young man who got the correct answer first reasoned like this:
There are two red hats and three black hats, and the merchant is wearing a red one. This leaves one red and three black. If the other felllow is wearing the red hat, then I must be wearing a black and I know the answer right away. But I look at the other fellow and see that he is not wearing the red hat--he has a black on. This makes it a bit more difficult. I cannot tell if I'm wearing a red or black hat. What to do, what to do... But wait! The other fellow is puzzled too! He has not said anything yet! This must mean that I am not wearing the red hat, otherwise he would have said so. I am wearing a black hat!
Can you save a life, or two?
10 straight-jacketed prisoners are on death row. Tomorrow they will be arranged in single file, all facing one direction. The guy in the front of the line (he can't see anything in front of him) will be called the 1st guy, and the guy in the back of the line (he can see the heads of the other nine people) will be called the 10th guy. An executioner will then put a hat on everyone's head; the hat will either be black or white, totally random. Prisoners cannot see the color of their own hat.
The executioner then goes to the 10th guy and asks him what color hat he is wearing; the prisoner can respond with either "black" or "white". If what he says matches the color of the hat he's wearing, he will live. Else, he dies. The executioner then proceeds to the 9th guy, and asks the same question, then asks the 8th guy ... this continues until all of the prisoners have been queried.
This is the night before the execution. The prisoners are allowed to get together to discuss a plan for maximizing the number of lives saved tomorrow. What is the best plan