Something a little easier for the weekend: Answers:
a) If the removal of your appendix is called, an appendectomy, and the removal of your tonsils is called a tonsillectomy, what is the operation called that removes growth from your head?

b) What would you call someone who did not have all of his fingers on his left hand?

c) If it takes six men 66 days to dig six holes, how long will it take one man to dig half a hole?

There is no such thing as half a hole.
Relative, the cube question was brilliant. Although I would not wish to take sides, I do have a degree of sympathy with Iacomus (about 60). However, your decision is final, and I note the prize fund remains unspent. Perhaps this answer will prompt a small cash advance.
How much time had Sam been walking from the Ol' farm station?

40 minutes.
Ok, Picture a field that is exactly 110 meters square and dead in the centre of that field is a Mule. Now the field is bordered by white fencing all along its northern edge, its southern edge and all along the eastern and western borders.
There is no way out of the field apart from through the gate at the northern border where the north fence meets the eastern fence. With me so far? Can you picture the nice square field with its lush green grass and white picket-style fencing, with a cute looking Mule.
Due to the fact that that the Mule had a bad leg, he could only move at a rate of 2.25 meters per hour, for 1.5 hours. Then he has to sleep for six hours, before starting off again. If today was Friday at 12 noon and the Mule sleeps for 24 hours on Sunday.
How long would it take the Mule to get out of the field
A police officer was walking past a house. He heard someone cry, "Don't shoot me, John! Don't shoot!" There was one gunshot. The police officer entered the house and saw a lawyer, priest, and an engineer, gathered around a dead body.
The gun was on the floor. None of the suspects admitted the crime, or made a statement against the other. However, the priest was arrested and charged.
How did the police officer know
A man is replacing a wheel on his car, when he accidentally drops the four nuts used to hold the wheel on the car, and they fall into a deep drain, irretrievably lost. A passer by suggests a solution which enables him to drive home.
What is it