Welcome Max.

It is always good to see a new name in the Riddles section. If I failed to give the reasoning behind the China question. I do so now.
Intuitively, it may feel that the families are adopting a strategy favouring producing a son, but this is incorrect. The families expected number of sons is one, by the definition of the strategy. Nevertheless, the expected number of daughters does not drop. Consider:
There is a 1-in-2 chance that the son is the first-born, and so no daughters are born.
There is a 1-in-4 chance that the son is the second born, and so one daughter is born.
There is a 1-in-8 chance that the son is the third born, and so two daughters are born.
Therefore, the expected number of daughters is (.50 0 daughters) + (.25 1 daughter) + (.125 * 2 daughters)... = 0.5 daughters.
Hopeful answers to Relative's three questions.
There is as much wine in the Water bottle as water in the Wine bottle.
Speed of rotation. (Don't laugh)
320 kph
Three-Valued Logic
In three unnumbered pages from his unpublished notes written before 1910, Peirce developed what amounts to a semantics for three-valued logic. This is at least ten years before Emil Post's dissertation, which is usually cited as the origin of three-valued logic.
In his notes, Peirce experiments with three symbols representing truth values: V, L, and F. He associates V with "1" and "T", indicating truth. He associates F with "0" and "F", indicating falsehood. He associates L with "1/2" and "N", indicating perhaps an intermediate or unknown value.
Peirce defines a large number of unary and binary operators on these three truth values. The semantics for the operators is indicated by truth tables. Two examples are given here. First, the bar operator (indicated here by a minus sign) is defined as follows:
x V L F
-x F L V
Applied to truth the bar operator yields falsehood, applied to unknown it yields unknown and applied to falsehood it yields truth.
The Z operator is a binary operator which Peirce defines as follows:
V | V L F
L | L L F
F | F F F
Thus, the Z operator applied to a falsehood and anything else yields a falsehood. The Z operator applied to an unknown and anything but a falsehood yields an unknown. And the Z operator applied to a truth and some other value yields the other value.
The bar operator and the Z operator provide the essentials of a truth-functionally complete strong Kleene semantics for three-valued logic. In addition to these two strong Kleene operators, Peirce defines several other forms of negation, conjunction, and disjunction. The notes also provide some basic properties of some of the operators, such as being symmetric and being associative.
Calculus of Relations
Building on ideas of De Morgan, Peirce fruitfully applied the concepts of Boolean algebra to relations. Boolean algebra is concerned with operations on general or class terms. Peirce applied the same idea to what he called "relatives" or "relative terms." While his ideas evolved continually over time on this subject, fairly definitive presentations are found in Peirce (1870) and Peirce (1883). The calculus of relatives is developed further in Tarski (1941). A history of work on the subject is Maddux (1990).
Given relative terms such as "friend of" and "enemy of" (more briefly "f" and "e"), Peirce studied various operations on these terms such as the following:
(union) friend of or enemy of
A pair <a, b> stands in this relation if and only if if stands in one or both of the relations. In symbols "f + e".
(intersection) friend of and enemy of
A pair <a, b> stands in this relation if and only if if stands in both of the relations. In symbols "f . e".
(relative product) friend of an enemy of
A pair <a, b> stands in this relation if and only if there is a c such a is a friend of c and c is an enemy of b. In symbols "f ; e".
(relative sum) friend of every enemy of
A pair <a, b> stands in this relation if and only if a is the friend of every object c that is the enemy of b. In symbols "f , e" (Peirce uses a dagger rather than a comma)
(complement) is not a friend of
A pair <a, b> stands in this relation if and only if <a, b> does not stand in the friend-of relation. In symbols "-f" (Peirce places a bar over the relative term).
(converse) is one to whom the other is friend
A pair <a, b> stands in this relation if and only if b is a friend of a. In symbols "~f" (Peirce places an upwards facing semi-circle over the relative term).
Peirce presented numerous theorems involving his operations on relative terms. Examples of the numerous such laws identified by Peirce are:
~(r + s) = ~r + ~s
-(r ; s) = -r , -s
(r . s) , t = (r , s) . (r , t)
Peirce's calculus of relations has been criticized for remaining unnecessarily tied to previous work on Boolean algebra and the equational paradigm in mathematics. It has been frequently claimed that real progress in logic was only realized in the work of Frege and later work of Peirce in which the equational paradigm was dropped and the powerful expressive ability of quantification theory was realized.
Nevertheless, Peirce's calculus of relations has remained a topic of interest to this day as an alternative, algebraic approach to the logic of relations. It has been studied by Lowenheim, Tarski and others. Lowenheim's famous theorem was originally a result about the calculus of relations rather than quantification theory, as it is usually presented today.
Therefore, you can see, I have no idea.
Logicians' jokes
A logician saves the life of a space alien and is rewarded with an offer to
answer any question. After a thought he asks: What is the best question to ask and the correct answer to it? After a brief panic the alien consults her computer and says:
" The best question to ask is the one you just did and the correct answer to it is the one I gave."
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
But, in practice, there is.
Complete the following equations with +, -, *, /. Each number must appear in your equations (and only once).
1 2 3 4 = 28
e.g. [(2*3)+1]*4 = 28
2 3 4 5 = 28
3 4 5 6 = 28
4 5 6 7 = 28
11 scientists want to lock up important documents in a box. They want to attach padlocks to this box so that (any) 6 or more scientists can open the box, but 1 to 5 scientists should not be able to open it.
How many locks must be installed and how many keys must be distributed among the scientists