Should human rights be taken away from someone if they are diagnosed with schizophrenia?

peter jeffrey cobb
Reply Thu 5 May, 2011 04:59 pm
@High Seas,

well I cant understand why anyone else would take the time to tease a person with thats having a hardship with mental disoders? I am trying to understand. Is it just to be cruel? Help me out here quit the 'tease the disable guy' And explain to me if you have any legitamete concerns. If not can we leave this topic to people that have legitamete concerns? Please?
High Seas
Reply Thu 5 May, 2011 05:04 pm
@peter jeffrey cobb,
peter jeffrey cobb wrote:

well I cant understand why anyone else would take the time to tease a person with thats having a hardship with mental disoders? I am trying to understand. Is it just to be cruel?

I can't speculate on the motives behind the mean remarks made by "enlightened" on your threads - I just don't know him and so I have no basis for guessing. It may be cruelty, it may be some extension of his own problems, which appear to be severe. I'm ignoring his posts and I suggest you do the same Smile
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reasoning logic
Reply Thu 5 May, 2011 05:06 pm
I have a better question for you! Do most people that like hamsters also have an obsession with bad behavior? By the way I am not talking about you!
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peter jeffrey cobb
Reply Thu 5 May, 2011 05:09 pm
@peter jeffrey cobb,
Ok maybe youre not my Brother. But you seem to be wanting some help with what ever, so let me recomend my Brother to take care of youre problem. Hes name is Dr Jonh Cobb. He runs a practice in Lubbok Texas. Goggle it. Ask about me disapering and evreything else I wrote hes a proff and runs his own practice. He will confirm evreything I said. And if you having problems with substance abuse I recomend him. Look him talk to him if youre not him then ask him to see this site. I havent talked to him going on 2 years. And by the way if you decide to tease someone in my condition enough to were I decide to go in the ocean swim as far as I can and then finaly have peace in my mind. Well I believe you can be procecuted for that. So elighteen dude. Quit the online bullying please!!!!!
reasoning logic
Reply Thu 5 May, 2011 05:48 pm
@peter jeffrey cobb,
I think that he seen the light a few pages back and quit! I may be wrong but what he said may have been what he thought you needed! {not that I think it was}
You do realize that there are many others that think that way, "not only him. It is our environment that makes us respond the way we do so please try to forgive us when we say something offensive!

I find you to be very intellectual in my opinion and I do wonder if that may be a part of your problem!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 May, 2011 06:53 pm
It seems that enlightened one has resorted to being cruel? You both do understand that you are messing with someone who suffers at times from delusions? Don't think that if something happened to Pete as a result of your 'harmless banter' that you wouldn't be held responsible. People have gone to prison for their online behavior. Now, lets show some sensitivity to someone who has a mental disorder and quit with the online banter please? (I am begging for a bit of mercy here for my brother Pete... so don't miss it since I know him better than all of you.) Is it not obvious that you've upset Pete from his last post? Your 'harmless banter' might extremely funny on another thread, but you are upsetting someone very dear to me, and on this thread which is a journal of Pete's experience your comments are not appropriate. Please open another thread and post there and lets keep this thread LIGHT AND POSITIVE AND SUPPORTIVE PLEASE. Pete I also recommend if he doesn't stop that you block his posts!!!! Pete...there's no reason for you to have your mind thrown in overdrive trying to 'solve a problem' about why someone would do this or attribute this to your brother, who is likely not involved here? And I agree with the other poster, that your brothers license to practice would be at stake if he posted what the 'un'enlightened one has posted here. So guys, take it somewhere else please, we're here to support Pete or please step off ok?
peter jeffrey cobb
Reply Fri 6 May, 2011 10:35 pm
Thank you. Sorry I was slow to repond. Its not easy to be open like I have been doing. And I want to thank all of you for supporting me. Sometimes I overtink something too much......well actualy I do that nonstop it seems like. Thats were delusions come in I think. Its not from seeing a pink elephant marching down the road. I understand the comical pictures someone has of my disease. Like a little demon and an angel on each side of the shoulder. I assure you those are not my expirences. My delusions come from over discusing stuff in my mind. My voices are like 2 brains having a discusion I assume that no one else has that well maybe %1 of the population. It maybe as simple as 2 wires conecting in the brain highway or it may be a simple part of evolution. I dont know. I dont know how a ant has the brain power it has nor a cockroach. I mean compare brain sizes and yet they acomplish so much with it. if a piece of your brain the size of an ants brain can do so much well it makes it hard to understand a brain the size of ours should be able to do. So the brain I think we are a long ways from understanding its complexity. Just trying to accept my disease is hard enough. Its a sociable unaceptable type of thing. If theres a crime in society the persons mental status seems to be the first thing in question. Not hunger or desperation or what lead that person to come into that situation were they had to comit a crime for what ever porpose. Sometimes is just that a delusion the reason the crime was comited. But I do believe its very rare. Most times I think is more something done out of desperation. 'Cant pay the rent, Cant feed the kids. cant support the drug habbit. or is just plain old hungry or even because you may want something that you dont have. I belive that and emotions are 99% of the crimes. Not because you have a disease like mine. Ok Im of subject here lol sorry. Any ways I just wanted to thank yall for helping me thru this difficult proccess Again. Thank you!!
peter jeffrey cobb
Reply Fri 13 May, 2011 09:07 pm
@peter jeffrey cobb,
Voices seem louder than normal today. My thought patters are chopy. Having trouble remembering when I took my medicine And I have a new daily divider to remind me to take the medicine apropietly. I been trying to disproff the voice in my head is not God to myself with little result. I am not sure thats possible to do. It seems so logical but hard to argue against. Will metion all this on my next appointment.
peter jeffrey cobb
Reply Fri 13 May, 2011 10:03 pm
@peter jeffrey cobb,
See to me I must always decide on whats Rational right? So heres the argument I put forth. To me Even God Must Be Defined. ok So heres the argument. From God came evreything. There is nothing that I know of that is not part of God. So God is like that thing that existed before the Big bang and it went ... Well BAng that to me is logical. Not like some dude walking around sayin hey ask me anything ill do poof and its done like a magician or something......cause that dont make sense. So to me God is that thing that existed before the big bang. Now that also means theres no God + something else either to me evreything is part of God. So by my defenition I am try to argue that against my mind and the come back is well if evreything is God then im God too so is everthing. What argument can I put up against that?
Reply Sat 14 May, 2011 05:30 am
@peter jeffrey cobb,
Good morning, Pete. I'm just catching up with this thread. It seems like things were improving there for a while at least. I'm glad to see that. As to your current thoughts on rationalizing God, take a look at panentheism (not pantheism, which is something else). I'm not on a computer right now that allows me to give you a link, but what you're describing fits in with the idea of panentheism.
peter jeffrey cobb
Reply Sat 14 May, 2011 07:55 am
Good morning yes Someone else posted a link to the defenition of that and it makes sense. Smile
peter jeffrey cobb
Reply Sun 15 May, 2011 11:49 am
@peter jeffrey cobb,
Ok my goal today is to fight my symptoms tooth and nail. I shaved off my beard begun doing pull ups, sit ups and push ups. Tomorroy I am going to the Va or SS officee or both and ask if they can find me a job that dont involve much transportation or too much social conttact like welding or simple assembly. Ok back to cleaning house.
Reply Sun 15 May, 2011 03:44 pm
@peter jeffrey cobb,
Wow! Go Pete!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 May, 2011 05:09 pm
@peter jeffrey cobb,
Hey, sweety. Can I ask you a thing or two before you get that job?

Are you on disability now? If you are, please talk to me or your social worker before accepting a job. Even though you may feel really good today - accepting a job may have LONG TERM SERIOUS consequences for you.

Just trying to save you trouble.
peter jeffrey cobb
Reply Mon 16 May, 2011 06:22 am
I applied for disability and it was denied. They said this part of the proccess. I make $123 a month from an unrelated Army disability. The docs all tell me is how the proccess works. I had some savings from I waroked before now its gone. My mother that was kind enough to wach over me and feed me just had her 70th Bday. She reminds regular that shes her time in this world is coming to an end. I have tried medications with little success. The 'proccess for the SS disability its going past a year now. If I fail and my mom passes away? Have you ever tryed to live on $123 a month? What other options do I have? I know that I am not well. But realy I am at the end of my rope. Aometimes I am felling GRadios And some I am felling pretty close to suicidal depressed. SS has failed me for this proccess for over a year. HYave you ever tryed to live on $123 a month? Did I metion my mom thats fedding me reminds me regular shes dying? What is my other options? Commit a crime or find a job or suicide or what? Tell me this proccess that takes 1 or 5 years or what ever. Its made so we can save tax dollars they tell me in the internet. I wonder how many people lost their lifes waiting for this proccess? So I am going to the soccial security officce and say fine I am out of options Iam stressesd I have lost over %25 of my body weight waiting on this proccess. It is making me worst because its something else in my conferance room. So my mind is realy going crazzy right now soory guess i was just venting before I left. Have a good day.
peter jeffrey cobb
Reply Mon 16 May, 2011 11:10 am
@peter jeffrey cobb,
Well dint go well. I can chalk up getting a job as a delusion at the moment. I left the house and was having severe anxiety. My mind was going thru all kinds of scenerios. It debaded suicide but then it debated is not the right thing to do it would just make me another statisc. When I got in the bus I felt people looking at me as I loooked at the ground so I wouldnt look at traffic. I know well pretty sure people cant read each others minds but like an animal they can sense when something is wrong. Or maybe my anxiety and shaking hands give it away Im not sure. But I ended up leaving the bus and walking the last mile. Birds and animals sense the same i think for many came arround me and stared chirpping . So I chirped with them and I felt better. When I got to the office It was room full of people waiting in chairs. I grabbed a number found a corner to sit at. As people chatered they semmed to interact with my voices. So I put my fingers in my ears to quit them down. And stared getting more anxios. They finaly called my number and I walked up to the window. I came with the purpose to find a job but what came out was " I have filled over a year ago for SS I am suicidal on my last straw and I came to you guys for help". They guy behind the window asked for my ss number and name and looked in the computer. "yes I see they working on your case" I said a few things and cant recal exactly what but then he said let me get you someone that has more time to talk to you they will call you by name. So back to my corner I went. Someone came and sat by me and told me he was a fellow skitso. I kind of expplained my situation then they called him before I finished. But I felt better knowing someone else is walking in my footsteps. They finaly called me in. By the time I got to the back to her desk and set back down all my anxiety poured. And I told her I just dont know what else to do I came to yall over a year ago. I make $123 a month and I tryed to explain my condition. Some stuff that came out wasnt right to say I know. Like I asked I understand this proccess is made to take a long time so it saves Tax payers $. And then I asked her how many people in position just gave up in life and how much tax payer $ was saved...I mean if your dead then it must be a huge savings for the taxpayer. I know these things are wrong to say but I was in the middle of a serios anxiety attack. She gave me some numbers to call for further assistance. I explained How hard it was for me just to make it to her officce and she said they would meet me at home. I said thank you several times and left the officce. Went to the bus stop and noticed my bus pass was getting close to looking like a toothpick from how much I crumpled it unoticingly. The bus driver gave me a new pass and I was able to stay in the bus all the way home. As I was leaving the bus I questioned myself if I had taken my medication. When I got upstairs I looked at my new pill separator to help me remember to not over take my medications and turned out i had not taken last nights or this morning medication. I am not sure how much 24 hours without medication was part of all this anxiety I felt. But I have another 2 weeks before next doc appt and I think I need to see em before then. Gona try to calm my mind down for a bit. Thank for creating this place for me to vent. I have found better treatment in this site and the Game site than any medication I have tryed so far. Thank Yall again!!
Reply Mon 16 May, 2011 11:34 am
@peter jeffrey cobb,
Oh, man... sounds like a brutal ordeal.

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if missing two doses of your meds was at least partly responsible for your anxiety spike. Beyond using the pill separator to keep track of your daily dosage, what can you do to ensure that you look in it every day (twice/day)? Would moving it to a place that you're more likely to see it help?

And, yes, if you think you need to see the doc sooner than two weeks from now then by all means do that.

Sorry it's all so painfully difficult for you.
Reply Mon 16 May, 2011 03:30 pm
@peter jeffrey cobb,
hang in there, dude...
Reply Mon 16 May, 2011 03:30 pm
@peter jeffrey cobb,
Hey! Sorry you had such a difficult day. I wonder if you have a caseworker? There should be a local clinic that has people on staff whose job it is to help people with your particular illness. I wish you'd take advantage of them. You deserve their help. Do you have a caseworker? Do you get your meds from a clinic? You qualify for disability. They usually deny people the first time. I used to be a caseworker, and I filed a few times for people until they began receiving checks.

If something happens to your mom, there is a network of people who could help you find a place to live, get you to the doctor, help with meds and the money is enough to live on. Just barely - but enough. They also talk to you - listen to how you're doing, give you strategies to cope with those voices and other helpful stuff.

I think working a job is too stressful for you right now.
peter jeffrey cobb
Reply Mon 16 May, 2011 10:50 pm
Thank you Smile
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