@peter jeffrey cobb,
Good to know. Next question then - do you know the difference between hypnosis and meditation?
Hypnosis purpose is to achieve a goal, while meditations purpose is to achieve 'nothingness'. Yet both access the same end tool - the subconscious mind. I'm not saying go out and get hypnotised (it may not work, but that's another discussion)...I'm saying meditation is good for some things, and other methods are good for other things.
If you are familiar with a little of how the brain and mind works - in our brain we form 'connections' throughout our lives that automate how our lives work at a subconscious level, and those automations spill over into our 'conscious' life. Thought 'patterns' are automated responses (though they may take a slightly different shape each time, the 'structure/process/methodology' of the thought patterns remains mostly the same).
While I guess, without medication, you probably won't fix the underlying problem (I wouldn't say that's guaranteed), it may be possible to change the obsessive / automated thought processes...but it would be a hell of a lot of work.
Of course, I'm not a psychologist, so what I've said may be worth Jack, but I do believe it possible to change the way we think - I've had some degree of sucess myself, eliminating fears, changing attitudes, changing beliefs (all these are automated)... changing the way I interact...it's still all me, but the underlying reasons change, and therefore so does the end result.