Quote: All he really needs to be equipped is to have enough money to hire someone to tweak the right eggs. Maybe he'll get that from his book?
Anyway, I don't care if he recreates a real dino, or if all he gets is a bald chicken with a tail and fingers, that alone would be pretty cool :-)
If you read the article in WIRED, I dont think he has ANY plans to back engineer anything. I believe its only book sales hype.
DAvid then spake
Quote:CLEARLY. I don 't think he's a geneticist.
Are you even in the same conversation as I am Dave? I said that at the beginning of your thread. Horner is acting just like an investigative reporter and is sending you information that he knows is of an elementary nature. You seem to want to give him credit for something that hes technically unequipped to even propose.
Maybe ,LArsen , Sean Carroll or Craig Venter can play with this