Politcal Views

Reply Thu 2 Sep, 2004 08:37 am
well along comes the anarchist who isn't;
a medical protocal issue not a legislative one.

welfare, being the ugly word that it has become should revert to it's original meaning "welfare." I believe that a nation, a society of people that can, should be able to provide for all the people the essentials of a decent standard of living which would include education, sustenance, shelter and medical attention without a determination of "eligibility." the individual then has the options of accepting or rejecting via his/her own self-determination.

Gun Control
I am and always have been, a gun owner. While it may be somewhat of a tradition, particularly here in the "old west" there does need to be considered some level of restriction in the use of guns. I would endorse laws currently in existence that severely punish "illegal" usage of guns, promoting personal responsibility.

Foreign Policy (briefly)
be a good neighbor while recognizing that the world exists beyond national borders (nationalsim is tribal in nature and the world is too small to continue in this manner)

Perhaps the most important and significant issue of a society. America seems to be unable to grow out of the rural 18th century mindset of "local" education. I would have the highest possible education services made available to all from pre-school through, at least, 4 yrs of college while at the same time bring back vocational/trade schools to equal footing in "higher education."

Death Penalty
murder by the state is no less heinous than murder by an individual.

Environmental Policy
the world is our crib, don't **** in it.

another buzzword not unlike "communism" meant to illicit fear rather than rational action. should be regarded in a criminal context rather than a political one

Military Spending
Defense not Offense

provide information/education, forget criminalization.
Homosexual marriages
this is an issue?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Sep, 2004 08:51 am
Re: Politcal Views
Thomas wrote:
....As serious threats go, gun and car accidents threaten more Amerians than islamist terrorism. Everybody in their right mind thinks that civil liberties take precedence over preventing car and gun accidents; preventing these accidents neither merit curbs on civil rights such as the PATRIOT act, nor the bending of international law as practiced in Guantanamo Bay, nor war. And since we're talking about bigger threats than islamic terrorism here, I think these measures aren't justified in the war on terror either.

I don't think there are clear either/or alternatives here. We try to both preserve civil liberties and limit deaths by vehicle accidents and shootings. There are inescapable cross connections with respect to both principles. In the main the Patriot Act removed restaints on government that were unique to the U.S., and do not exist in Europe. I don't consider this a disproportionate (or permanent) limit to our civil liberties.

I agree with you that the notion of a 'war on terror' is absurd. Terror is a technique, not an enduring identifiable set of nations or people. However I do beleive the West faces certain challenges that do threaten its security in a serious way, one that goes well beyond the damage so far inflicted on us. (Though it all began several generations ago after the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire at the hands of Britain and France.)

Concerning what you think the point is, I agree about the backwardness of (some) Islamic nations, but I disagree that the United States' should -- or even can -- push them forward against their will. This is something the Arabians and Iranians have to figure out for themselves. And the examples of Turkey, Indonesia, Bahrein, Quatar, and the United Arab Emirates look encouraging enough to me to take a hands-off approach.

Your point about 'good examples' is well taken, though I would delete Indonesia from your list and replace it with Malaysia and Oman. With that change in mind, it is well worth noting that the serious unrest, instability and backward-looking anger towards the West is concentrated in the most populous Moslem states, from Indonesia to Pakistan, Iran, to most of the Arab world, Egypt, Sudan, Algeria, and parts of sub Saharan Africa. Though some are dealing well enough with modernism and developent, the overall lack of progress and any evident alternative to Jhad should - in my view - be a matter of enough concern to obviate any notion that 'everything will work out, if we ony give them the time to do it'. Europe, with the additional problems of accelerating depopulation and burdensome social welfare systems, faces an even more proximate social and economic threat.

Certainly the damage so far inflicted on the West is not great on an absolute scale, but neither was that inflicted on third century Rome by the early Goth incursions in Dacia. However a flaccid response by Rome encouraged far greater inroads that later devastated much of the empire for decades. One either rises to meet such challenges or is overcome by them.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2004 03:03 pm
Abortion - Pro-LIFE. (Would outlaw "Partial-Birth" abortions)

Welfare - Support child-care benefits for getting off welfare, tax incentives for hiring welfare recipients. I do not oppose helping the needy. I do not favor supporting generations of loafers.

Gun Control - Oppose. Favor background checks, safety courses, license before gun purchase. Also safety devices on all new guns

Foreign Policy - Insure global stability through a strong military, even if it means cutting domestic programs. (This is it in a nutshell, having deleted the long, complicated version).

Education - Favor the No Child Left Behind act, favor vouchers for public, private or religious

Death Penalty - I would not be in favor of abolishing the death penalty. I would not oppose a national review of dealth penalty fairness, however.

Environmental Policy - Favor: Tougher fuel efficiency standards, mandatory clean air emissions standards. Oppose: Oil drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge.

Terrorism - Of Soviet communism (said George Kennan) "it bears within it the seeds of its own decay." It's the same with terrorism, and it will eventually lose.

Military Spending - If they need it, they get it. Period.

Drugs - The harshest penalties for pushers/dealers. Oppose legalization.

Homosexual marriages - Equal rights for civil unions.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2004 04:10 pm
Re: Politcal Views
I hate the thought, but I also hate the thought of unwanted children.
Unrestricted until the third month. Restricted to cases of rape, incest, or mother's health for the duration. No PBA.

Everyone should have access to this umbrella, who have fallen on hard times. Welfare, coupled with worker training, and hey--throw in a couple of mandatory parenting and money management courses-- as well, should be provided. Time limited.

Gun Control
No assault weapons sold. No fancy shoot 'em up weapons. Handguns, rifles OK. A mandatory waiting period and background check. And, sorry ACLU, but no one with a domestic violence, or any other violence arrest--or mental illness gets a gun. They can get target practice and hunt on the XBox.

Foreign Policy (briefly)
Continue to support democracies. Continue to support current status of the US. Continue to share wealth, and assist in crisis. No nation building. No unilateralism, in peacekeeping or war--unless threatened.

Can't say. We've thrown money at, come up with innovative plans... <throws hands up> Give No Child Left Behind a chance to see if it produces any improvement.

Death Penalty
Against the death penalty.

Environmental Policy
Really should step up, but not Kyoto. Start staging reductions in pollution--in a graded way--but not so fast and so much as to hurt industry. Starting is an improvement.

George is doing great.

Military Spending

Continue. (Kidding.) I'm leaning toward legalization, and taxation.

Homosexual marriages
Its crazy that this is even a question in 2004.

I guess that's a start. Add on any other issues you want....[/quote]
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2004 04:21 pm
Abortion - in favor

Welfare - favor

Gun Control - favor

Foreign Policy (briefly) - Think before attacking. Get Bush out of there. Strong military, used judiciously.

Education - No child left behind program got left behind. Need a real pro education administration.

Death Penalty - oppose

Environmental Policy - We have none at present.

Terrorism - kill them if you can. Look to the root causes of terrorism and seek ways to de-fuse the situation.

Military Spending - scale down drastically.

Drugs - Are harmful, but I would legalise some of them.

Homosexual marriages - their business, not mine

I guess that's a start. Add on any other issues you want....

Reign in the military/industrial complex.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2004 04:30 pm
Re: Politcal Views
Sofia wrote:
Death Penalty
Against the death penalty.

George is doing great.

Continue. (Kidding.) I'm leaning toward legalization, and taxation.

heyyyyy... you're kinda o.k. for a republican... :wink:

for- in "special circumstances", i.e. 1st degree, kidnapping/rape/murder (especially children. in which case, kill 'em twice) and few others.

eeehhhhhhh. most would do at least as well, some would do better. i say this with the caveat that iraq is not the war on terror. iraq is tge war on iraq.

drugs? really?? legalization and taxation? wow! you really do get it, don'tcha?? legalization removes 99% of the related crime and taxation pays for among other things, (gulp!) rehab Laughing

other issues; religion out of government and government out of religion.
"one nation, indivisible"
"the god i believe in isn't short of cash, mister."
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2004 04:39 pm
I've morphed with my drug stance.

I really was concerned about the kids, seeing drugs are legal and thinking if it's approved by the gov--it is OK. And, I thought of all the alcohol problems people have--I thought drugs would multiply domestic violence and neglected children. So, it hurts me--but I'd dearly love to throw the drug dealing jackals out of business and regulate it.

I really think that's the only rational choice. Tax it.

Anyhoo--I'm glad to be partially approved by you.


I partially approve you back.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2004 05:02 pm
Re: Politcal Views
CerealKiller wrote:

Abortion - keep legal and safe. allow morn after pill. the right to choose comes with the responsibility of not abusing it. contraceptive practices, making the choice quickly (body awareness, 1st 3 months)

Welfare - welfare to work. ala clinton

Gun Control - no automatic military weapons. if ya can't hit it with a .22, a 410 or a 30.06, you're a lousy shot and deserve to starve.

Foreign Policy (briefly) - insist that iraqis take responsibility for themselves. arm 'em, train 'em, give 'em the keys with a good luck and get back to finishing up with afghanistan. rebuild relations with allies.

Education - more of everything. children are the future. the smarter the better. Rod Paige made to stand with his nose in a circle on the chalkboard.

Death Penalty - yep, detailed other thread

Environmental Policy - the last 125 years have been the most harmful. we only have one planet to leave the children and it's going fast. this is not a political issue, it's a human issue. new technology in transportation, manufacturing and energy need to be phased in at a better pace. don't really care if that upsets the oil lobby or not.

Terrorism - we are fighting spys and bomb throwers, not armies. transfer funds from redundant and wasteful programs to recruiting native operatives, special ops strike forces ala mosad. wouldn't hurt to take a few tips from u.k. and western euros. they've been dealing with this crap for a long time. find 'em, kill 'em. but that's just me bein' a liberal...

Military Spending - kill nonsense programs like star wars, rethink and reorganize for the challenges of the future.

Drugs - legalize and tax. like abortion, recreational drug use comes with responsibility. as does alcohol use.

Homosexual marriages - this is an issue? get a life!

I guess that's a start. Add on any other issues you want....
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2004 05:10 pm
Sofia wrote:
Anyhoo--I'm glad to be partially approved by you.

SmileI partially approve you back.

thanks! i am needy and crave acceptance. lol

hey! look ! i've been elevated to "enthusiast"! i'll be standing by the mail box waiting for my secret decoder ring !!!!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2004 06:59 pm
Abortion Pro-Choice until 3rd tri-mester (should have done something by now), no PBA except to save life of mother

must support those who have fallen on hard times, provide day care and education/job training for mother/parents.

Gun Control no assault weapons, other than that enforce the myriad of laws already in place

Foreign Policy (briefly) no pre-emption, no nation-building, no f.p. based upon corporate interests, Rather, mutual respect and multinational cooperative efforts, overt and covert (In the end, this is more practical as it works to our benefit - we need each other)

Education the absolute KEY to a better America, start early, longer school day, one month summer vacation, pay teachers more

Death Penalty depends, with DNA less chance of error, so OK when irrefutable

Environmental Policy reasonable protections are necessary, the Earth is such a gift

Terrorism short-term: well-planned immediate attacks when absolute fact-based imminent threat; long-term: adjust foreign policy to demonstrate fairness to all sides (e.g. Palestinians), work overtly and covertly with as many foreign allies as possible (we need their spy networks), work to improve image in Arab world - give people respect and hope and they will be less likely to strap bombs onto their kids.

Military Spending as needed

Drugs end the hypocricy (alcohol is legal), legalize/tax mariuana immediately, other drugs - intensive education program as with tobacco

Homosexual marriages Passionate re equal rights, pro CIVIL MARRIAGE, all state and federal rights to gay couples, hate the idea of "letting the people vote" - like "the people"would ever have voted for racial civil rights - minorities (by def.) can never vote themselves anything, ergo the courts are there to protect them


tax cuts - the days of wealthy benefactors who re-invest and create jobs are long gone, relplaced by corporate self-interest and greed, give the bulk of the cuts to people who will SPEND the money thereby generating more demand for goods and services

baseball: needs a cap yesterday so the Damn Yankees will have to compete on a level playing field
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2004 07:19 pm
I posted more than once, because I didn't notice it was the same old thread.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Feb, 2018 11:14 am

I’ve been quite happy to openly discuss my views since I’ve been here.

I think you have some secrets, though.

Was wrong about George.

Sofia wrote:

Re: Politcal Views
I hate the thought, but I also hate the thought of unwanted children.
Unrestricted until the third month. Restricted to cases of rape, incest, or mother's health for the duration. No PBA.

Everyone should have access to this umbrella, who have fallen on hard times. Welfare, coupled with worker training, and hey--throw in a couple of mandatory parenting and money management courses-- as well, should be provided. Time limited.

Gun Control
No assault weapons sold. No fancy shoot 'em up weapons. Handguns, rifles OK. A mandatory waiting period and background check. And, sorry ACLU, but no one with a domestic violence, or any other violence arrest--or mental illness gets a gun. They can get target practice and hunt on the XBox.

Foreign Policy (briefly)
Continue to support democracies. Continue to support current status of the US. Continue to share wealth, and assist in crisis. No nation building. No unilateralism, in peacekeeping or war--unless threatened.

Can't say. We've thrown money at, come up with innovative plans... <throws hands up> Give No Child Left Behind a chance to see if it produces any improvement.

Death Penalty
Against the death penalty.

Environmental Policy
Really should step up, but not Kyoto. Start staging reductions in pollution--in a graded way--but not so fast and so much as to hurt industry. Starting is an improvement.

George is doing great.

Military Spending

Continue. (Kidding.) I'm leaning toward legalization, and taxation.

Homosexual marriages
Its crazy that this is even a question in 2004.

I guess that's a start. Add on any other issues you want....

0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Feb, 2018 12:21 pm
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Feb, 2018 12:50 pm
McGentrix wrote:

Re: Politcal Views
Abortion- Pro-abortion

Welfare- Welfare should be a support of last resort and not a lifestyle.

Gun Control- Anyone who wants one and can demonstrate responibility through a background check and training should own be able to own one.

Foreign Policy (briefly)- Keep the interests of the US as the prime directive.

Education- Public education should be better than it is. I do not believe in vouchers.

Death Penalty- Pro-death penalty

Environmental Policy- More can be done than is. The technology is there to be used and should be enforced through grants from the government and tax breaks until each and every pollution making facility has come under control.

Terrorism- What ever needs to be done to guarantee the safety of Americans on American soil needs to be done.

Military Spending- Should be at levels appropriate to be able to do above.

Drugs- Amsterdam has the right idea.

Homosexual marriages- Don't see how this should bother anyone, but should not be forced down anyones throat. Few religions endorse such events and therefore should not be called a marriage, but a union or whatever...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Feb, 2018 02:50 pm
I don't push to ban all guns. I do push to ban guns capable of killing people like a scythe. I also push to bring back our mental health system that was being built some years back. I support this:
0 Replies

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