it was still plywood at the time, the floor, i built it don't forget and it's still not finished.
the best part of the scene was merlin the merganser swiming in the clawfoot bathtub recuperating at the time.
Ohh my....the thought of where I might have been conceived really does make me shiver. Even at my age, the thought of them......ewwwww, having......ewwwwwwwww.....and me....ewwwwwwwww........EWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! Lets just call me....makes me wanna gag!
You'd just have to know my parents!!!LMAO
In a house next to South Side Park in Sacramento, California, by a midwife.
Douglas, Arizona on 09MAR41, but that's less interesting to me than the date of my death.
BTW......theres nothing like being awaken in the middle of the night by your parents in thier FREE FLOW WATER BED!
We nicknamed my mother HURRICANE C**** oughta seen her face when I told her that!!!
EEEWWWWWW.......those were the days!!! lol
I was born in Winterlingen, Germany in the same bed as my sister and brother - not the same house, though. My parents had moved from a small appartment to their own house right after my brother was born.
urs53 wrote:I was born in Winterlingen, Germany in the same bed as my sister and brother - not the same house, though.
Hope, they changed the linnen between the one or the other birth :wink:
(Schönen Streß am Heiligabendvormittag auch - älls fleissig, gell.

Yes, I do hope they did since my brother is two years older than me.

But chances are good since they moved...
Natuerlich fleissig - wir sind Schwaben
Frohe Weihnachten!
That's, what I wanted to say
I couldn't find a translation for "Frohe Weihnachten."
'Merry christmas', it is, c.i..
a chance to quote benny hill, 'i was born in a small town, just outside of wedlock, in the state of confusion, and raised by my mother waht bored me"
actually, windsor, ontario, canada
I was delivered to my doting parents in a hospital right across from a beautiful beergarden. Can you guess the city ?
My mother said it was a terrible thunderstorm when
I was born.
Sounds like Nuremberg, CJ. Lovely city. Oder vileicht München?
Myself, I was born at an early age. My brother was an only child. The neighborhood we lived in was so bad they finally tore it down to build a slum. When I was born, the doctor picked me up by my feet, looked at me, then slapped my mother.
You don't really wanna know all these details.