Well, I guess that is unanimous everyone has voiced their dislike of Bush. Can anyone tell me why at this moment is he a shoo in to win a second term. Could it be that the sentiments generally expressed on a2k are not in concert with those of a majority of the American public?
au1929 wrote:Well, I guess that is unanimous everyone has voiced their dislike of Bush. Can anyone tell me why at this moment is he a shoo in to win a second term. Could it be that the sentiments generally expressed on a2k are not in concert with those of a majority of the American public?
I probably would have worded that last sentence "Could it be that the sentiments generally expressed on a2k are more intelligent and perceptive than the those of the majority of the American public ?"...
...but aside from that minor difference, you seem to have captured the spirit of things, Au.
Attributes in Mr. Bush that I would consider positive:
What I dislike:
Loyalty to the wrong cause (the $) in the guise of the right cause (the people) depletes integrity.
Faithfulness without empathy breeds dogmatism.
Ambition without wisdom is worse than complacency.
Persistence + power - ability to learn from mistakes makes for a bad leader
Confidence - humility leads to arrogance.
Majority of the american public do not vote. Those who do, unfortunately are not engaged in politics beyond a superficial "bumper-sticker" level, which allows people like Mr. Bush to thrive based on a veneer of positive attributes.
There was a time when I thought that this country would be a better place if everyone voted.
Now, I'm starting to believe that this country would be a better place if only people who keep up with the news voted.
au1929 wrote:Well, I guess that is unanimous everyone has voiced their dislike of Bush. Can anyone tell me why at this moment is he a shoo in to win a second term. Could it be that the sentiments generally expressed on a2k are not in concert with those of a majority of the American public?
I just heard (no kidding) Pat Buchanan say that (MSNBC) Dean's followers all happen to be the best educated people in the US which indicates 2 things (1) the members of a2k represented on this poll are extremely well educated (2) the more education one has the less likely one is to support Bush. Weird huh?
I have loads of education, I bet there are others on A2K that are also well educated that have NO intention of voting for Dean.
Besides, Pat Buchanan is an idiot.
Pat didn't say what they were educated in, it could have been a slam. :wink:
My lack of education hasn't hurt me none..........etc.etc.
Holy schidt!
Dys quoting Pat Buchanan to help make a point...and McG calling Buchanan an idiot!
This is one very screwed up world at times.
But great for a laugh!
LOL I agree Frank,
But it just goes to show you that the more you think you know about people, the less you actually know
That is one thing that is abundant on a political forum. It is all too quickly presumed that if you lean to the right, you must think this, this, and this. Conversely, if you lean to the left, you must think this, this and this.
It's more likely no one here fits all of the stereotyped nuances of their political leanings.
I lean forward after a few beers...what does that mean?
The world is suffering from a disease known as George W Bush. The sooner this bacteria is destroyed, a better place the world will be.
That isn't a political leaning, that is the lean of snockeredness.
I don't lean politically--i tend to fall over, and then get ill-tempered.
Yeah, it's that moment that your head hits the ground that you wonder why you think about politics at all.
Wilso wrote:The world is suffering from a disease known as George W Bush. The sooner this bacteria is destroyed, a better place the world will be.
Virus, Wilso, virus. Not bacteria.