Mon 6 Dec, 2010 08:25 pm
Everywhere peace is touted as something good. Is it? I was watched a lot of natures videos and shows and what stands out is that once the predator is not around the "herbivores" lock in battle for the pecking order which could lead to death. Even predators engage in pecking order fights. Humans, once war with an external enemy ends, start engaging in internal wars of pecking order. Turf wars among gangs also fit this category. These wars are as dangerous as wars with nations. These wars are class wars, ethnic wars, tribal wars. Politics is described as a blood sport is actually a pecking order war to establish who gets what and how much.
Naturally, the demand and supply curve comes into play. For elephants it is access to females who are in heat. Most animals seem to be matriarchal systems as the females stick with their mother and the kids. The younger males take off after becoming adults. The males fight over mating and the females usually chose the winner. With deer the stag usually occupy the center of the grass patch farther away from the edges which predators frequently approach when hungry. All the females in his turf are his. I can see how polygamy began with this alpha male creating his own harem. The chimpanzees behave the same with the dominant male. However, there one difference. Chimpanzees are not limited to seasonal sexual period. It seems they can and do have sex at any time which explains human capacity to have sex "out of season". Where there is a limited supply there will be competition so males will compete with each other over females.
Humans have also gone thru this pecking order phase but with their intelligence and capability of creating technolgy, dominance changed from using only brute force to conniving and teaming together in groups to become top dogs.
Not sure what your point is. Think we should have eternal wars instead of the aftermath of wars? Or never have wars in the first place so we don't have the aftermath? Wouldn't we have the aftermath anyway? People always want to be top dogs.
For instance; If we never had the civil war in the US, would slavery had ended on its own? I personally can't see how it would have been allowed to remain in progressive times. But does progress happen without wars to force it? (getting above myself) I guess pecking and top dogs fighting is a necessary evil for a society to form itself in times of peace.
No. I am stressing that peace is not something where we can rest and not do anything. Peace involves internal war so we still need to work hard in peace as much as at war. Though I am not religious I can see where religion plays a huge part in minimizing 'pecking order'. Religions bring the lower stratas of society a voice and dignity. I notice it usually the women who helps bring in a religion such as Christainity as they were disenfranchised by the brutal Roman Empire and fudalism.
The Bilderberg group is one group that aspires to 'top dog' of the world with New World Order designation.