Thanks for all great information shared!
To my surprise, this thread, which I had totally forgotten, arose from its own ashes.
Funny how not many of the replies had to do with my original question.
This semester, I am teaching the equivalent of ENG 102 at two different four year schools, one private and one state run. At the state u., about 1/3 of my 101 students signed up for my sections of ENG 102.
I've been doing research into education, reading ability and more.
Half the adults in America read on the 8th grade level as do 31% of the college graduates, according to Scholastic Press. Interesting. I thought that the ability to read on the college level ought to be the sole . . . well . . . the leading requirement for college admission.
I hope you are going to explain to your students the difference between the subject of a sentence and the grammatical subject of a sentence, POM.