Hello! i am writing an asignment on brasil, and i was hopng there were someone in here with a bit of knowledge about Brasil's views on these subjects.
1.Reduction of the vulnerability of the global oil market to natural disasters, terrorist attacks and political unrest
2.Ending the financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba
3.The issue of cyber censorship
4.The economic and social implications of migrant workers
5.The question of world food security and sustainability
those are the 5 topics i need to research, i need to be able to talk about them, argue for them, i am representing Brasil in MUN(models united nation) so if anyone here knows about any of these, please leave a comment, or if you know a link that can give me some information on them please do. my hotmail is
[email protected] and
[email protected] Thanks and i hope someone here knows somthing ! :p, Ans sorry for all the typos my english isent perfect!