Twyvel wrote:You can ask/demand that we all pay a monthly fee to access your site and some of us will pay, but will paying members have greater freedom to say whatever they wish to say in whatever manner they choose to say it then they already have?
What are you talking about? I've long said that this site will never demand a fee.
Twyvel wrote:Do you have a greater freedom then the rest of us? You can ban anyone of us theoretically for any reason you choose, but none us can ban you unless some of us have authority in the larger community of which this site and all else is controlled (attempted).
Perhaps in theory, but in reality I am further constrained because persons such as yourself are all too willing to play that there card you just played and I am all too sensitive to it. As an aside it's one of the more unpleasant things about this website for me.
What it has to do with sexual innuendo and reality I am unable to decipher.
I understood your point very well, and replied that I hear the tired mantra about censorship and freedom of speech all the time.
And I expounded to say that it's the equivalent of claiming the right to use your property, for example, your telephone as "freedom of speech".
This thread is not about the decision to censor. That decision predates this site. I would not have ever spent a minute putting it online if it were for anyone to use and abuse as they personally see fit. This site always has been and always will be a censored site. It is this way to maintain a standard. By placing this site online no right to use it in any way one wishes to was ever granted nor will it ever be.
I understood your point perfectly, I simply disagree with it stridently. Many like to get on the soap box and paint this as a principled issue of censorship and I think they are wrong to do so.
The reason I think them wrong is because this is not a matter of censorship versus the lack of it. I am legally required to censor so the question is about what degree.
It's not about "freedom of speech" either. Which is a legal right that has no application whatsoever here.
The reason I consistently say this is because of the nearly universal perception that by placing a website online I am now required to grant anyone the right to use it as they see fit or I am a "Nazi" who "censors" and is taking away one's "free speech" etc.
If I sound frustrated by these worn out labels I am. I can't count the number of times I have heard this. Spammers are the most notorious, see they even think that "freedom of speech" means I pay for them to advertise.
And this is what I am trying to get at. Portraying this site's functions as one in which "free speech" is an issue is to automatically grant oneself a right that was never extended.
I find it rude and inconsiderate, and as I said, if allowing anyone to use the site as they see fit were the way this site would be I certainly would ahve had no part in its inception.
It's impossible to please everyone and I get as many people complaining to me that I am letting this site go to the dogs as I get that I am a Nazi bastard who works for the CIA silencing everyone's free speech (that's not a joke BTW, I can point you to where a member earnestly alleges that I am paid by the CIA to silence him).
So I apologize if I sound frustrated about this, but I am. The sense of entitlement to rights is something I consider unwarranted. And it is something I have thrown in my face on a daily basis and that I have little patience for.
I guess what I'm saying is that I've reconciled myself with the idea that by creating a site with a standard in mind I am a "forum Nazi" squelching free speech".
I speak up against the desire to characterize this that way because that is what it is. "Free speech" is a fine ideal that is cheapened by persons using it to describe being able to do whatever one wants wherever they want. That is not what "free speech" is about so its use in this context will almost always elicit this boring tedious rant I typed.