Fri 26 Nov, 2010 05:30 pm
I am a researcher (in my own right and to my knowledge of what I am doing) into human nature, cultures and today's society, and while I was doing research on nudity, the question of many topics in that realm came to mind. I saw a question posted online about someone asking why young adult (or adolescent) nudity is a huge problem. It made me think, since a teenager is no longer a "child" (biologically; they are growing into adulthood), they do deserve some number of rights or "allowing to do" in certain topics.
But back to this nudity question by the user, I was thinking that as long as there is no abuse, and nothing pornographic (in the true sense of the word) is going on, they should have no issues and no problems.
The freedom of expression and our rights for that matter, are sort of being ignored at times, because if you do have the right to speech, you should be able to speak you mind, no matter how silly it might be of what you are speaking (or how serious). Our freedom of what we are expressing in some cases, can be accused of one thing, when in reality, it isn't what it is being accused of.
I just wanted to get your thoughts on this, why has our society seen this as an issue, but in Europe, it's not much of an issue? Why is our country still in a repressed state, and why do we continue to hang on to fears of things that truly aren't harmful in nature (in my opinion)?
BY THE WAY...I am sorry the topic doesnt really match the content of the post...but to add to the topic, if we see that something is not disturbing in matter, can we get the US Government to truly hear us, and change something? Can our voices be heard so that if we had something we would like our government to consider making something national, do you think that they would do it?
First, things make much more sense when you quit thinking America is any sort of 'free' country. Compared to European countries, not only are we no where in the vicinity of free, but we've never been free. Are 3rd world banana republicas run by despots and dictators with objectively greater personal freedoms that us.
Unlike Europe, we still ask for religious people's opinions on things, then respect their views. Europe tells them in no uncertain terms what to go do with themselves where law is concerned.
As long as we continue to lend credibility and respect religion here, we're gonna see prudery and anti-humanist laws and attitudes. Until we give religion the finger and relegate it to quaintness we'll continue to be held back by it.