The entire story would be a fascinating story about how childish and selfish "collaborative" science can be. Oswald Avery opened the whole thing by showing that DNA WAS undoubtedly that molecule which controlled genetics.We also forgot to add Maurice Wilkins to the pile of conspirators. He provided the samples and the crystalline extracts for Franklin to run on the X-ray powder camera. "photo 51 "and the several others actually show (only together) that there is a dimporphic xline structure to DNA that means that it could only be a double helix. Wilkins seemed more to be collaborating with Watson and CRick. Nevertheless Lawrence Bragg and Linus PAuling had already done everything except infer the complete double helix structure, and Maurice Wilkins began conferring with Watson and Crick because (as was often inferred but never stated ) Franklin , who was already publishing her X ray photos , was exceptionally hard to work with.(was this just a period sexism or was there something to it?)
Wilkins , as it turned out, shared the Nobel with Watson and Crick and, by that time Franklin was long dead and was out of the picture.
I hope someone does a movie on this because it shows how petty folks can be .
Also, we have to factor in Arthur Kornberg whose own earlier work was more important in the function of DNA than was Watson and CRick and Wilkins work that focused only on its structure. Kornbergs Nobel prize was 4 yars earlier than WCandW's