I have read every one of your posts in the thread “Recently had a one-night stand” and you are one sweet lady. The clarity of your be-ing is refreshing. Evidently you have done a lot of work de-constructing the bullshit and uncovering the ground that you stand on.
In a couple of your posts you took the time to attempt to explain your 'self' to others (obviously my interpretation, nobody else is typing on my keyboard). What you said prior to the 'explanation' was incredibly clear, self-explanatory, and no ambiguity whatsoever. The person you were communicating with (I opine) had his heels dug in and was not about to budge. Not that my preferences matter, but I would have preferred that you didn't take the time to explain your 'self'.
The 'gaming' you speak of is not as simple as the phrase “Stop playing games!”
Long before Anaximander, humanity has expressed Be-ing as a measurable, definable 'thing' of this world. 'Substantiality' produces comfort. The vast majority of people (99.9999%) live their lives as if who they are is their concept of sexuality, their concept of relationship, their concept of love, 2.3 kids, white picket fence, etc., and they don't even know that they're doing it. You know what I mean. Instead of be-ing who they are and having all of the above become uncovered in the process of Be-ing, they attempt to 'shoehorn' living into the concepts of 'life'. Quite frankly, they have it backwards.
The 'gaming' happens as part of the 'shoehorning' process. I know that the 'gaming' is important in the sense that it is the only way you can find out who you don't want to be, but most people (including me in an earlier time) don't catch on. They end up letting the 'drama' of life do their living for them.
I “feel-ya” when you spoke about having an “adoration problem”. We all do that throughout our life until we take over Be-ing who we are. 'Adoration' is the act of giving responsibility for your Be-ing to somebody else. It always ends with a crash when 'you get tired of their ****' and take back the responsibility for Be-ing who you are.
Thanks for Be-ing there so I could notice you. I've enjoyed noticing you and I've enjoyed making love to you (in this post). To the balcony, Mon Pierre!