LOL!!! I so agree. We've been having problems with our film crew... I mean, we don't want to be bothered with stopping the action to check the positioning of the camera - and it's really cool to have the sound guy and the camera girl (next door neighbors, really helpful) move along with the action - especially helpful during those sweet episodes when I get up for a smoke on the balcony - and he follows me out there and bends me over the railing... These lovely moments are up to Kubrick standards. This is actually how we got a film crew, btw. We'd be out there every night around 3 am...a bit noisy in the dead of night, I guess...and one night, neighborman comes bustling out in his bathrobe (his stairs have a view of our terrace) and he runs to the third step and says, "Hey! We hear you out here every night..." he cocks his head and says, "Are you naked?" Of course, being exhibitionists, we can't help but get back to our previous activities... I mean, we have an audience and everything - jeez. And by now, his wife is standing there with him, staring at us.
Fast forwarding, eventually, we all started talking about the sound quality of our movies...and agreed to film for each other. Viola! Problem solved, you'd think - but no. We can't get a good rhythm going without one of them putting down their equipment and nosing in on us.
So, yeah. Still working on that sound quality.