Sat 13 Dec, 2003 10:30 am
educate this ignorant Bear on the new budget bill Ahhhhnold just signed...good? bad? indifferent? business as usual? real move in the right direction? piece of crap?
help a bear out....
BPB, It's not a good idea for a state like California to float a bond to pay off past financial sloppy management. The two options Ahnold should have used are 1) increase taxes, and 2) reduce spending - no matter how much it hurts. This is the only way this government will learn to not squander money. Another action this government needs to take is to reduce the legislator's pay when they fail to pass the budget on time. When they float a bond, it will cost the taxpayers more than twice as much as the face value of the benefit (probably more, because California's bond rating is so bad).
All it does is transfer the budget woes to another generation to deal with. Arnie must of gotten a few lessons in housekeeping from George when he visited Washington