Olbermann Suspended From MSNBC for Campaign Donations

Reply Fri 5 Nov, 2010 05:02 pm
Ceili wrote:

Stupid. Is he not a citizen first? Does working for a MSNBC preclude him from voting as well?

I agree, and was about to make the same comparison. MSNBC needs to consider deleting that part of it's policy.
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Fri 5 Nov, 2010 10:05 pm
Whether or not NBC applies its policy consistently, the policy makes sense.

They are in the business of providing news.

There is an obvious potential for conflict of interest when a news reporter spends thousands of dollars supporting individual candidates.

The fact of the matter is that Olbermann doesn't have an ounce of objectivity in his body and so there is no reason to believe that the candidates to whom he contributed would get any different treatment from him if he had not.

I suspect they just got sick and tired of him and his prima donna ways and found this to be a convenient manner in which to deal with him.

I'm just happy to see him hoisted in any way, and even more so since it was on his own petard.
Reply Fri 5 Nov, 2010 10:10 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Let's play "Point-Counter point", shall we?
Whether or not NBC applies its policy consistently, the policy makes sense.

They are in the business of providing news

Olbermann even attracted some unlikely supporters. Conservative writer Bill Kristol, who frequently appears on Fox News Channel, wrote in a blog post: "Perhaps Olbermann violated NBC News 'policy and standards.' But NBC doesn't have real news standards for MSNBC — otherwise the channel wouldn't exist. It's a little strange to get all high and mighty now."

Many viewers pointed to apparent double standards of journalistic objectivity applied elsewhere. Joe Scarborough, a former Republican congressman who co-hosts "Morning Joe" on MSNBC, made a political donation in 2006. But a network spokesman said that donation was made in accordance with company policy and that Scarborough had asked for permission first.

Fox News host Sean Hannity made a $5,000 donation this year to the political action committee of Rep. Michele Bachmann, a Republican from Minnesota. But a Fox News spokeswoman contended that unlike Olbermann, Hannity does not anchor coverage of news events. Also, News Corp. policy does not preclude employees from donating to political campaigns, although corporate funds may not be used to do so.

Jay Rosen, a professor of journalism at New York University, wondered if there may be a disconnect between the journalistic codes of NBC, the parent company with a traditional "objective" news operation, and MSNBC, where opinion now flows freely.

"NBC's rules are saying that you can't engage in any activity that may jeopardize your standing as an impartial journalist," Rosen said. "But is impartial journalism really what MSNBC is about right now?"
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Nov, 2010 10:28 pm

You'll have to go to BBC, CBC, Al Jazeera or some other foreign news sources, Kicky.
Reply Fri 5 Nov, 2010 10:32 pm
You'll have to go to BBC, CBC, Al Jazeera or some other foreign news sources, Kicky.
we used to have newshour on pbs...i quess we lost that huh? They began to lose me when they put the quack Qwen Ifill in.

Nightline on ABC was good for a number of years...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Nov, 2010 10:32 pm
parados wrote:

Yes, this goes to the "unbiased reporting" issue which was raised for Juan Williams firing from NPR.

If Fox doesn't suspend Hannity then it shows that Fox could care less about their people appearing partisan and makes no pretense of being unbiased.

Isn't it obvious that Fox has a point of view and that Hannity is one of the chief spokesmen there for it? MSNBC is the same, but without any pretense of objectivity whatever. Oberman, in particular, appears to engage only in mockery and name calling - he doesn't even attempt partisan argument for his (or the network's) point of view.

Either way the "suspension" sounds more than a bit strange to me. It seems very late in the day for NBC to be worrying about the all-too-evident political bias among their political commentators on MSNBC. Did they suppose that the news about his contributions would suddenly call into question his long ago departed mask of objectivity? Did they actually think that anyone would be surprised? Frankly that's a real laugh.

Could it be that his ratings aren't too good? (I don't know because I rarely watch any of them. Still, I find him even less interesting than the others.)
Reply Fri 5 Nov, 2010 10:34 pm
Could it be that his ratings aren't too good? (I don't know because I rarely watch any of them. Still, I find him even less interesting than the others.)
No, the ratings were fine. I am going with GE cleaning house before they turn MSNBC over to Comcast....it is the only explanation that makes sense.
Reply Fri 5 Nov, 2010 10:39 pm
I wasn't aware of the sale to COMCAST. In that event I agree. I would be very surprised if a corporation with the broad national exposure of COMCAST would wish to be associated with such an obviously partisan operation as the current MSNBC. It will be interesting to see what other changes may follow.
Reply Fri 5 Nov, 2010 10:44 pm
UPDATED: We have been notified that Comcast has not yet officially taken over MSNBC/NBC Universal. Although Comcast has tentatively finalized a deal to purchase a majority stake in NBC, Comcast awaits final approval of the takeover from the Justice Department and from the Federal Communications Commission. A statement from Comcast reads: “The joint venture between Comcast and GE has not yet received regulatory approval. Comcast is not in any way involved with decisions made currently by NBC News.” However, once Comcast gains final approval from federal regulators to move forward, Comcast COO Steve Burke, a Bush fundraiser, will be placed at the helm of MSNBC and other NBC companies. Our original post inaccurately asserted that Comcast’s Burke was involved in the decision to fire Olbermann. We apologize for the error.

Earlier today, MSNBC declared that it would be suspending progressive host Keith Olbermann because he violated NBC’s ethics rules by donating to three Democratic candidates for Congress. As many bloggers have noted, conservative MSNBC host Joe Scarborough has donated to Republican candidates for Congress while promoting the same candidate on air, but has never been disciplined. Moreover, Gawker notes that MSNBC has been exempt from the formal NBC ethics rules for years. It is still a mystery why MSNBC selectively applied NBC’s ethics rules to Olbermann. However, it important to realize that MSNBC has undergone a fundamental change in leadership in the last two months
Reply Fri 5 Nov, 2010 10:52 pm
Oh boy, Faux Network and Faux Jr Network. Yippee!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Nov, 2010 11:24 pm
Fox News is nothing but pure propaganda.

Reply Fri 5 Nov, 2010 11:27 pm
and MSNBC host Maddow is so delusional that she thinks that she works for a news network
Let this incident lay to rest forever the facile, never-true-anyway, bullpucky, lazy conflation of Fox News and what the rest of us do for a living. I know everybody likes to say, “Oh, that’s cable news. It’s all the same. Fox News and MSNBC, mirror images of each other.”

Let this lay that to rest forever. Hosts on Fox raise money on the air for Republican candidates. They endorse them explicitly; they use their Fox News profile to headline fund-raisers. Heck, there are multiple people being paid by Fox News now essentially to run as presidential candidates. If you count not just their hosts but their contributors, you are looking at a significant portion of the whole lineup of Republican presidential contenders for 2012. They can do that because there’s no rule against that at Fox. They run as a political operation. We’re not.

Yes, Keith’s a liberal, and so am I, and there are other people on this network whose political views are shared openly with you, our beloved viewers. But we are not a political operation. Fox is. We are a news operation. And the rules around here are part of how you know that.


Now THAT's funny
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2010 01:53 am
Sen. Bernie Sanders Sen. Bernie Sanders – Fri Nov 5, 9:54 pm ET
Read Sen. Bernie Sanders's other articles on HuffingtonPost.com

It is outrageous that General Electric/MSNBC would suspend Keith Olbermann for exercising his constitutional rights to contribute to a candidate of his choice. This is a real threat to political discourse in America and will have a chilling impact on every commentator for MSNBC.

We live in a time when 90 percent of talk radio is dominated by right-wing extremists, when the Republican Party has its own cable network (Fox) and when progressive voices are few and far between.

At a time when the ownership of Fox news contributed millions of dollars to the Republican Party, when a number of Fox commentators are using the network as a launching pad for their presidential campaigns and are raising money right off the air, it is absolutely unacceptable that MSNBC suspended one of the most popular progressive commentators in the country.

Is Rachel Maddow or Ed Schultz next? Is this simply a 'personality conflict' within MSNBC or is one of America's major corporations cracking down on a viewpoint they may not like? Whatever the answer may be, Keith Olbermann should be reinstated immediately and allowed to present his point of view.


BTW: re my post on Maddow...she was actually trying to support Olbermann, though it did not sound like it to me.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2010 02:52 am
MSNBC is a news network. Fox News is nothing more than a propaganda machine for the Republican party and a hefty contributor to its fundraising operations.

News Corp., the parent company of Fox News, contributed $1 million this summer to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the business lobby that has been running an aggressive campaign in support of the Republican effort to retake Congress, a source close to the company told POLITICO.

It was the second $1 million contribution the company has made this election cycle to a GOP-aligned group. In late June it gave that amount to the Republican Governors Association.

The parent companies of other media companies such as Disney (which owns ABC) and General Electric (which owns NBC) have also made political contributions, but typically in far smaller chunks, and split between Democrats and Republicans.

In the past, News Corp. has also spread its donations between candidates of both parties. The huge gift to the RGA raised questions among some media critics about whether News Corp. had crossed over an inappropriate line for a media company. The second donation is likely to rekindle that debate...

Since Olbermann hosts the top rated show on MSNBC, I think they will have to work something out with him even if he did violate the terms of his contract by not seeking "prior approval" for his campaign donations.

MSNBC has branded Olbermann as a prominent face in its new “Lean Forward” marketing campaign. He tripled MSNBC’s ratings at 8 p.m. In the past two years, MSNBC’s more opinionated hosts have helped propel it past CNN in prime time, and even lately during the daytime, too.

Also, Politico.com raised the issue of Joe Scarborough's possible involvement with a campaign this year, and a $5000 donation made to a political candidate this April. On Friday night, after the Olbermann suspension, that check was hastily attributed to Susan Scarborough, Joe's wife, but this whole business can get very messy for MSNBC if they appear to be treating Olbermann, their network star, differently than Scarborough. Apart from a possible ethics violation, for not getting "prior approval" for his campaign contributions, Olbermann's suspension may be related to an ongoing personality clash with MSNBC President Phil Griffin. But MSNBC is going to suffer considerable ratings damage without Olbermann in their evening lineup.

The list of other cable news hosts who give money to candidates suggests the practice isn't that uncommon, particularly on Fox News.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2010 08:59 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Whether or not NBC applies its policy consistently, the policy makes sense.

They are in the business of providing news.

I suppose it makes sense that Fox doesn't have this policy.
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2010 09:58 am
parados wrote:

Whether or not NBC applies its policy consistently, the policy makes sense.

They are in the business of providing news.

I suppose it makes sense that Fox doesn't have this policy.

Whether or not they do is irrelevant to this story.
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2010 10:10 am
The problem, as I see it, is that Fox News in addition to the millions of direct donations, also makes "in kind" contributions to Republican candidates by having them on their shows, allowing them to give out their web addresses for viewers to make contributions and even publishing that address across the bottom of the screen. Nobody calls them on it. I thought this was supposed to be illegal.

There were some rumblings about it during previous elections, but nothing ever came of it that I'm aware of. Remember the whole promotion of the Swift Boaters on Fox?

Fox claimed the distinction was that it wasn't being aired during news, but rather during their 'opinion' shows. I don't remember exact numbers, but after taking out the morning shows, and everything past 4pm they had it down to something like only 4 hours a day that it was actually a NEWS channel.

Well, Keith is an opinion show. He isn't giving NEWS. Neither is Ed, Chris, Rachel, Dylan or the most recently added, Lawrence. What's good for one is good for all the others unless Fox is ready to be sued and/or shut down for their "in kind" contributions.

The thing is, Keith made contributions of $7,000 to three minor campaigns whom, to my knowledge, he never had on the show or mentioned on his show, or published their web address across the bottom of the screen for contributions as Fox does.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2010 10:23 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Whether or not NBC applies its policy consistently, the policy makes sense.

They are in the business of providing news.

There is an obvious potential for conflict of interest when a news reporter spends thousands of dollars supporting individual candidates.

NBC news anchors, like Brian Williams, report the news without personal opinions. MSNBC show hosts, like Olbermann, Chris Matthews, and Rachel Maddow, are political commentators who make no pretense of hiding their personal opinions. There is no conflict of interest with someone who is being paid to offer poitical opinions.

But the MSNBC hosts, while personally biased in a more liberal direction, do not offer deliberately distorted facts to support their views, and they generally cite the sources for their information. That is in marked contrast to a Fox News host, like Sean Hannity, who recites Republican party talking points verbatim and very often presents inaccurate or unverified information as "fact". The most recent example of that was Hannity's criticism of the cost of President Obama's current trip to India, based on wildly inflated and unfounded numbers about the daily cost of the trip.
Creating the story of President Obama's $200 million a day trip
Barbara Morrill
Fri Nov 05, 2010

The rightwingnuttia is abuzz with the news that President Obama's trip overseas will cost the American taxpayers $200 million a day, that 34 U.S. warships will be stationed for his protection, and that his entourage of 2,000 will use 870 rooms at a five-star hotel.

Except it's not true.

So, how did this truly ridiculous lie become a story? It's easy:

The numbers evidently originate with the Press Trust of India, whose report [based on one anonymous source] was linked on the Drudge Report and picked up by Fox News host Glenn Beck.

From there it exploded in what Rachel Maddow calls the "alternate, self-contained, right-wing media universe," where it has become "de facto fact."

A Fox News Special Report exposed the wild exaggerations about the cost of the President's trip, but without reporting that it was their own hosts, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity, who spread the bogus information.

Will Fox News hold Beck, Hannity responsible for spreading “wildly exaggerated” Obama trip cost claim?
November 05, 2010
by Terry Krepel

Tonight, Fox News Special Report reported what most of us already knew: that the purported $200 million per day cost of President Obama’s trip to India and Asia is, as Wendell Goler quoted the White House, “wildly exaggerated.”

What Special Report didn’t report: Fox News’ own hosts have been peddling that bogus claim.

As we’ve documented, both Hannity and Beck have bandied about the $200 million figure – plucked from an Indian newspaper and allegedly made by an anonymous source – to attack Obama and his trip to India. Beck did eventually concede that he didn’t know if the numbers were real, but he continued to promote them anyway. Hannity and Beck also denounced the booking of the entire Taj Mahal Palace hotel in Mumbai for the trip, with Beck overstating the number of rooms in the hotel (it’s 570, not 800).

In his report on Special Report, Goler highlighted the White House’s denial of the “wildly exaggerated” claim, adding that taking over the entire Taj Mahal hotel -- which was a target of a terrorist attack two years ago -- “was the call of the Secret Service.”

Later in the show, during the “All-Star Panel” segment, host Bret Baier aired clips of White House and Pentagon officials denying the claims, adding that “$200 million a day, the administration is saying ... is just far-fetched and out of left field.”

The panelists joined in shooting down the bogus attacks:

•Fred Barnes said, “I’m all for protecting the president wherever he goes. I don’t think it costs $200 million a day -- that sounds a little high -- but he is the president of the United States, and he needs to be protected.”
•A.B. Stoddard denounced “these fictional cost estimates that we don’t even have evidence of.”
•Even Charles Krauthammer came to Obama’s defense: “If that’s what it takes to make sure that not a hair on his head is touched, particularly abroad, particularly in a city that had suffered one of the most savage and successful terror attacks anywhere in Mumbai, I’d spend every penny. ... You want people in control of every inch of that hotel, and that’s natural.”

But Baier, Goler and the panelists all sidestepped the fact that Fox News’ own hosts were promoting those “far-fetched and out of left field” numbers. Baier pointed out it came from “an Indian press report” that the administration had to “deal with” -- but not that his Fox News co-workers were given that press report prominence.

It makes little sense for Fox News to report the truth about a bogus claim, then not insist that Fox News hosts who promoted that bogus claim correct the record. Will that happen in the next few days? We shall see.

For Fox News hosts to spread bogus information, in an attempt to generate or strengthen anti-Obama sentiment, which was their clear intention, seems much more serious than Olbermann's private contributions to some political candidates.

Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2010 10:51 am
Ceili wrote:
Stupid. Is he not a citizen first? Does working for a MSNBC preclude him from voting as well?

Keith has always said he doesn't vote lest he appear partial.

I think he got a raw deal, but because of NBC's ridiculous rule more than anything else.

Also, it's kind of interesting to see the contributions made by, say, the President of NBC News on Open Secrets. Wonder who approved them?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2010 10:56 am
NBC news anchors, like Brian Williams, report the news without personal opinions.

That not accurate, FF. They report the "news" as the US government wants everyone to see it without adding their personal opinions, though they sometimes do.

Ted Koppel ... paid several visits to Pakse in Southern Laos [between 1969 and 1971], a place where the CIA and US military personnel were training the Lao Air Force. Koppel knew all this but he never reported the US government's involvement. Koppel even rode in a T-28 fighter as the pilot went on his bombing run, one of many that subjected Laos to the most intensive bombing in world history, one where civilians were targeted, a war crime of gigantic proportions I must remind you.

Koppel feigned that he wasn't aware when he was right in the thick of things, in a massive war crime and he plied that subterfuge upon his listeners. In appearances at a Laotian Officers club, Koppel made it clear that "he would do nothing to dislodge the official fig leaf".

How do you think that it's been possible for the US government to hide its numerous war crimes without a complicit media? How is it that Reagan and his cronies were able to commit felony after felony, murder 40,000 Nicaraguans, destroy their country and most Americans thought Reagan was this kind ole uncle figure.

Only with a massive propaganda campaign and deceptive news reporting could things of this magnitude be pulled off. They are all no different than the media that "covered" the Nazis in Germany.

Brian Williams is no different than Ted Koppel or Barbra Walters or Sam Donaldson or whatever current bubblehead sits at the anchor desk.

[From Unreliable Sources: A Guide to Detecting Bias in News Media, at page 108-109

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