littlek wrote:
Robert - who defines idiot?
Well, here's Roberts definition of idiot-free
an idiot-free group, which to me basically just means people who can moderate their extremes and hold a conversation without monopolizing it.
Which leads me to the question Robert; What do you consider monopolizing a thread? Or being extreme?
Are you monopoloizing a thread if your posts take up more than X percentage of the total? Or is that a generic way of saying that if you don't like what a person is saying, that means they are monopolizing? Or being extreme?
What some people may consider monopolizing, others may consider an interesting and educational read.
Same goes for "moderating extremes". By whose standards? Yours? I don't know what your standards are.
That said, I've seen you be both extreme and monopolizing, but I figured that's your privilege.
Each and every one of us are extreme and monopolizing at times.
Like has been said by 2 other posters that I respect, I only look at My Posts and New Posts, and if I don't like the direction a thread is going, I don't read it any more.
I'll have to think about what topics I'd like to see.