Hi Robert.
Long time no talk... I hope you are well.
I don't really understand what a group is, so bear with me please.
I'd love a group about photos. Pictures that a2ker's could put up, pictures of the people they'd met, fellow members or stuff they maybe don't want to share with the world, but would with their groups of friends or people they'd met or felt comfortable sharing with a select few. I used to love the photo gallery we had here, I was sad when we lost that function.
I'm not really sure if that is possible.
I think some of the pictures people do post here get lost in the shuffle. Many times the pictures become defunct and there can be pages of slow loading pics or blank slates.
Again, I know nothing about code, but I wonder if a picture did become not see-able, could a moderator could delete those posts. That is, of course, if a moderator could delete a post. I'm not sure what that would do to your inventory system though or if it even matters. I know photo storage can be a huge deal.
Also, if you could create such a group, does one person moderate the entire group, or within each group, can one person moderate their own thread?
I'm assuming a group is a private group, that only people who ask can will be admitted? Would individual threads have the same restrictions?
If these are stupid questions, could you please give me a link to a site that has a similar idea to what you are proposing and I'll do the homework myself. I don't spend a lot of time on many other sites.
Oh, and I have to say I enjoy spending time on this A2K. Thanks, you and your team are a stellar bunch.