Nowt wrong (other than my appalling spelling late at night)
Rog's me mate
<tho he does like eight legged Princesses

I read your links and searched for
scam on this site. Look at that thread
http://able2know.org/topic/142389-1 fewer than 20 posters, 15 of them only joined the site to make a single post on that particular thread. One of these 15 writes he/she paid out to a scammer a sum in British pounds and is in touch with authorities in Canada about getting a refund, how likely is that?
I reckon little to zero chance... but ya never know a?
there's a lotta scams and spams around!
Look what comes up for that thread on the spam forum
Posted 03/01/10
Replies: 23
Views: 35,633
Last Post by Dom2please
on 10/11/10
Viewed hundreds of times a day since it was posted
that thread gets traffic because people are prolly googling for the solution to rid their pc's of the software in question...
Who is Miss Naomi Mobioh?
I believe she's the niece of a certain Nigerian Prince. I believe she's following the family footsteps and only trying to secure her uncles financial security. Of course, I could be wrong...
The spam you are receiving is a variation of the Nigerian Letter, also called the 419 fraud, Nigerian scam, Nigerian bank scam, or the Nigerian money offer. Here is a link to the Wikipedia page that explains this scam.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advance-fee_fraud . The criminal intensity behind this activity is dangerous and frighting.
Everything is explained here at The 3rd Annual Nigerian Email Conference:
@Green Witch,
Quote:3rd Annual Nigerian EMail Conference
Breakfast Kickoff Session:
Your choice: A hard boiled egg, or two slices of white bread and a cricket.
Keynote Address:
Dr. Hamza Kalu's adds some historical perspective in his keynote address: "From Postal Scams To Email Scams: We Have Come a Long Way Infant Child."
Attend a lively debate between Lady Mariam Abacha and Mr. Godwin Oyathelem. Topic: "The effectiveness of using all UPPERCASE characters."
Practical Discussion:
Mallam Mahmud Abacah answers the question, "Are 10 million emails a day too many?"
I thought this was all for real until the end of the page where it says it's a joke
electronicmail wrote:from wherever "ymail.com" is located?
I believe ymail.com is Yahoo.