In 1978, I joined Mensa. I then attended my first Mensa Regional Gathering (a convention) in a major hotel of Manhattan.
I had called the NY Telephone Co., by whom I had been told that a local call from a non-coin fone cost
6 cents.
At about that time, a spiritual advisor named Tony (whose wisdom I respected) recommended forgiveness
and he suggested that we practice doing it. We needed targets; someone to forgive.
I enjoyed the first day of the 1978 New York Mensa Regional Gathering.
It had been my practice, of some years standing, that I called home occasionally to speak to my dead friend, Neil,
just to make sure that everything was OK. I had grown acccustomed to drawing assurance from this practice.
In the evening, I was in the Hospitality Suite of the convention, up on the 18th Floor of the hotel.
I saw a fone and I wanted to call home, as was my wont. I thawt it best to
ask permission before using that fone.
Accordingly, I asked permission of a lady named Marlene who was on the Mensa Board of Directors to use that fone; she
I offered her a dime; she refused again.
I offered her a quarter; she refused again.
I offered her a dollar; she refused again.
It occurred to me to simply throw $1 at her and use the fone anyway,
but I restrained myself out of respect for private property.
Internally, I was in a rage, but I confined myself to reasonable politeness.
I did not call home; I coud have gone down to the street floor
and used a coin fone, but I was too lazy for that, in keeping with tradition.
Thus, I did not call home; (in 1978, we did not have cell fones).
In furtherance of Tony 's advice, I used Marlene as a mental target for forgiveness.
It was like lifting a heavy weight (wate) and most unpleasant to do, but I did it.
In 1980, I was on the NY Mensa Board of Directors and we had another convention, to raise more fund$.
I was the Treasurer of that convention. Accordingly, I had possession of the Treasure (registration revenues)
and officers of NY Mensa applied to me to honor their expense accounts. Marlene called me and she requested me
to re-imburse her for a (personal) call from the hotel to New Jersey, in the amount of $6.
In keeping with policy of the Board of Directors, I refused to pay her for a personal call.
Marlene called me at home several times to get her $6 back.
I consistently
refused and I never paid her. (
Multiple be the chuckles.)
" What goes around comes around."
I was impressed by the exact
100:1 ratio of her $6 call
to my (frustrated and
unexecuted) 6 cent call.
" The wheels of the gods grind slowly, but thay grind exceeding fine. "