Wow no.
We have 20 minutes of reading a day (unassigned, whatever, just 20 minutes of it), a spelling test on Monday (also 20 words I think) that if you ace you don't have to retake Friday (and if you miss words, you have to retake the ones you missed on Friday).
She has a book group that requires her to read a few chapters and come up with a question, once/ week.
Then occasional miscellaneous homework (collect 10 seeds and bring in two weeks hence).
There is also miscellaneous math homework, practice sheets, games we're supposed to play at home, etc.
That's all I can think of. Most days she has no homework at all (she always reads 20-30 minutes before bed, no matter what, including weekends and summer, so that doesn't get filed under "homework"), and the days she does it's not much -- averaged out it can't be more than five minutes a day (not counting the reading).
Is this the new school? Not sure what ended up happening with that.