Wed 22 Oct, 2014 03:40 pm
we have to answer question while we were watching the movie but i missed a few.
1. What does MDH stand for
2. why was the MDH Panel skeptical of the Dr.'s Plan of action during the debriefing session?
3. What was the virus' name? What was the vaccine's name?
4. Dennis french was with which governmental agency?
5. describe mrs. emhoff's travel route
6. who's the link in Chicago to mrs. emhoff?
7. what type of healthcare professional did they send to hong kong?
8. what does this healthcare professional do?
9. what is the dicovery by/on 'DAY 12/
10. why was chief keevers going to be investigated and brought up on charges?
11. what piece of information did the epidemiologist found out once she was released from captivity?
12. What was Mr. emhoff against initially, but eventually allow his daughter to do at the end of the film?
13. describe the pathway the virus took that began the outbreak in the first place (where did it start- how did it end).
14. can you give me a summary over the whole film. 3 paragraphs please
I'd watch the movie again

if I were you.
ya ikno i just have so much other work to do and have no money to rent it, i was hoping some one would know at least some of them..
I know, life's hard sometimes.