Cyracuz wrote:
Quote:And a lousy violinist... One cannot be a physicist without being a philosopher, nor can one be a moralist without being a philosopher... One can be a moralist without being a physicist, but must have some grasp of physics out of necessity, because a moral fact must be a physical fact, and facts should not contradict facts of another field of study... Music has nothing in common with philosophy...
What do you mean when you say a moral fact must be a physical fact?
Estentially, that any moral good is also a phycial good... Or tht the existence of God should have some physical proof or it should not be given the weight of a physical reality... Medieval philsophers believed that God had to follow the rules of logic, that, in the words of Lincoln: God could not be both for an against.... The thought is fine for theology and the free for all of spirituality; but where philosophy deals with infinites as it is forever doing in the moral world, then we can only say we know what we know, and that belief does no constitute knowledge... Morals suffers from the fact on both ends that the logic of the physical world does not work, so it cannot be learned as a subject is usually taught, not taught at all on purpose....
Moral lessons can be taken anytwhere... If you see a person changing a tire gone flat on the way to work you can take a moral lesson of the first degree... People can damn threir fate and see their luck running down a street drain... They can recognize the power of blind chance, and feel assured that though late, their relationship at work is secure... They can face their own power and missteps and the result of their own condition, and commit to greater care, better tires, a more reliable spare, and a more virtuous life...
It is not that morals follow the same logic as the physical world, but that there is a rude sort of logic that does exist that people have to be sensitive to discern... What goes around comes around is not accurate and still, in a sense, true; since when humanity kicks, humanity feels the kick and suffers the pain.. We are our own victims... We often suffer our virtue and celebrate our vice, but that does not mean there are no benefits to virtue, or victims to vice... No one should do good for the pleasure of some supreme being, or to avoid the penalites of hell... They should do good and be good because good gets done, and goodness, virtue born out of thought and consideration makes for a superior and more healthy person... It is not as simple as cause or effect, or two plus two, but there is a logic to it....