Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2010 11:39 pm
His conclusions are correct but his reasoning may be wrong... His conclusion about set theoretical logic are obvious since for over two thousand years people have been trying without success to apply logic to human behavior with the purpose of teaching morals, but since moral behavior is not logical behavior it cannot be taught...

Chumly should perhaps address his use of the words "pop-culture" to Niels Bohr.

Piaget (already discussed) showed that logic was a subdivision of semantics not always present in adults. His genetic epistemology (assimilation-accommodation) was an attempt to resolve Kant's noumena-phenomena division, and concurs with the non-dualistic implications of "observation" in physics at the micro-level, and with (Kuhn's) paradigm shifts at the macro-level. "Two thousand years of morality" is a side issue.
Reply Fri 17 Sep, 2010 07:03 am
fresco wrote:

His conclusions are correct but his reasoning may be wrong... His conclusion about set theoretical logic are obvious since for over two thousand years people have been trying without success to apply logic to human behavior with the purpose of teaching morals, but since moral behavior is not logical behavior it cannot be taught...

Chumly should perhaps address his use of the words "pop-culture" to Niels Bohr.

Piaget (already discussed) showed that logic was a subdivision of semantics not always present in adults. His genetic epistemology (assimilation-accommodation) was an attempt to resolve Kant's noumena-phenomena division, and concurs with the non-dualistic implications of "observation" in physics at the micro-level, and with (Kuhn's) paradigm shifts at the macro-level. "Two thousand years of morality" is a side issue.

From the point of view of the scientist/philosopher such questions of ontology and epistimology must always be at the fore; but that is a relative handful of individuals in this world while everyone knows, and must manage morality... I know you do not get it, but even in the dark ages of Europe there were some who were educated and intelligence, but they could not hold back the general tide of ignorance rolling over the landscape... If you have this well educated and knowlegable clique responsible for all our gains in technology which only increase the exploitation of the environment and of humanity, then morality will not be learned, and immorality will master the people so that the forms and institutions that support all esoteric pursuits of knowledge will fall...

Humanity is not made less ignorant by the education of the few, and the few better understand that fact, that they actually empower ignorance as never before when they do not demand that their technology actually serve the needs of mankind... Science, aloof from moral considerations, is an enemy of humanity if only because humanity still ignorant and deprived of moral conditioning will use it for suicide...

Look, if you go to the houses of God, which are really the homes of ignorance, it is not those in attendance who are thought fools, but all the educated... And this mass of ignorant are kept ignorant because their authority, their political power -is so easily manipulated... But history often shows examples of the maniplators becoming the victims of their vitims, of tables being turned... Among the educated there has always been a great contempt of democracy, and if you look a Germany for an example, it was the educated elite who most often attacked the republic and democracy, and this invited tyranny...

If they want democracy to be less obnoxious, they must carry the poor uneducated unwashed masses with them, and give them some reason to be knowledgable...Try to tell the poor they need a degree to become a Mcslave and they will laugh in your face and stick you up...The gulf between the educated and the ignorant is widening, but it is the ignorant who are trying the hardest to maintain some sense of morality even if they do not understand what they are trying to grasp or talk about... That will not stop them from striking out for self preservation... For them, there is little difference between attacking ignorance and attacking the ignorant...

I get the feeling here that while I can understand you, that you can never understand me... Try to approach the problem from the view of the whole person... Is it any better for a person to be a super rational nerd than a super moral Bible thumper??? The wealthy and powerful in this land have fed and nurtured a fraction of super rationals that they exploit and turn to their purposes rethlessly, and all the while doing nothing to truly improve the situations of the primarily -irrationals- who form the vast majority of the population...

Most of our education is indoctrination, and only in certain parts, essentially, in math, science, physics where true education is possible is there any education... But part of why we are falling so far behind in the sciences is the total we are spending on education across the board, and why should the people support that which they see as giving them no benefit???... And by benefit I mean giving to them the happy, cerefree lives of a moral society...Technology, as always, supports wealth and power because wealth and power will not support that which gives them no direct benefit...And this cozy relationship leaves out most of the people whose lives and living conditions are not improved, but eroded... The whole society has lost the ability to nurture the whole man, the whole person; one both moral and rational, sensitive to emotions, empathic, and thoughtful...

I am not going to make the argument that since the rich and the powerful have made the world too dangerous for the ignorant to have any control, that they should not have political power... That argument was already made by Plato... It is because the poor were denied political power that they could then effectively be denied education, and it is because education of the few, the elite, has come at such a price, that so many reject their so called progress whole... We should have all benefitted from education... There will always be people like myself who cannot be educated, but all should be educated, and all should know the benefit of the general education... It should not all go to profit or the defense of wealth or the expansion of poverty and immorality...
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Fri 17 Sep, 2010 09:03 am
The only problem I see with your reasoning here is that you step aside the hard fact that Education of masses only be able to go so is not just a question of reasoning its need and advantages, but knowing how to get there and the extent of what we can take out of many actually educated people this goal from the second half of twentieth century has rotundly failed, dismissed as a naive pretension of Social Scientists coming forward since the French Revolution. On the other hand providing better care to general population and easier conditions of life to developing countries is achievable and reaches exactly the same goal concerning masses control...but it won´t be based on competition, productivity or knowledge, it will be based on the need of equilibrium in a global world economy with easy access to technology and weapons.
Actually the gap as increased due to rationalization of the entire economic system brought up by Informatics Networking and Robotics who puts pressure upon the common citizen to perform above its natural capability´s...that is the issue !
People want to be entertained, not to learn...they will learn whatever entertainment gives them. So we should be thinking on that...Economic efficiency has to consider sustainability in an inter crossed vast number of areas not jeopardising the needed balance of general population welfare.It has been doing just the opposite...such stretched Darwinian approach who takes out jobs and kills peoples life's, can only fire up Religion fanatics, terrorists, urban gangs and so on...This days we are living in a war of genotypes efficiency inside our own frontiers, its not just about cultures and countries any more, the problem goes to the micro management level...and when war is war, people will do their best to stick their head above the water line...moral loses ground, corruption develops, and when all else fails comes violence and brute force.
Reply Fri 17 Sep, 2010 09:15 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil Albuquerque wrote:

The only problem I see with your reasoning here is that you step aside the hard fact that Education of masses only be able to go so is not just a question of reasoning its need and advantages, but knowing how to get there and the extent of what we can get out of many actually educated people this goal from the second half of twentieth century has rotundly failed, dismissed as a naive pretension of Social Scientists coming forward from the French Revolution. On the other hand providing better care to general population and easier conditions of life to developing countries is achievable and reaches exactly the same goal concerning masses control...but it won´t be based on competition, productivity or knowledge, it will be based on the need of equilibrium in a global world economy with easy access to technology and weapons.
Actually the gap as increased due to rationalization of the entire economic system brought up by Informatics Networking and Robotics who puts pressure upon the common citizen to perform above its natural capability´s...that is the issue !
People want to be entertained, not to learn...they will learn whatever entertainment gives them. So we should be thinking on that...Economic efficiency has to consider sustainability in an inter crossed vast number of areas not jeopardising the needed balance of general population welfare.It has been doing just the opposite...such stretched Darwinian approach who takes out jobs and kills peoples life's, can only fire up Religion fanatics, terrorists, urban gangs and so on...This days we are living in a war of genotypes efficiency inside our own frontiers, its not just about cultures and countries any more, the problem goes to the micro management level...and when war is war, people will do their best to stick their head above the water line...moral loses ground, corruption develops, and when all else fails comes violence and brute force.

Knowledge is culture, and it is our whole culture which no one owns or can take credit for that makes education possible for the few, and it is not just those who are educated and those who own them and their services who should know the benefit of that education... That knowledge is part of the commonwealth and should serve all the people, and raise our general condition... As it stands, fewer are working longer and competing with computers or robots while the conditions they live under are constantly erroded, so that all people know more stress rather than less stress, and no one is able to offer children a moral sense of community because we are all in a fractured state, cut off from the support of family or community, lonely and without defense... Top it all off with badly educated, prehistoric thinking religious nutcases holding much actual political power and you have the ingrediants of disaster...

We have to take a lesson from the Greeks and Romans and cut everyone in to the benefits of society or the society will lose the support of the very people who must provide its defense...It invariably happens that the wealthy, the powerful, and the elite think they can do without the poor and disenfrachised... They certainly act as though such people only need that level of education sufficient to make them slaves... One slave makes us all slaves... There is no moral justification for all knowledge, wealth and power being held by a single class...
Reply Fri 17 Sep, 2010 09:34 am
I am starting to think more and more that the "default mode of existence" we live by; serve yourself only, and serve the community as little as you can, promotes values that are completely oposite of those we would emphasize to distinguish us from other animals.
Reply Fri 17 Sep, 2010 10:10 am
Cyracuz wrote:

I am starting to think more and more that the "default mode of existence" we live by; serve yourself only, and serve the community as little as you can, promotes values that are completely oposite of those we would emphasize to distinguish us from other animals.

Animals live selfishly without the concept of self; but then, they have no concept of a future self either, or social self, or moral self... Primitives had to be more morally conscious as a matter of survival, which they did socially, surrounded by enemies... We do not sense that we have the enemies and technology has moved us above the level of hand to mouth want... We think we can afford to be individuals, which is to say: Immoral... I do not think that is true... I think we need to control our behavior, find our social and moral selves, selves that are compatible with social living and sustainable environmentally... Satisfaction is found as individuals and happiness is found socially... We need a bridge between the two.. Instead we find a chasm...
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 17 Sep, 2010 11:19 am
By your statements about morality, you seem to understand the difference between morality and ethics.

As for your views about education, it's not even close to being factual. The US public school system is open to all children - to both the rich and the poor. Many in this country were poor during the depression, and worked themselves out of it by going to college after WWII. They are the ones credited with growing our economy; and many so-called poor became the middle class and the wealthy. Only the old monied people were wealthy back then, and didn't lack for food or shelter.

Finally, your views about education
Most of our education is indoctrination, and only in certain parts, essentially, in math, science, physics where true education is possible is there any education..
you call "indoctrination" is a misnomer. Without the ability for anyone to learn the three r's, further education is impossible. The ability to read is a necessary tool for learning; that's not indoctrination.
Reply Fri 17 Sep, 2010 11:47 am
@The Outsider,
The Outsider wrote:

Philosophy is dead. So says Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow in their recent publication, The Grand Design. They state this deeply profound statement and then support it with... one sentence. "Philosophy has not kept up with modern developments in science, particularly physics."

I won't bother going any further right now as to why I think they're off their rockers.

The book does contain lots of profound and interesting scientific insights. But why the authors (both seemingly very intelligent men) think this constitutes a philosophy is beyond me.

So, forum, thoughts, comments, snide remarks?

I have not yet read Hawkings' latest book.

In my opinion, the scientists who have made the most important discoveries are, in part, practicing philosophical thinking. Scientists do not stumble around, bumping into scientific discoveries. They are actively speculating on what questions to pursue and making judgements about what constitutes a correct answer to those questions.
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Fri 17 Sep, 2010 12:25 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Again you seam to be one more in the crowd that confuses Education with School and Knowledge with Information...I am sorry, I don´t mean to be picky with you, but I can´t avoid the fact of noticing where you going with this...

As for Fido I much respect is opinions and vast knowledge in many respects...but in this matter is view is simply outdated...animals (mammals even insects) can be Social, help each other and work in groups (packs), selfishness has nothing to do with it...actually a clever selfish person takes the group very seriously out of its own interest (if he gets to see why). That is where Education is needed...and that one kind of knowing, we lost it a long time ago.

Like in the sixty´s we still look to Education waiting for a miracle to happen...well, keep on waiting ! You are up for a deception...
Don´t get me wrong there...I still think that some education can do wonders, but I don´t wait for a miracle through it.

The problem is much more linked with the rhythm and quality of live that we have this days...and its not just about health care, formal education or money, although that remains a persistent issue...the bottom line its about community, free time, or quality time, and people biding together and get to know each other..."au contraire" from what you get to learn in Economic sciences, its about non-mobility, its about growing roots and stabilize populations as they were "programmed" to be, Genetically speaking, of course ! The fact is that we can´t change in hundred years, or should n´t, what took hundred and fifty thousand to rubbish !
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 17 Sep, 2010 01:15 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Your emphasis on education is wrong. It's about the people that uses education for good or bad. As with business, many good people turn into crooks; it doesn't matter how much education they have or not.
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Fri 17 Sep, 2010 01:35 pm
@cicerone imposter,
What emphasis ?
Education is like knowledge, or you have it or you don´t...
For instance Moral Education is about deeply understanding why you should help.(precisely out of personnel selfishness and not the opposite)
If you don´t get it, you are uneducated in that sense. Again you confuse Information with knowledge. Knowledge unlike information only grows out of a personnel experience. Look for instance at Philosophy primary roll. Philosophy teaches you how to get some Knowledge, how to think for yourself, how to bring Information into a personnel context. And that´s precisely what is missing nowadays...we don´t have time...we have MacDonald´s fast food information throw up in school.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 17 Sep, 2010 02:08 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
FA wrote:
Again you confuse Information with knowledge.

I did no such thing. Besides, "knowledge" is difficult to define when it's based on how one translates it.

Moral education is an oxymoron. Can you prove that "moral education" has been practiced by any individual or groups? Show me?
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Fri 17 Sep, 2010 02:15 pm
@cicerone imposter,
That is just great !!! Laughing
Ask your granny. Lol ( I won´t even loose time with this nonsense )
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Sep, 2010 03:08 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

By your statements about morality, you seem to understand the difference between morality and ethics.

As for your views about education, it's not even close to being factual. The US public school system is open to all children - to both the rich and the poor. Many in this country were poor during the depression, and worked themselves out of it by going to college after WWII. They are the ones credited with growing our economy; and many so-called poor became the middle class and the wealthy. Only the old monied people were wealthy back then, and didn't lack for food or shelter.

Finally, your views about education
Most of our education is indoctrination, and only in certain parts, essentially, in math, science, physics where true education is possible is there any education..
you call "indoctrination" is a misnomer. Without the ability for anyone to learn the three r's, further education is impossible. The ability to read is a necessary tool for learning; that's not indoctrination.

What exactly does that term mean and imply: Growing the Economy???
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Sep, 2010 08:52 pm
fresco wrote:
Chumly should perhaps address his use of the words "pop-culture" to Niels Bohr.
Bohr did not grossly oversimplify quantum theory and then exempt it from the math, and then try and apply what little is left to popular (and not-so-popular) notions. Further the Bohr model of the atom (in which electrons orbit an atom's nucleus) is only an approximation to quantum mechanics that has the virtue of being much simpler.
Reply Fri 17 Sep, 2010 09:08 pm

lets put it this way

if philosophy is dead then where do the questions on any thought from imagination , concepts , science and mathematics come from ?


PHILOSOPHY is involved in the full spectrum of thought

this does not mean that there is not a fundation on which thought is founded , for example a tree is a tree is a tree

inotherwords there are ideas , thoughts and conclusions , which we can question , but NOT EVERYTHING , there is a common sense to things , on which all thoughts are fundamentaly based

cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 17 Sep, 2010 09:55 pm
Well said.
Reply Fri 17 Sep, 2010 10:02 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Well said.

thanks , and appreciated

0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Sep, 2010 10:23 pm
Sorry but the scientific method does not have a requirement for a philosophy in order to demonstrate efficacy.
Reply Fri 17 Sep, 2010 10:26 pm
Chumly wrote:

Sorry but the scientific method does not have a requirement for a philosophy in order to demonstrate efficacy.


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