Cyracuz wrote:
Quote:I can see you do not get it... Do the rules of physical reality maintain themselves out of our sight, or not???
I can rephrase it for you.
A student pointed and said "the flag moves".
Another student said "the wind moves".
The master said "the mind moves".
There is no mind except as a moral form, but brains would not have evolved to the point of conceiving themselves alternately as soul, or mind were change not the only constant in the cosmos... The earth moves, because of gravity the wind moves and the flag, moving with the earth moves with the wind, and the mind which is how the brain conceives of constants compared to change moves too, so it sees only relative change, and not change as a constant... It is knowing apart from ones perception that physical reality exists, and behaves in a regular fashion that is the first judgement of physics, and one that is learned almost at birth...Conservation is not simply learned at a certain stage of life as Piaget suggested, making all reason possible; but is learned at all stages of life... What changes, and what stays the same amid change because only with constants can we measure change and add to knowledge...
When even the earth we stand on that we think is so firm is floating around like a gob of slag in a vat of iron, and all is floating in one galazy among many, constants are difficult to find, but much easier in physics than in morality... The one constant by which we normally judge all is our own lives; but the are pure chaos and havok... People burn through their lives, and it is the life of society or humanity that lives on and is the ultimate judge of the worth of any one life by it own standard...We get our moral forms from society and give them back slightly modified, but that is the cultural economy that has remained unchanged since the dawn of mankind...We cannot change our nature, and for that reason we change our physical forms, and physics from the start has been for that purpose...But physics cut off from morality, which is the primary goal of philosophy: Good and moral lives; Is a positive danger to humanity... You cannot teach those people morals because people cannot be taught morals... People learn morals in a moral environment just as they learn hypocracy from a hypocritical environment... It is easy to say the scientists should find their roots in philosophy and do good...The difficulty is getting our whole society and humanity too, to look for good out side of the immediate, and seek in culture the life of mankind...