Quote:Your title of the thread is not the logical conclusion from your initial post.
I know that, Foofie. I succumbed to the A2K admonition to write something catchy in the title. I was going to post on that, but decided to skip it for the present.
Quote:And, your using the term "deadwood" is incorrect, since "deadwood" correlates to people that are not effective in their jobs, oftentimes due to their skill sets being obsolete.
Not questioning dubious policies and nonsensical thinking points to deadwood. Not using what should be a brain and simply accepting a series of falsehoods, you should be familiar with this, illustrates just where this deadwood lies.
Quote:In the military, people have to maintain their repective skill sets, based on the current technology, or procedures. Possibly, you are outside your arena of expertise, not having been in the military?
You are avoiding the crucial point made by the author, a man who admitted that it took him 40 years to break that military mindset, which is, in essence, a foofie mindset.
He warns that mindsets like yours are going to spell disaster for the US.