Adolph Hitler is thought to have been a Zionist Jew!

Thu 26 Aug, 2010 06:01 pm

Whenever conflict ensues the victors accounts are recorded and preserved as history, unfortunately the victors are not always the good guys, very often when the veil is lifted we find that not only are the official histories untrue, they are 100% wrong.


Nazis or Zionists.. the connection between Zionism and German Nazism, existed since Moses Hess coined the term to describe Jewish Nationalism as early as 1862, it would later be developed further, both ideologically and politically.


Documents found by the German historian Klaus Polkehn, reveal an extensive co operation between the leading Nazis and Zionist leaders, this was published by Professor Israel Shahak in the Israeli newspaper Zo Haderekh, on 2 September 1981.

In his book "Before Hitler Came," Geneva 1975, the Jewish Professor of History Dietrich Bronder showed which Jews financed Adolf Hitler and helped him into power, which explains why a large number of Jews were given Aryan documents. He also proves that most of the Nazi leaders were Jews or half Jews, or were married to Jewish women.. Bronder's book is banned in Germany.

Adolf Hitler was awarded Iron Cross 2nd Class after only two months of front duty in 1915, several other distinctions were to follow.. he was awarded the Iron Cross 1st Class, on the recommendation of Jewish artillery Lieutenant Hugo Gutmann, after action on August 4 1918, near Soissons, it was unusual for a Lance Corporal to get this order, which was almost always reserved for commissioned officers.

Hugo Gutmann was Hitler's immediate superior officer from January 29 to August 31, 1918, his military papers have been preserved, and they tell that he was born on November 19, 1880 in Nuremberg as the son of the shop keeper Salomon Gutmann and his wife Emma. He himself stated his religion as Jewish.


Hitler's life is still a mystery ..or a cover up.. "there are some people who seriously doubt that Johann Georg Hiedler was the father of Alois.

Thyssen and Koehler, for example, claim that Chancellor Dollfuss had ordered the Austrian police to conduct a thorough investigation into the Hitler family, as a result of this investigation a secret document was prepared, that proved that Maria Anna Schicklgruber was living in Vienna at the time she conceived while employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild.

Zionist Illuminati Bankers Hired Hitler to Start WW2, the ink was not dry on the Versailles Peace Treaty before the Illuminati started work on World War Two, by building Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.

Before 1919, Hitler had been a political "gun for hire" who had many Jewish friends and had flirted with both Communism and Socialism. Overnight he became a virulent anti-Communist and anti-Semite. What happened? He had become an army intelligence officer. Throughout the 1920's the Reichswehr secretly funded his party and trained his SA "Brownshirts." More

Hitler Used Rothschild Banker's Typewriter.. Emil Georg von Stauss, the president of Germany's largest bank, the Deutsche Bank, lent Hitler a portable Remington so he could write his infamous anti Jewish banker manifesto "Mein Kampf." Von Stauss, a principal Nazi Party fundraiser, also was a longtime business associate of the Rothschilds. More

Hitler was surrounded by Jews just like Bush, Clinton, Obama, etc...


Hitler's Jewish girlfriend.. for decades biographers have relied on the memoirs of Hitler’s virtually only friend during the period 1904 - 1908, August Kubizek, now, nearly 70 years after it was written, his book "The Young Hitler I Knew," has finally been published in English.

And while there have been earlier versions, notably the heavily edited manuscript that was used by the Nazi party as an official biography, Kubizek’s uncensored account throws a fascinating light on the fanatical mind of the future Fuhrer. More

Hitler's Family Tree his Jewish half sister.. Angela Franziska Johanna Hammitzsch, née Hitler 28 July 1883 – 30 October 1949, first married to Leo Raubal, Sr, was the elder half sister of Adolf Hitler, Angela Hitler was born in Braunau, Austria, the second child of Alois Hitler and his second wife, Franziska Matzelberger. Her mother died the next year, she and her brother Alois Hitler, Jr. were raised by their father and his third wife Klara Pölzl. Her half-brother Adolf Hitler was born six years after her, and they grew very close she is the only one of his siblings mentioned in Mein Kampf.

Angela's husband Leo Raubal died on August 10, 1910, according to an OSS profile of the Hitler family, Angela moved to Vienna and after World War I, became manager of Mensa Academia Judaica, a boarding house for Jewish students where she once defended her charges against anti-Semitic rioters.

Hitler later asked Angela to leave for planning an intrigue with other women to have Eva Braun thrown out, she left having no further relations with Hitler except to celebrate his birthdays in Berlin. In April 1945, she went to Berchtesgaden, where Schaub made her a present of 100,000 Reichsmarks from Hitler, which she managed to keep secret from the Allies.

Hitler's Jewish Psychic.. born to a family called Steinschneider, Jew Erik Jan Hanussen (Wiki) arrived in decadent Berlin, and became the prophet of the Third Reich, historians digging into the archives to reconstruct the chronicle of the twentieth century, will have to deal with this strange phenomenon of Hanussen, born Herschmann Steinschneider in the humble home of a poor Jewish actor in Vienna.

It will be their task to unravel a complex maze of reality and legend, myth and romance, to reach the core of the true personality of Steinschneider, alias Hanussen, and his influence on one of the most significant chapters of European history, the ascent and reign of Adolf Hitler.

Hitler's Jewish Doctor.. Austria's most famous historian, Brigitte Hamann, lives in the leafy 19th district, a 15 minute drive from Vienna's Heldenplatz, where joyous Viennese cheered the arrival of the Fuehrer in the Anschluss of 1938.

Hitler takes center stage in two of her books, "Hitler's Vienna: A Dictator's Apprenticeship," (Oxford) and "Winifred Wagner: A Life at the Heart of Hitler's Bayreuth," a biography of the composer's Nazi daughter in law, recently published in the U.S. by Harcourt. Until he got distracted by the war, Hitler loved nothing more than watching "Gotterdammerung'' in the special Fuehrer box at Bayreuth, with his friend Winnie by his side.

Hitler's Jewish Solicitor.. Langbehn was one of my pupils in Göttingen, with whom I soon came into contact end who was my friend until April 1939 when I left Germany. I soon became aware that he was a young man of great gifts, but at the same time one in danger. He was the son of an "Auslandsdeutscher," a German living in a foreign country; born somewhere in South America if I correctly recollect, in any case a boy for whom it seemed difficult to subject himself to the restricted and narrow life in the after war Germany.

Jewish works found in Hitler's personal record collection.. a newly discovered box of Hitler's records, included music by Jewish composers or played by Jewish musicians.

Relatives of a Russian officer who looted Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler's Berlin bunker in 1945, have unearthed the Führer's personal record collection among his belongings.

Kept in a box for 62 years in the attic of a dacha near Moscow, the collection of gramophone discs had been been taken from Hitler's Wilhelmstrasse bunker in Berlin, by a Red Army reconnaissance officer, Capt. Lev Besymenski, who died this summer at the age of 86 who was Jewish. After his death, his daughter Alexandra brought the box of some 100 LPs to Germany's Spiegel magazine. Source: jta.org

What they found does not make sweet music to those who still worship the racial quackery of mankind's greatest tormentor, for amid the Wagner and the Beethoven, were works by Jewish and Russian composers, Hitler's greatest enemies, including Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky and Borodin.

Throughout the twelve year lifespan of the Third Reich, Hitler forbade his followers to listen to anything other than German composers, jazz was banned as "negro swamp music," and orchestras such as the Berlin Philharmonic were forbidden from playing anything other than Teutonic classics, the rest Hitler labeled "sub human music."

In 1943, American intelligence compiled a file on Hitler, the material was classified and was not released until 1972, psychiatrist Walter C. Langer, who during the war had analyzed all secret information about Hitler for the White House, published the delicate material in his book "The Mind of Adolf Hitler," (New York, 1972) he had access to facts similar to those made available to Dietrich Bronder.

The Nazi leadership also included Jews with "the right documents," among them the head of the SS Heinrich Himmler, shown to be Jewish by the Jewish writer Willi Frischauer in his book "Himmler: Evil Genius of the Third Reich", London, 1953.

Himmler's homosexual activities were recorded on film by the Nazi photographer Walter Frenz, Wilhelm Canaris, the head of the Abwehr was a Greek Jew. Other Jews were Alfred Rosenberg, who developed the national socialist ideology using as models the Talmud and Bulwer-Lytton's "The Coming Race" (1871), and Joseph Goebbels, whose first girlfriend was Jewish, and who only appreciated Jewish professors, Grigori Klimov, "The Protocols of the Soviet Elders", Krasnodar, 1995, pp. 328-329.

Goebbels' Jewish ancestry has also been demonstrated by the historian David Irving, his family came from Holland, he was nicknamed "rabbi" in school. His wife was the adopted daughter of a Jewish family called Friedlander, his mother in law was once insulted by SA members in a Jewish cafe, whereupon she replied that she would complain to her son in law Dr Goebbels, Konrad Heiden, "Adolf Hitler", Zurich, 1936, p. 350.

The deputy Chancellor of the Reich, Rudolf Hess, was bom in Egypt by a Jewish mother, in the homosexual circles in Munich, he was known as "Fraulein Anna," (Bronder, op. cit.). It is less commonly known that in the 1920s, Hitler sexually abused Richard Wagner's grandson Wieland Wagner, (Time Magazine, 15 August 1994, p. 56), this information is well documented.

Adolf Hitler's homosexuality has been demonstrated beyond question by German historian Lothar Machtan's massively researched new book, The Hidden Hitler, which shows homosexuality's central role in Hitler's personal life. Wiki

Hitler's Jewish maid [breaks her silence on Adolf Hitler.. history has condemned him as the megalomaniac who brought death and misery to millions, but for one woman, the name Adolf Hitler evokes a smile not a shudder.. she is Rosa Mitterer, who worked as a maid for the Fuhrer at his mountain retreat in Bavaria in the 1930s.

Rosa is 91 and until now has kept a vow of silence about her experiences, she has chosen to break it after realizing she is the last survivor, of the circle who served the tyrant in the years before he launched the Second World War. Uncle Adolf had numerous "Arianised" Jewish cooks, including a Jewish cook attending to his stomach aliments.

Were Jews behind the Holocaust.. The Final Solution ..What final solution, it was Jews killing Jews.. The Untold Story of the Nazi Jews!


Michael Berenbaum, former director of the Research Institute of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, and editor of "Witness to the Holocaust," HarperCollins 1997, calls Hitler's Jewish Soldiers "startling and unexpected." An "invaluable contribution," he says in a blurb for the book, it "is bound to discomfort all those who work in the field," and has much to teach "even the most experienced of scholars."


Cambridge University researcher Bryan Rigg traced the ancestry of more than twelve hundred Jewish officers, and one hundred and fifty thousand Jewish enlisted men who served in the Wehrmacht, including two field marshals, fifteen generals, two full generals, eight lieutenant generals, and five major generals.

Picture of General Gotthard Heinrici, who was a Jew!

Rigg interviewed Alexander Stahlberg, a former German soldier who lived on the grounds of a castle near Gartow, he talked about the "Mischlinge," men who had survived "in the mouth of the wolf."

The Most feared Nazis were Hitler's Jewish Police.. the Ordenienst.


The Jewish police in Westerbork Concentration Camp, were universally detested by camp inmates for their cruelty and their role in collaborating with the Nazis, composed of Jews from Holland and other European countries, members of the OD were responsible for guarding the punishment block, and generally maintaining order in the camp.

The OD consisting of twenty men in mid 1942, and grew to a peak of one hundred and eighty two in April 1943, and stood at sixty seven in February 1944, wearing the "OD" badge on the left breast, was decreed in Camp Order No. 27 of 23 April 1943.

Hitler was Jewish.. this historiographic breakthrough was explained in a recent interview by Mohammed Ali Ramin, an adviser to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Secretary General of the "World Foundation for Holocaust Studies," established at the government sponsored Holocaust denial conference held in Tehran in December 2006, as summed up by MEMRI the Middle East Media Research Institute, which translated parts of this interview:

Mohammad Ali Ramin said that Hitler was Jewish, and that Hitlers policies were aimed at bringing about the establishment of a Jewish state, Ramin added that Hitler acted under the influence of his powerful Jewish associates, and in cooperation with Britain, since the latter shared his desire to force the Jews out of Europe.

Hitler was Jewish - Shock Revelation.. Youtube Censorship.. "This video has been removed due to terms of use violation."

The following is a short clip from the History Channel special "Hitler's Family," Adolf Hitler ancestry remains shrouded in history, yet there is evidence that Hitler may in fact have been of Jewish decent.. after Hitler became chancellor of Germany his political opponent did some digging into his family's past, apparently the Jewish surname Salom was connected with the Hitler family, could it be that the worst anti Semite in history was himself a Jew?

YouTube - Was Hitler jewish?

Was Hitler Just a Pawn.. the man who became the personification of evil, was probably the puppet of a hidden power still in control of the world, this view is supported by a curious little known document entitled, "I was Hitler's Boss" by Captain Karl Mayr published in the New York based magazine, "Current History" in November 1941.

As Hitler's boss in the "Instruction Dept." of the Reichwehr in Munich, Capt. Mayr had "daily contact" with Hitler for 15 months, from March 1919 until June 1920, Corporal Hitler was charged with propaganda functions and infiltrating labor groups.


Was Hitler a "British"/Rothshilds Agent.. Greg Hallett's book, "Hitler Was A British Agent" depicts war as a ghoulish illusion conjured by occult magicians, in order to degrade and eventually enslave humanity in world government, Hallett's claim is based on the testimony of a shadowy network of retired intelligence agents, while he fails to provide documentary proof, Hallett does offer persuasive circumstantial evidence.

Understanding Hitler's Secret Relationship to the House of Rothschild.. in 1999, a book was published entitled "The House of Rothschild, The World's Banker 1849-1999," by Niall Ferguson, who, according to the inside jacket cover, is "the first historian with unrestricted access to all the surviving Rothschild archives." the book concluded Ferguson's "myth breaking portrait of one of the most fascinating and powerful families of modern times," it further stated:

Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler.. History Channel Now Admits U.S. Banks Funded The Third Reich.. Hitler's death also remains a mystery. The Great Escape! The OMEGA File Hitler escaped.. in 1952, Dwight D. Eisenhower said, "we have been unable to unearth one bit of tangible evidence of Hitler's death, many people believe that Hitler escaped from Berlin."

When President Truman asked Joseph Stalin at the Potsdam conference in 1945, whether or not Hitler was dead, Stalin replied bluntly, "nyet," Stalin's top army officer, Marshall Gregory Zhukov, whose troops were the ones to occupy Berlin flatly stated after a long thorough investigation in 1945, "we have found no corpse that could be Hitler's."

The chief of the U.S. trial counsel at Nuremberg, Thomas J. Dodd, said, "no one can say he is dead," Major General Floyd Parks, who was commanding general of the U.S. sector in Berlin, stated for publication that he had been present when Marshall Zhukov described his entrance to Berlin, and Zhukov stated he believed Hitler might have escaped.

Lt. Gen. Bedell Smith, Chief of Staff to Gen. Eisenhower in the European invasion and later Director of the CIA, stated publicly on Oct. 12, 1945, "no human being can say conclusively that Hitler is dead."


In his book, "The Rise of the Fourth Reich" Jim Marrs discusses Hitler's escape, and US protection of elites Nazis, the Zionists.

World was Lied to about Hitler's Death.. The doubles would also be good for dying in place of Hitler, should the occasion arise. When Newsweek magazine published an article named Adolf Hitler's Double, in its March 13, 1939 issue, the editors were only repeating an opinion that was already widely acknowledged by the Allies.

According to a recent Russian story, "Goebbels had engaged six doubles to impersonate Hitler for purposes of security and public appearances, after the capitulation of the Third Reich, Hitler had to die for the sake of vindication, there could be no doubt of his death."


Despite the intelligence reports, many Western historians continued to maintain that Adolf Hitler committed suicide in his Berlin underground bunker on April 30, 1945, ironically, it was not the evidence provided by Russia that convinced them, but the testimony of the obsessively devoted Nazis who were also present in the Chancellery bunker when Hitler allegedly killed himself.

Here is where their futile pretense became a matter of imprudence, for they were primarily the very same historians, who insisted that the body shown in the annoying Russian photos, was a doppelganger killed by those Nazis in the Berlin bunker who wanted to thwart Allied investigators.

We were therefore expected to believe, that after committing the outright murder of a double for the purpose of obstructing justice, our Nazi bunker guests were nonetheless quite frank and honest, in their eye witness accounts of what really became of Adolf Hitler.

A researcher claims that Hitler escaped to Spain, an Argentine researcher who believes a "farce," the official theory about the suicide of Adolf Hitler in 1945, has found an FBI document that proves that the U.S. Army looked for the Führer in Spain in 1947.

"Hitler, Eva Braun and 13 senior Nazis landed in Barcelona on April 27, 1945, on a flight that departed from Berlin and made a stop in Linz Austria," said Bastia, they traveled in a Junker 290, serial number 0163, code PIPQ, which later was found by the allies at an airport in the naval town of Travemünde, near Hamburg, revealed the investigator, for whom Spain was just a springboard for the escape of Hitler in submarine into South America.

Hitler died in 1960 in Argentina.. Under Operation Paperclip the US and British governments helped many Nazis to escape from Germany, Abel Basti, an Argentinian journalist, is the author of 'Bariloche Nazi'. Basti claims Hitler escaped to San Carlos de Bariloche, in Patagonia, in Argentina, and died in 1960, according to Basti, Hitler reached South America by submarine on July 28, 1945, Basti says traces of Hitler's presence in southern Argentina will gradually emerge.

What Was Hitler's Real Fate.. despite the historical consensus that Hitler killed himself at the end of World War II, there still linger unanswered questions, the biggest still is, did he really commit suicide?

Other important questions begging for answers are:

* If Hitler shot himself in the right temple (as is claimed), why then do the Russians exhibit, what is supposed to be Hitler's cranium, showing a bullet hole in the back of his head?

* Why did the Russians refuse to allow the Western Allies to see Hitler's presumed autopsy report?

* For what reason did three German submarines land off the coast of southern Argentina more than two months after the end of World War II in Europe?

* What was the reason for the disagreement between the Russian Military Intelligence (SMERSH) and the Russian Secret state Police (NKVD) regarding Hitler?

* For what reason did Hitler's plane land in Barcelona, Spain on April 27th, 1945, three days before the alleged suicide?

* Why did Stalin tell the Western Leaders that Hitler escaped from Berlin?

* Why were there no burned wood planks on the spot where Hitler and Eva Braun were supposedly be cremated?


"Hitler's Fate - The Final Story" answers these and other intriguing questions in a conscientious and factual manner.

Israel Founded Using Known Nazi Forgeries of British Banknotes.. the Germans produced £132m of forged Bank of England notes during the Second World War, as part of an audacious plan to undermine and destroy the British economy.

The sum was worth about £3bn in today's money, while the plan ultimately failed to deal the UK a fatal blow, it nevertheless frightened the Bank of England into withdrawing all notes worth more than £5 from circulation, until the 1960s.

The notes were produced by a team of forgers and printing experts, gathered from among Jewish concentration camp inmates, in the book, "Krueger's Men" Lawrence Malkin reveals how some of the cash ended up in the hands of the Jewish underground, at the end of the Second World War.

When war erupts in the world.. "Nobody knows that Zionism appeared as a Marxist movement, a socialist one... Zionism is actually a revolution." Sergei Lezov, scientist at the Soviet Academy of Science, Institute for Scientific Information. Strana i Mir magazine Munich, No. 3, 1988, p. 94. "The ideals of Bolshevism at many points are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism." Jewish Chronicle, 4th April 1919 (London).

Zionism and the Third Reich.. early in 1935, a passenger ship bound for Haifa in Palestine left the German port of Bremerhaven, its stern bore the Hebrew letters for its name, "Tel Aviv," while a swastika banner fluttered from the mast, although the ship was Zionist owned, its captain was a National Socialist Party member.

Many years later a traveler aboard the ship recalled this symbolic combination as a "metaphysical absurdity," absurd or not, this is but one vignette from a little known chapter of history: The wide ranging collaboration between Zionism and Hitler's Third Reich.


Nazi medal commemorating Zionist collaboration with Hitler.. Werner Senator, a leading German Zionist, once remarked that Zionism, for all its world Jewish nationalism, always politically assimilates to the countries within which it operates.

No better proof exists than the adaptation of the German Zionist Federation, the Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland, to the theories and policies of the new Nazi regime in 1933. Believing that similarities between the two movements, contempt for liberalism, 'volkish' racism and their mutual conviction that Germany, could never be the homeland of its Jews, could induce the Nazis to support them, the ZVfD repeatedly solicited the patronage of Adolf Hitler.

Adolf Hitler Founder of Israel.. "Is there any connection between Hitler's unclear origin, and the foundation of the State of Israel, which did not exist for two thousand years, and suddenly three years after Hitler's death came into being again?

And did not Hitler, after he became Fuehrer, explain to his legal advisor Hans Frank, a son of a Bamberg's Jewish lawyer, that he learned from his grandmother Schicklgruber that her son Alois, Hitler's father, without any doubt originated from an affair with the Jew Frankenberger?

Zionists Were Spiritually And Physically Responsible For The Holocaust, by Rabbi Gedalya Liebermann.. from its' inception, many rabbis warned of the potential dangers of Zionism, and openly declared that all Jews loyal to G-d should stay away from it, like one would from fire. They made their opinions clear to their congregates, and to the general public, their message was that Zionism is a chauvinistic racist phenomenon, which has absolutely naught to do with Judaism.

The Hidden History of Zionism.. when Menachem Begin became chief of Betar, he preferred the brown shirts of the Hitler gangs, a uniform Begin and Betar members wore to all meetings and rallies, at which they greeted each other and opened and closed meetings with the fascist salute.

Adolf Hitler's New World Order -by Adolf Hitler.. “Hitler has often protested that his plans for conquest do not extend across the Atlantic Ocean, I have in my possession a secret map, made in Germany by Hitler’s government, by the planners of the new world order. It is a map of South America, and a part of Central America as Hitler proposes to reorganize it,” ..US President Franklin D. Roosevelt in his Navy Day address to the nation, broadcast on 27 October 1941.

How Einstein Helped Hitler.. Albert Einstein was a racist Zionist, he believed that anti Semitism was good for the Jewish "race," because it promoted segregation and separated Jews from the Goyim.

John Stachel wrote.. "While he lived in Germany, however, Einstein seems to have accepted the then prevalent racist mode of thought, often invoking such concepts as 'race' and 'instinct,' and the idea that the Jews form a race," J. Stachel, "Einstein's Jewish Identity", Einstein from 'B' to 'Z', Birkhaeuser, Boston, Basel, Berlin, (2002), pp. 57-83, at 68.

Einstein helped Hitler and the Zionist Nazis by promoting the belief among Jews that anti-Semitism was the Jews' salvation.

Jew Stalin far worse than Jew Hitler.. the conservative estimate for the number of deaths by starvation under Stalin's reign is ten million white Ukrainians, as reported by the Encyclopedia Britannica, yet, other sources show the numbers to be much higher.. taking into account the full toll of Communism on the Russian people, the number reaches forty five million "We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish!" Sever Plocker, Ynet News

1933: World Jewry Declares War on Germany 1924 French Police File Card for "Adolphe Jacob Hitler"?


Nazis were Zionists.. the Nazis wished to declare "Germans" a distinct ethnicity, and to marshal "Germans" together into a unified political force, in an ethnically and religiously homogenized homeland. Zionism did come first, however, and Nazism was partly an emulation of it and partly a "pre emptive" response against it.

Zionists were the real Nazis.. a relative of Hitler is now Jewish and living in Israel, so is the son of a Waffen SS man, Tanya Gold talks to the descendants of Nazis who have embraced Judaism.

Lenni Brenner divulged in 1984 in his book, "The Iron Wall" that the Stem Gang in 1940 delivered a memorandum to a German diplomat in Beirut, it was suggested that the Jews in Poland should receive Nazi military training to fight against the British in Palestine.


"Our race is the Master Race, we are divine gods on this planet, as different from the inferior races as they are from insects.. in fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best, other races are considered as human excrement, our destiny is to rule over the inferior races.

Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron, the masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves." Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister, 1977-1983, Nobel Prize Winner for Peace!

Heinrich Himmler's emissary Leopold von Mildenstein together with Zionist functionaries visited Palestine in 1933 and 1934, in 1933, the Hitler administration and the Zionist Central Organization, signed an agreement for the Jewish emigration to Palestine. There were so many new settlers, that many Arabs suspected Hitler of being Jewish and a crypto Zionist.

The Theft of Palestine has nothing to do with the Holocaust.. New York Times year 1900 articles prove the fallacy of the holocaust, long before Hitler the Zionist Propaganda Brainwashing was in full gear

Jewish crimes against humanity.. the "horrors" of German National Socialism are greatly exaggerated, one reason is to cover the crimes of Communism and Zionism this century, particularly in Russia and Eastern Europe. This cover up exists because it was predominantly atheistic Judeo Communists from New York and Chicago, financed by wealthy "western" Jews, who hijacked the Russian Revolution.

The Jew Jacob Schiff provided the Jewish revolution with $20 million, the money was transferred via cooperation of the Federal Reserve Bank, another Jewish creation instituted in 1913, the same year the Anti Defamation League came into existence.


To accomplish their goals, the Zionists will let no one stand in their way. During World War II, the Zionist leadership cooperated with the Nazis by delivering lower class Jews to the concentration camps.

Jack Bernstein's book, "The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel," tells how it was, how it is, and how it will be, as long as American taxpayers tolerate their leaders’ bowing to every wish and whim of the Ashkenazic elite, which rules Israel. He takes the reader on a guided tour through Israel’s history, institutions and values, demonstrating how the best traditions of Biblical Judaism have been obscured, corrupted, or cast out to make way for the totalitarian, militaristic, chauvinist Nazi monster that is the Israel of today.

Adolf Eichmann was a crypto Jewish Zionist Nazi, who, together with other such Jews, attempted to force European Jewry to emigrate to Palestine against their will, according to Hennecke Kardel in his book Adolf Hitler: Begruender Israels, Eichmann was a full blooded Jew, according to Eichmann himself, he was a radical Zionist, in 1939 in a conversation with Anny Stern.

In 1950, it was claimed from official Jewish sources that the total amount of Jews in Palestine from various European countries, only amounted to eighty thousand, as many as four hundred and twenty thousand of those present were listed as gassed in the camps, even though they were alive and well in Israel, the Zionists considered them victims of the holocaust, and demanded retribution for them ..Weckert, "Feuerzeichen: Die Reichskristallnacht" / "The Kristallnacht: A Beacon", Tubingen, 1981.

Heinrich Himmler ordered Reinhard Heydrich to put a stop to all demonstrations and to protect the Jews from the demonstrators, the telegrams giving the orders are still available in the archives.

When Hitler was informed at 1 a.m. of the riots in Munich, and that a synagogue had been burned, he was furious and ordered the Munich chief of police to report to him immediately.

He ordered the fire put out at once, and all demonstrations and riots in Munich to be stopped, he made sure that a telex was sent to all gauleiter at 3 am, the order demanded: "From the highest authority: Arson or assault on Jewish shops or other Jewish property must not occur under any circumstances."
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Thu 26 Aug, 2010 06:41 pm
You could have just posted the link without copying and pasting the entire page...

And, the source of this article looks dubious at best.
Thu 26 Aug, 2010 06:49 pm
Pangloss wrote:

You could have just posted the link without copying and pasting the entire page...

And, the source of this article looks dubious at best.
Might be, but it's printed in national newspapers in Denmark, so there must be a tiny bit of cedibility, but we all know that national newspapers has been wrong, even the highly estimated The Times.
0 Replies
Thu 26 Aug, 2010 07:24 pm
Sorry for sounding like a prick, but that is an awfully cool looking symbol. That Jewish star combined with the embellished Nazi swastika.
Fri 27 Aug, 2010 09:11 am
Zetherin wrote:

Sorry for sounding like a prick, but that is an awfully cool looking symbol. That Jewish star combined with the embellished Nazi swastika.
From a design standpoint, it is really cool. It looks kind of arabesque. Maybe the Zionist Nazis were really Muslim extremists?
Fri 27 Aug, 2010 11:35 am
OH MY GOD ! ! !

The Jews are responsible for the Nazis and Arab Terrotists ! ! !

The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

-- C. Little
Fri 27 Aug, 2010 12:25 pm
Setanta wrote:

OH MY GOD ! ! !

The Jews are responsible for the Nazis and Arab Terrotists ! ! !

The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

-- C. Little
Obviously it's not that simple. As Lenin said, you have to look at who's benefiting. All my algorithms are pointing to the same conclusion. You have a time machine and have, in fact, orchestrated every anthropogenic disaster from Cain to California. That's why you're on my ignore list.
Fri 27 Aug, 2010 12:28 pm
If i'm on your ignore list, why are you replying to my post?

Was that some obscure attempt at humor?
Walter Hinteler
Fri 27 Aug, 2010 12:47 pm
Arjuna wrote:
Maybe the Zionist Nazis were really Muslim extremists?

I've read a lot of phantasy stories about Nazis and Hitler.

But this is really is some of the worst.
Fri 27 Aug, 2010 01:05 pm
Setanta wrote:

If i'm on your ignore list, why are you replying to my post?

Was that some obscure attempt at humor?
Fri 27 Aug, 2010 01:13 pm
'K . . . ya lost me there for a minute . . .
0 Replies
Fri 27 Aug, 2010 01:13 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
This one really takes the cake, n'est-ce pas, Walter?
Fri 27 Aug, 2010 01:35 pm
Not to take away from Martin's fun, but in the real world there was a link between Zionists living in Palestine and Nazis.

And they were terrorists. At the time, their enemy was Britain. All they understood about Nazis was the Anti-British part.

The connection I drew between Muslim Fundamentalists and Zionists was ridiculous.

As was my reference to Setanta being responsible for every bad thing anyone has ever done throughout human history. I was just joking. Really.

But if you want to see my algorithms, they're available through the CDC.
Walter Hinteler
Fri 27 Aug, 2010 01:36 pm
Oui, ce n'est pas du tout la cerise sur le gâteau ...
0 Replies
Fri 27 Aug, 2010 01:41 pm
That's OK . . . i'm not fond of cherries anyway . . .
0 Replies
Fri 27 Aug, 2010 01:43 pm
Arjuna wrote:
As was my reference to Setanta being responsible for every bad thing anyone has ever done throughout human history. I was just joking. Really.

But if you want to see my algorithms, they're available through the CDC.

It was mostly my older brother, Joe. He was like Eddie Haskell on angel dust.
Fri 27 Aug, 2010 02:31 pm
It has been revealed that Hitler had Jewish and African roots, the people he despised.

Fri 27 Aug, 2010 02:48 pm
talk72000 wrote:

It has been revealed that Hitler had Jewish and African roots, the people he despised.

Fri 27 Aug, 2010 02:50 pm
There were hints of it years ago but Jewish protests kept it underground. Hitler hid his background.

I guess Hitler is going to another Jew that hurt Jews like Jesus.
0 Replies
Fri 27 Aug, 2010 02:52 pm
Setanta wrote:

It was mostly my older brother, Joe. He was like Eddie Haskell on angel dust.
Hide the truth in plain sight, is that your strategy? Several computer models predict that your brother was Eddie Haskell on angel dust.

And as for the codes being broadcast during every episode of Leave it to Beaver... well... Crays don't lie, my friend.


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