This friend of mine was talking about introducing me to another of his friends that I don't know - not as a boyfriend or anything - just as a friend, and he said, 'Oh but you probably wouldn't like him - he's too responsible.'
And I asked, 'What do you mean by that?'
And he said, 'You seem to like people who have more flavor to their personality.'
I said, 'Oh, so you mean he's boring?'
And he said, 'Yeah - and VERY responsible. He manages a store and he's there working at 7 am on Christmas morning if there's work to be done- I don't think you'd like him.'
That made me laugh, but also pointed out to me that what is appealing to a woman that looks like 'bad' behavior or what men think is unappealing that looks like 'good' behavior has more to do with sameness vs. differentness.
I don't dislike responsible people. If a person can be responsible without being one-dimensional and boring - more power to him. I think sometimes though certain characteristics seem to go together and that muddies the waters in terms of perception about what exactly it is about the person the other one likes.
You may really like the person's spirit of rebellion but dislike their inability to be responsible. On the other hand you may really like their ability to be responsible but dislike their tendency to play every move by the book which results in predictability and the ensuing 'boredom', so in essence, it looks like you like badness, when what you're really expressing by your choices is that you dislike predictability and boredom.