A quote posted by JTT...
Quote: And Greg Mortenson, an American, has no trouble working with the Taliban. He has built about 131 schools in remote areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan with not a one attacked or harmed in any way, students included, some 58,000 of them.
And many of the fathers in those villages insisted that their daughters be educated along with their sons.
If we spent just one half of the military budget in Afghanistan on schools and education, the results would be astounding.
Instead of bombing missions and troops being sent into remote villages, accidentally killing innocent villagers, we could send in teachers (with no religious agenda), the changes would be dramatically different .
The Cups of Tea should be required reading in our schools, our government and the pentagon. The trouble is that very few would take it seriously. It seems so innocent, so gentle, that the huge success of Mortenson would be thought of as unimportant, even with the detailed story of building schools with the help of the villagers and the changes made in the lives of the students, both boys and girls.
Maybe we in this country are so used to using war as a remedy for everything that honest, constructive work is thought of as naive and misguided.
If you haven't read The Cups of Tea, please do. It will surprise and inspire you.
For a sinister read of how the industrial countries save money on slave labor, read Invisible People. I can't remember the author's name.