Quote:There is nothing unhealthy about liking guns.
eurocelticyankee wrote:I'm a bit busy at the moment so I haven't got the time
for a back and forth with you, suffice to say, do I really
have to explain to you the difference between liking
something and being obsessed with something?.
U mean like being obsessed with putting periods after all of your question marks?
If I were interested in antique cars or opera singing, u 'd not care;
its just
the subject matter of my interest to which u object.
It is not among my goals to make u happy.
Quote:As if there were something wrong with teaching kids how to use guns?
eurocelticyankee wrote:Letting gun obsessed Dave teach young children about guns
is like sending a sex addict into class to teach the kids the facts of life,
you wouldn't recommend that would you?.
WHATAYAMEAN "letting"??????
Do u think that u have a
choice in the matter??
U wish that u coud
rape the First Amendment
the same as the Second Amendment was raped by liberals for decades??????
For your information:
I promise u that
EVERY time that the opportunity presents itself
I will encourage young people to reject the principles of liberalism
and to embrace Original Americanism, as set forth in the Constitution,
including its Bill of Rights.
In this effort, I will continue to advise
children of all ages
on optimal choice of
defensive firearms, ideal
defensive ammuntion and
battle tactics
( e.g., the most
lethal points of aim ).
What do u think u can do to stop me???????
Quote:Self defense is not in any way a summary execution.
eurocelticyankee wrote:There's nothing moral or normal about gleefully celebrating killing
another human being even if it was in self defence.
Elation is
perfectly proper, good hedonism,
especially exultation over the ending of a threat.
The more people who join me in celebration &
over the killing of violent criminals the
MORE "normal" it will be.
eurocelticyankee wrote:Lastly I'm sure Dave can speak for himself, what are you, his Mammy.
Anyone is perfectly free to comment.
U just
object to someone
supporting FREEDOM.
If he had opposed what I'd said,
then u 'd be happy with