Reply Sun 28 Aug, 2011 06:19 am
eurocelticyankee wrote:

Have you ever tried to talk to BJboy about Israel, it's farcical, you say one
word that doesn't fit his viewpoint and you're a nazi, according to him Israel
has never ever done anything wrong.

Yes I have, that's why he calls me izzythenazi. Both of these jokers have a simplistic black and white view of the world. It was that attitude that lead to the disastrous invasion of Iraq. These fascists actually believe the bullshit they hear on Fox 'News.' I'm so glad Murdoch got found out, before he could inflict the same damage over here.
Reply Sun 28 Aug, 2011 11:09 pm
izzythepush wrote:
The biggest coward on A2K is you,
Izzy, a coward is a man who lacks the bravery to DO what he shoud do.
Is there something that I shoud do
that I have not??

Incidentally, qua your conclusion
that I am the BIGGEST coward on A2K:
have u carefully analysed each of the other members hereof
by the criterion of his or her bravery or cowardice?? (the biggest to the smallest, with numerical rankings)
If not, then your conclusion qua me
appears both illogical (for failure to examine the evidence) and unfair.

izzythepush wrote:
By what reasoning have u concluded that I am "HUDDLING"??????
(not much huddling going on here)

izzythepush wrote:
behind your massive arsenal
Well, my gun collection is more than sufficient to my security needs.
It has been for quite a few years, but most of my ordnance
has been acquired as a work of art or as an artifact of history,
e.g., a .32 automatic similar to that Gavrilo Princip used to
assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand Hapsburg in June 1914
and a 9mm German Luger P-'08 (with all matching serial numbers)
from 1940 (undoubtedly a war prize). At gunnery ranges, I have
been commended by others, including the police, upon the beauty of my ordnance.

I don 't know that it is "massive".

I guess "massive" is good.

izzythepush wrote:
desperately compensating for your own inadequacies.
I don 't understand: WHAT inadequacies are those???????
Well, candor moves me to admit that at age 8,
when I began my gun collection with a .38 Smith & Wesson
revolver, I DID feel ill-at-ease about defending my home
from burglars, shoud the need arise. That discomfort was unjustified
in that I lived in a nice, crime-free naborhood.
I did not actually use a defensive revolver for many more decades
and 1,000s of miles away.

izzythepush wrote:
The freedom for our children to walk the streets,
I do not approach strangers of any age
in the STREETS to express my opinions
(tho I HAVE done so, to begift them unexpectedly with cash); its fun.
The Boys Scouts whom I mentioned were fellow customers
at a gunnery range that we frequent. We support free speech.
I denounce & scorn collectivism and praise Individualism.

izzythepush wrote:
free from the attention of deranged lunatics like yourself is a freedom we cherish.
The English don't cherish freedom any more. U have surrendered to socialism.
U face violent rioters with meek and docile humility, grovelling,
obediently stripping naked in the streets in the full light of day, to satisfy them.
Do u think that 's manly, Izzy??

izzythepush wrote:
I'm not surprised you think Oralboy is one smart cookie,
I did not accuse him of being a "cookie";
that is a misrepresentation.

izzythepush wrote:
he has probably mastered basic rhyming,
What are the PROBABILITIES, Izzy,
and how did u calculate them??
Let us check your math, please.

izzythepush wrote:
something which seems to be beyond you.
I don 't do that much.
Its not important; devoid of value.
Do prefer to rhyme than to be a MAN?? ( I 'm impugning your courage.)

Reply Sun 28 Aug, 2011 11:53 pm
eurocelticyankee wrote:
Iz we have to keep letting these self righteous pricks know that we can
see them for what they are and that though they might take themselves
seriously no one else does.
Have u ASKED everyone else,
or do always ASSUME that everyone agrees with U?????

eurocelticyankee wrote:
Gun obsessed Dave and his bribing kids with ice cream,
Bribery means paying someone to DO
something that he shoud not do. I did not call upon them
to DO anything (other than to scorn collectivism).
I displayed the revolvers and pistols that I was using (rather good looking, including the Luger)
and I gave them cash to finance their ammunition, ice cream,
gun rentals and movies (or whatever thay wanted to do with it).

eurocelticyankee wrote:
bragging that he throws a measly few dollars their way
It was more EXULTING, than bragging,
in that it makes me happy to remember my philanthropy, creating joy in individual citizens.
U coud be right that it was "a measly few dollars".
Next time, I 'll give them more.
I can give them each a $5O bill, individually. Do u think that 's enuf??
I can raise it during subsequent visits to the gunnery range.
Last time, I only gave the cash to their Scout Master.
Its better to give them Individual control.
In 2OO5, just before Katrina, for the Mensa Annual Gathering,
we went to New Orleans. In the Aquarium, there were students,
11 year olds, lined up along the walls of the corridors, behind tables,
lecturing on the history and evolution of fish. I distributed $5O bills to some of them.
Some of them seemed to like it. It can be good to create joy.

eurocelticyankee wrote:
providing they'll listen to his rantings
on guns and Laughing Laughing battle tactics.
I merely suggested optimal points of aim, while showing them revolvers, pistols
and optimal defensive ammunition, explaining how it works.
If thay wanted to leave, thay were free; none of them did.
Thay liked the guns. I remember the first time
that I saw a Luger; I was 6 years old.
A Catholic priest showed it; he said:
"This is a German Luger."
It was, with that classic 55 degree angle of the handle; sleek.

eurocelticyankee wrote:
Dave and BJboy are hilariously pathetic, they ask for debate a concept
neither one them has any idea about.
WHICH "concept"?????
Do u mean the right to bear arms?????


Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 04:11 am
Verbosity is not a useful attribute. You obsess over an isolated incident that was reported in The Daily Mail. As you're such a wealthy, courageous man, why don't you fly over to England, look me in the eye, and call me a coward? I'd be happy to meet you at the airport.
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 04:23 am
izzythepush wrote:
Verbosity is not a useful attribute.
Notice how u reflexively avoid substance
and default to ad hominem comments????????

izzythepush wrote:
You obsess over an isolated incident that was reported in The Daily Mail.
I 'm trying to SHAME U into at least FAKING that u and the other English r masculine.
So far, its not working out very well.

izzythepush wrote:
As you're such a wealthy, courageous man, why don't you fly over to England,
I don t believe that thay'd let me in, with my revolvers.

izzythepush wrote:
look me in the eye, and call me a coward? I'd be happy to meet you at the airport.
Go get the RIOTERS, who have HUMILIATED your countrymen IN PUBLIC,
in the full light of day!
I did not even take your handkerchief.

Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 04:30 am
Note how I just skim over your lengthy diatribe. You need to learn to be succinct. I'm not communicating with the rioters, I'm communicating with you. A lot of the rioters are banged up anyway. Do you suggest I go into Hackney and twat someone who looks like they may have been rioting?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 04:32 am
Omsickdave wrote
Thay liked the guns. I remember the first time
that I saw a Luger; I was 6 years old.
A Catholic priest showed it; he said:
"This is a German Luger."
What did he say next " this is my penis"Laughing

Omsickdave wrote
WHICH "concept"?????
Do u mean the right to bear arms?????
No Dave the concept of debate, the concept of articulating your
point of view while at the same time listening and not arbitrarily
dismissing somebody else's point of view. Keeping an open mind
wouldn't hurt either, can you even imagine such a thing Dave. I doubt it.

Omsickdave wrote
In the Aquarium, there were students,
11 year olds, lined up along the walls of the corridors, behind tables,
lecturing on the history and evolution of fish. I distributed $5O bills to some of them.
Some of them seemed to like it. It can be good to create joy.
Your obsession with gun grooming children is creepy Dave,
maybe your experiences with this Catholic priest have warped your
mindset. In this day and age it is very wrong for a strange old man to
be handing money to young children.
I have children Dave and my kids would not accept money from a
complete stranger, in fact they would report you for attempting to
do so. You're a very creepy old man Dave.
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 05:06 am
David wrote:
WHICH "concept"?????
Do u mean the right to bear arms?????
eurocelticyankee wrote:
No Dave the concept of debate, the concept of articulating your
point of view while at the same time listening and not arbitrarily
dismissing somebody else's point of view. Keeping an open mind
wouldn't hurt either, can you even imagine such a thing Dave.

I doubt it.
That sounds like your mind is closed.

David wrote:
In the Aquarium, there were students,
11 year olds, lined up along the walls of the corridors, behind tables,
lecturing on the history and evolution of fish. I distributed $5O bills to some of them.
Some of them seemed to like it. It can be good to create joy.
eurocelticyankee wrote:
Your obsession with gun grooming children is creepy Dave,
maybe your experiences with this Catholic priest have warped your mindset.
That did not arise in New Orleans.
Thay already HAVE gun freedom there, ergo: I did not discuss it with them.
I just listened to their lectures and put $5O bills on the tables in front of them.

eurocelticyankee wrote:
In this day and age it is very wrong for a strange old man to
be handing money to young children.
I have no interest in pleasing U.
THEIR opinions govern their choices; theirs and mine; not yours.
U don 't count.
However, as a man with an open mind:
I will consider any logical arguments on the subject that u wish to present.

eurocelticyankee wrote:
I have children Dave and my kids would not accept money from a complete stranger,
Ask me if I CARE!

eurocelticyankee wrote:
in fact they would report you for attempting to do so.
U make it sound like giving $$ away is a crime.
Is that the OPPOSITE of a robbery?????
Does a donor get the OPPOSITE of a prison sentence??

eurocelticyankee wrote:
You're a very creepy old man Dave.
Then be creeped. I 'm not giving U anything.
Do u believe that I wanna make a good impression on U???
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 05:58 am
Of course, the luger was the favoured side arm of officers of the third reich.
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 01:31 pm
izzythepush wrote:
Of course, the luger was the favoured side arm of officers of the third reich.
I have been anti-authoritarian
since the age of O.
When Georg Luger invented it in 1898,
he was not a Nazi and Hitler was 9 years old.
When the German Army adopted it in 1908,
thay were not Nazis.

Hitler replaced the Luger with the Walther P38
because the Luger was too expensive to maintain,
yet many officers in both the Wehrmacht and the SS
carried Lugers, hence the war prizes now in America.
From the time that I examined a Luger at age 6,
until I acquired one, I lusted for them n had resolved to find one.
I have found the Luger to be accurate and not to jam much,
but I have trouble respecting its little 9mm bore,
in terms of stopping power. I prefer .44 special revolvers
with hollowpointed slugs (with W - I - D - E ) cavities for stopping power.
Hitler preferred Walthers so much that he coud not resist
the temptation to kill himself with a .32 caliber Walther PPK.
I don 't have any Walthers.
Do u have Walthers, Izzy??

Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 04:31 pm
I don't need firearms. I've got a raspberry bush, a strawberry patch and a cherry tree. Do you have any fruit bearing capacity Dave?
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 06:58 pm
izzythepush wrote:
I don't need firearms. I've got a raspberry bush, a strawberry patch and a cherry tree.
Do you have any fruit bearing capacity Dave?
Well, my backyard is very fertile. It has feral maple trees and some rose bushes.
One of my tenants has put in a little garden.
He raises tomatos and some spices.
I coud plant some fruit trees,
but I 'm not much into horticulture, nor farming.
Some people LOVE it.
I wonder if I can raise peaches or not.

Eating raspberries can cause those little seeds
to get stuck in between your teeth.

Reply Tue 30 Aug, 2011 12:56 am
Raspberries do have little seeds, but they're gorgeous. I've also got an apple tree, this year I'm going to try making cider. I normally stick to wine.

Plant a peach tree Dave. Enjoy a bit of quiet contemplation.
Reply Tue 30 Aug, 2011 01:07 am
izzythepush wrote:
Raspberries do have little seeds, but they're gorgeous.
I've also got an apple tree, this year I'm going to try making cider.
I normally stick to wine.

Plant a peach tree Dave. Enjoy a bit of quiet contemplation.
I dunno if thay grow in NY.
Good luck with the cider.

Reply Tue 30 Aug, 2011 01:27 am
I'm a bit confused about your whereabouts. You keep hopping backward and forwards between NY and Arizona. If you've got two gaffes fair enough. Otherwise, you need to look out the window write down what you see. If it's a beefeater, you're probably in Arizona
Reply Tue 30 Aug, 2011 01:41 am
izzythepush wrote:
I'm a bit confused about your whereabouts.
I 'm in NY.

izzythepush wrote:
You keep hopping backward and forwards between NY and Arizona. If you've got two gaffes fair enough.
" gaffe   /gæf/ Show Spelled[gaf] Show IPA
a social blunder; faux pas."
WHAT "gaffes" are those, Izzy??

izzythepush wrote:
Otherwise, you need to look out the window write down what you see.
If it's a beefeater, you're probably in Arizona
???? Sometimes, when there, I ate beef.
I can take it or leave it.
I like Beef Wellington.
I am confident that if I look out the window,
I will see no eating in progress.

I believe that there is a gin by that name.
I don 't have much interest in alcohol.

Reply Tue 30 Aug, 2011 02:35 am
A gaffe is also an abode, glad to see you demonstrating some intellectual curiosity for once.
Reply Tue 30 Aug, 2011 02:44 am
There is a 'little London' complete with bridge somewhere in the vicinity of Pheonix Arizona. I saw a tourist film for it in a cinema in the real London, which in itself was a bit surreal.
Reply Tue 30 Aug, 2011 02:49 am
izzythepush wrote:
There is a 'little London' complete with bridge somewhere in the vicinity of Pheonix Arizona.
I saw a tourist film for it in a cinema in the real London, which in itself was a bit surreal.
I read that London Bridge had gone to Arizona, at the time.
I guess thay coud put it over the lake
at Encanto Park.

Reply Tue 30 Aug, 2011 02:54 am
izzythepush wrote:
A gaffe is also an abode, glad to see you demonstrating some intellectual curiosity for once.
I thawt u were accusing me of doing something rong.


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