Iz we have to keep letting these self righteous pricks know that we can
see them for what they are and that though they might take themselves
seriously no one else does.
Gun obsessed Dave and
his bribing kids with ice cream, bragging that he
throws a measly few dollars their way providing they'll listen to his rantings
on guns and

battle tactics.
Dave and BJboy are hilariously pathetic, they ask for debate a concept
neither one them has any idea about.
Have you ever tried to talk to BJboy about Israel, it's farcical, you say one
word that doesn't fit his viewpoint and you're a nazi, according to him Israel
has never ever done anything wrong.
I know you cant debate with them but I still want the idiots to know that
nobody is buying their bullshit.
Their gung ho bravado is quite sickening to behold, I bet neither one of
them has experienced the real horror of battle and never will probably.
They'll just continue spewing their hatred and sadism over the web while
sitting comfortably on their fat asses.