Reply Tue 30 Aug, 2011 06:12 am
No, for once I'm not.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Aug, 2011 09:29 am
Yes. I've seen it. Gaaaaaaaaah! It's in the town of Lake Havasu.
I've seen it because our friend who used to own a wonderful-beyond-compare vietnamese restaurant (still far the best I've ever eaten at) went back to his chinese roots and then opened a huge chinese restaurant in Lake Havasu - yes, called the London Bridge Chinese Restaurant. I don't know if it is still there now, as we lost keeping in touch.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2011 06:32 pm
izzythepush wrote:
oralloy wrote:
You hate our freedom.

What ******* freedom?

Free people have the right to carry firearms for self defense.

Your freedom has been taken from you, but the American people will be free forever.

izzythepush wrote:
You really are a complete moron,

My IQ is higher than someone like you can count.

izzythepush wrote:
the freedom to be publicly told off by China for spending too much money without the revenue to back it up.

China has no power over us. But if they want to whine at us, we'll politely ignore the whining.
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2011 06:44 pm
oralboy wrote
China has no power over us. But if they want to whine at us, we'll politely ignore the whining.
Yeah but you wont able to ignore the two trillion dollars you owe them.

oralboy wrote
Your freedom has been taken from you, but the American people will be free forever.
Where have you been since 9-11, you're living in a police state these days. You've got Warrantless Wiretapping, Torture, Kidnapping and Detention, The Growing Surveillance Society, Abuse of the Patriot Act, No Fly and Selectee Lists and much more. Freedom my ass.

Now I've decided not to feed you with attention anymore, you don't
warrant it. You're a sick, twisted and close minded individual and you're
beyond hope as far as I'm concerned. So from here on in, find somebody
else to rant and rave at, talk to your buddies, the other extremists.
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2011 06:45 pm
oralloy wrote:

izzythepush wrote:
oralloy wrote:
You hate our freedom.

What ******* freedom?

Free people have the right to carry firearms for self defense.

Your freedom has been taken from you, but the American people will be free forever.
The English were free until around the First World War.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2011 06:47 pm
eurocelticyankee wrote:
Dave and BJboy are hilariously pathetic, they ask for debate a concept neither one them has any idea about.

Nope. It is filth like you two who know nothing of debate.

All you do is pollute A2K with your childish namecalling.

eurocelticyankee wrote:
Have you ever tried to talk to BJboy about Israel

There's an example of your childish namecalling right there.

And he was spewing hate right alongside you when you were spouting your anti-Semitism. I engaged you two Nazis simultaneously in that other thread.

What? You don't notice adjacent Nazis or something?

eurocelticyankee wrote:
it's farcical, you say one word that doesn't fit his viewpoint and you're a nazi

You two were spewing rank anti-Semitism, and you were rightfully denounced as the Nazis that you are.

By the way, this thread is not about either your anti-Semitism or your hatred of freedom.

Got any thoughts about the US dropping A-bombs on military targets with the goal of forcing Japan to surrender?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2011 07:08 pm
izzythepush wrote:
Yes I have, that's why he calls me izzythenazi. Both of these jokers have a simplistic black and white view of the world.

There are no gray areas when it comes to your anti-Semitism, and I will stand resolute and defiant in the face of your hate speech without compromise.

And if you respond by running around polluting A2K with childish namecalling, that will reflect only on you.

izzythepush wrote:
It was that attitude that lead to the disastrous invasion of Iraq.

It is hard to see what "rejection of anti-Semitism" had to do with the invasion of Iraq.


izzythepush wrote:
These fascists actually believe the bullshit they hear on Fox 'News.' I'm so glad Murdoch got found out, before he could inflict the same damage over here.

If you're looking for a Fascist, go look in the mirror. I'm a conservative Democrat, and I don't watch Fox.

I prefer PBS and BBC. That said, your allegation that Fox is somehow unreliable, is silly.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2011 07:15 pm
izzythepush wrote:
Verbosity is not a useful attribute.

Someone who does nothing but spew anti-Semitism and namecalling is going to give a lecture on unuseful attributes???

izzythepush wrote:
As you're such a wealthy, courageous man, why don't you fly over to England, look me in the eye, and call me a coward? I'd be happy to meet you at the airport.

How quaint. A Neanderthal who thinks arguments are best settled by beating the other guy over the head with his caveman club.

Most of us have evolved, I'm afraid. Shouldn't you guys be extinct?
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2011 07:26 pm
eurocelticyankee wrote:
Now I've decided not to feed you with attention anymore, you don't warrant it.

Silence, in your case, would be a big improvement. Good luck with it.

Does that mean we can get back to Hiroshima and Nagasaki now?

eurocelticyankee wrote:
You're a sick, twisted and close minded individual and you're beyond hope as far as I'm concerned.

Gee, it's not like I go around vomiting anti-Semitism and namecalling everywhere.

eurocelticyankee wrote:
So from here on in, find somebody else to rant and rave at, talk to your buddies, the other extremists.

I have no interest in ranting and raving. Try to take note of the fact that you are the one who was doing that.

Likewise, it is you and the other anti-Semites who are the extremists.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 12:09 am
izzythepush wrote:
. . . You obsess over an isolated incident that was reported in The Daily Mail.
As you're such a wealthy, courageous man, why don't you fly over to England,

look me in the eye, and call me a coward?
I'd be happy to meet you at the airport.
This is interesting.
Izzy, I note your implicit denial of personal cowardice.
PLease tell us, if u don 't mind:
if YOU had been among the victims of the rioting robbers
who stole all the personal property, including all clothing
from Englishmen in the street, in the full light of day,
WHAT woud YOU have done, if thusly confronted??

HOW woud YOU have responded to the same situation
as the docile Englishmen who meekly submitted to those indignities????

( Let us assume that no police were present, WITNESSING the event.)

Inquiring minds wanna know.
( I can freely tell u what I 'd have done! )

Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 02:51 am
Well I could boast about how as a big tough man I would have beaten the crap out of the rioters, but I wasn't there. I would try and help someone in the street, property is another matter, and I've got my children to protect. What would you have done had you been unarmed?

I can tell you about the teenage boys who were making unwanted phone calls to my daughter. I paid them a visit and terrified them.

To be frank Dave I'm a big bloke, (but not too big like my mate Nigel, people pick on him to prove something) people don't tend to pick on me. I honestly can't remember the last time I thumped someone.
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 05:53 am
izzythepush wrote:
Well I could boast about how as a big tough man I would have
beaten the crap out of the rioters, but I wasn't there.
Well, unless thay allow YOU, their prey, to run away, u can counter- attack
u can submit to their most ignominious public humiliations.
So far as I can see, those are your only choices.

izzythepush wrote:
I would try and help someone in the street,
While thay were in the midst of robbing u of all your possessions and your dignity??
Izzy, the point that I have been endeavoring to bring out
("obsessed" as u say) is that by permitting them to make u strip naked in public for them
u allow them to inflict an INTOLERABLE affront to your personal dignity.

izzythepush wrote:
property is another matter,
No, we are discussing them robbing u of everything that u have, down to your skin, (as apparently happened)
and HOW u 'd respond to that.
Note, incidentally, that it was reported on American TV News Networks; (that 's how I heard of it),
not just the Daily Mail (of whose existence I was not aware).

izzythepush wrote:
and I've got my children to protect.
OK, if your children were present,
then woud u respond differently??
If so, how ??

izzythepush wrote:
What would you have done had you been unarmed?
Just DON 'T LET THAT HAPPEN; (being unarmed is irresponsible negligence, creating a dangerous condition),
the same as I always carry a spare tire and a jack in my trunk
and I always carry medical insurance; (I don 't wait until I think I 'm getting a heart attack).
The mere fact of being visibly armed, without more, has rescued me
from attempted felonious depredation.

izzythepush wrote:
I can tell you about the teenage boys who were making unwanted phone calls to my daughter.
I paid them a visit and terrified them.
In terror of what??

izzythepush wrote:
To be frank Dave I'm a big bloke, (but not too big like my mate Nigel,
people pick on him to prove something) people don't tend to pick on me.
I honestly can't remember the last time I thumped someone.
Its good to lead a peaceful life ( if u r not being robbed in the street ).

Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 06:14 am
Quite a lot of questions Dave first of all, this story originated in The Daily Mail. Your TV stations appear to have taken the story from them, and have been a bit sloppy regarding checking up on their sources.

Hardly a day goes by when I am not surrounded by hordes of women screaming to see me naked. I just politely decline. Seriously though, I don't wear designer gear, and doubt very much that anyone would try it on with me. If pushed I would lash out, but I'm a big bloke, people don't tend to pick on big blokes, they go for soft targets.

When I am with my children my priority is their safety. I would not go out of my way to help a stranger, if it meant putting my children in peril.

The teenage thug intimidating my daughter was terrified of me. He felt secure taunting us on the end of a phone, but when I got hold of his address and hammered on his door he was not quite so arrogant. The police officer who cautioned him for making malicious phone calls told me he was shaking with fear at the time. We've never heard from him since.

What would you do, if despite being armed were surrounded by a group of men, all armed with automatic weapons pointed at your head, demanding you strip? Or is that the sort of thing you get up to at NRA meetings anyway?
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 07:03 am
izzythepush wrote:
What would you do, if despite being armed were surrounded by a group of men,
all armed with automatic weapons pointed at your head, demanding you strip?
Blast as many of them as possible.
Keep the momentum as well as possible.
A friend of mine, retired NY police officer, is of the opinion
that criminals tend to be cowards, who flee in the face of resistance. I have found that to be true.

izzythepush wrote:
Or is that the sort of thing you get up to at NRA meetings anyway?
We don 't do tactical drills.
Maybe we shoud.

Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 07:05 am
What would you do, if despite being armed were surrounded by a group of men, all armed with automatic weapons pointed at your head, demanding you strip? Or is that the sort of thing you get up to at NRA meetings anyway?

Hehehehehehehehe . . .

A really ugly visual, but an entertaining pair of questions.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 07:13 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

A friend of mine, retired NY police officer, is of the opinion
that criminals tend to be cowards, who flee in the face of resistance.

Which is why they don't pick on a big bloke like me.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 07:17 am
oralloy wrote:

Someone who does nothing but spew anti-Semitism and namecalling is going to give a lecture on unuseful attributes???

You only need the one question mark. As ever you confuse justice for the Palestinians with anti-semitism. You are the bigot fuelled by Islamophobia.
Most of us have evolved, I'm afraid. Shouldn't you guys be extinct?

It's not evolution that you've undergone but atavism.
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 07:23 am
oralloy wrote:

My IQ is higher than someone like you can count.

You've used that insult before. Try to say something original next time. BTW a high IQ is no guarantee of intelligence. Dave is testament to that.
Reply Sat 10 Sep, 2011 07:43 am
izzythepush wrote:
oralloy wrote:
Someone who does nothing but spew anti-Semitism and namecalling is going to give a lecture on unuseful attributes???

You only need the one question mark.

You have no power over my usage of question marks.

izzythepush wrote:
As ever you confuse justice for the Palestinians with anti-semitism.

Your support of Palestinian murderers is not even remotely related to justice.

izzythepush wrote:
You are the bigot

Liar. Hypocrite.

izzythepush wrote:
oralloy wrote:
Most of us have evolved, I'm afraid. Shouldn't you guys be extinct?

It's not evolution that you've undergone but atavism.

I'm not the one who was hoping to boink someone over the head with his caveman club.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Sep, 2011 07:44 am
izzythepush wrote:
oralloy wrote:
My IQ is higher than someone like you can count.

You've used that insult before.

It wasn't an insult.

izzythepush wrote:
Try to say something original next time.

You're so dishonest that you can't understand this, but if you told the truth you'd find that the truth does not change from post to post.

izzythepush wrote:
BTW a high IQ is no guarantee of intelligence.

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
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