I 'm going to treat this
as if it were a serious question, or series of questions.
eurocelticyankee wrote:Dave I've a question for you, you know all these robbers and thief's
whom you delight in hearing of their deaths. I get your point of view,
rather them than an innocent home owner.
Yes; I'm
pro-victim of violent predator.
eurocelticyankee wrote:Well would you consider the final solution for these scum, after all their
a drain on society and wouldn't we all be better off without these "people"?
REGARDLESS of whether we 'd all be better off without them, thay have an
until, by their misconduct, thay forfeit that right by violating,
or attempting to violate, the right of their victim.
The final solution (e.g., 2 rounds of hollowpointed .44 ammo
into the large intestine) becomes justified by their violently predatory aggression.
THAT justifies the defense of self.
To harm them before that 'd be immoral and illegal.
eurocelticyankee wrote:I mean I know a lot of them have mental problems, drug problems and of
course a lot of them have endured terrible upbringings, broken homes,
abusive parents, a lot of them have been physically and sexually abused by
those who were meant to protect them, that's the world we live in and of course
lets not forget the poverty and lack of guidance and prospects.
But all that aside, that's not our problem,
Good point, its not.
Their active, predatory misconduct
IS our problem.
eurocelticyankee wrote:they mess with us and we shoot
them and that's that,
Your point is well taken
(assuming that "mess" = predatory violence).
eurocelticyankee wrote:isn't that right Dave
IS right.
eurocelticyankee wrote:and then we celebrate their killing.
Ideally, yes.
eurocelticyankee wrote:So Dave would it that much of a stretch for you to endorse the final solution?
When it is justified by the predator's violent attack upon the victim,
as of that time: yes.
Before then, he has not become a predator.
eurocelticyankee wrote:Oh and just as a matter of interest being anti-Jewish isn't necessary for being a Nazi.
I believe that u r in error.
That was an integral part of that philosophy.
The Nazis
actively USED that as an arguing point, in their efforts to get elected.
Without that element, u 'd have something
different, something
LESS than it was.
I dunno, but I
suspect that if an applicant for Nazi Party membership
mentioned that he was
not anti-Jewish, I suspect that he 'd have been rejected.
Note that I do not pretend to any great expertise in that philosophy (filosofy).
That was up to
their theoreticians to decide.
Around 1961, I founded a chapter of Young Americans for Freedom.
If an applicant for membership had said that he was
not anti-communist,
he 'd have
no chance of being admitted to membership.