eurocelticyankee wrote:It's funny Dave I've been reading some of your posts and I've
come to the conclusion you are actually quite insane.
Your opinions are without importance on that point,
in that u r not a psychiatrist, nor have u had any opportunity to examine me.
eurocelticyankee wrote:This unhealthy obsession with firearms is disturbing.
Your mental disturbance is
your problem, not mine.
eurocelticyankee wrote:I see your latest is gunnery classes in schools, what now?, getting a little Youth movement together.
No more than teaching them math
is getting a little youth movement together; maybe a math club or a gun club.
eurocelticyankee wrote:Who else had that idea?, oh yeah, Hitler.
I wonder did you ever serve with the military or are you as I suspect
a toy soldier, an armchair general.
I was a gunner in the navy and that's where I was taught gunnery, not in
We 'll see if we can do
BETTER than that.
eurocelticyankee wrote:School is for science, maths, arts, etc, so lay off the kids Dave
As I told u: I 'll
DO what I damn well
Indeed, some time ago, while I was in a gunnery range,
about 20 Boy Scouts in uniform entered.
Thay looked about maybe 11 or 12 years old, give or take.
I showed them 5 revolvers and 2 pistols that I was using
(including a .44 magnum Ruger SuperBlackhawk and a 9mm German Luger P-'O8 from 1940;
[u'd be interested in that, with your obsession with Nazism] )
and I gave $3OO.OO to their Scout Master, for ammunition and ice cream,
gun rental and movies, horseback riding, etc.
I delivered a short lecture on the advantages
of using revolvers, instead of pistols, for personal defense
and of choosing ammunition with good
e.g. hollowpointed slugs with
W I D E cavities to put the brakes on,
thereby to optimize energy dump
WITHIN the target.
Thay paid
rapt attention; good questions.
( I forgot to mention fonetic spelling! O, well; maybe next time.)
The Scout Master took my card, and a few weeks thereafter,
I received in the mail a huge Thank U card, signed by them all.
added to my happiness.