Quote:If you were anything other than the bullshit artist you clearly are, then the US military would have torture and rape units and, in fact, torture and rape would be part of basic training for American soldiers.
Speaking of bullshit artists, your diversionary tactics are well known, Gunga. And yet another diversionary tactic, trying to make me the target when we know where the information comes not from me.
Surely you are not suggesting that a 13 year veteran of the CIA, one of their top people, a man who received one of those phony medals the US likes to hand out, is not telling the truth?
That's a pretty tough row to hoe even for a renowned liar like you. That information is straight from US government sources, from US citizens who witnessed the carnage, from a former CIA who grew disgusted with the war crimes, the brutality, the murder and mayhem that US governments have, in a steady stream, perpetrated against innocents of poor third world countries.