... it seems you miss the point. Obamas spending will be 3 times Bushes!! The Republicans know they need help and so proposed the BBA and just re proposed the BBA again. Democrats are subversive devils too stupid to know they need help and so kill the BBA. Is that really over your head??
Liberal: Oh Cato, are you even trying to discuss this sincerely and honestly?
Liberal: Let's be real. As we all know, the stimulus spending is mostly temporary, enacted in order to keep the Great Recession from becoming another Great Depression.
CATO: actually it only makes things worse by creating another bubble just like the housing bubble. If that's over your head please free to ask questions.
Liberal: Indeed, much of the emergency spending, like the TARP, was being spent before Obama set foot in the White House.
Cato: Tarp will all be paid back!!
Liberal: A great deal of the deficit is simply the result of declining tax receipts due to an economy suppressed by the Great Recession. The decline in tax receipts was four times the cost of the stimulus spending: Breaking Down the Deficit
CATO: don't be silly Obama is a very liberal who plans on huge deficits for his entire 8 years!!
The stimulus, by the way, worked, according even to Republicans: Think Progress REPORT: After Voting To Kill Recovery, 110 GOP Lawmakers Tout Its Success, Ask For More Money
CATO: how can a government housing bubble or stimulus bubble work? Its artificial liberal spending that merely interferes with free market resource and job allocation. When you tax money for the stimulus you de stimulate the economy so there can be no net gain! Ask questions if you don't understand yet!
And the stimulus worked according to the CBO:
Cato: above. Tax the economy and then spend on the economy can be neutral at best.
Liberal But after the stimulus money runs out, Bush's tax cuts will still keep crippling the budget,
CATO: unless of course we cut spending as any household would do in the face of less revenue and a recession
Liberal: unless the Democrats to the unpopular thing and restore rates to where they were prior to the irresponsible Bush tax cuts.
CATO: how can tax cuts be irresponsible in a free society?? The idea of America was that the people would be free not that they government would be free with the peoples money!!
Liberal: And then there's that idiot war in Iraq Bush decided was vital to our national security, but not so vital as to actually, you know, pay for it.
Cato: no idea what your subject is?
Liberal: Want economic and fiscal responsibility? The history of the past 30 years is clear. Vote Democratic.
CATO: now you know better!! The Democrats are against the Balanced Budget Amendment, spending caps, and freezing the debt ceiling. If they could not buy votes with promises of more and more welfare they would cease to exist. Moreover, they make no secret whatsoever of their philosophy to grow the government. Why do you think the CPUSA loves Obama???