@Mr Shaman,
Mr. Shaman;69613 wrote:[CENTER]....Only if you believe in such fairy-tales.[/CENTER]
Believe = Be - Lie - Eve = To Lie To Eve's Children

Belief & Believe" are two of the most deceptive words in religion. Belief is ignorance. Belief is to ignore the facts, intentionally or ignorantly. If one has to believe, it means he or she does not know, and if one does not know, that is ignorance. Anyone can believe anything and this means that a person can believe, and be 100% wrong. But knowledge is knowing and knowledge is correct information. "To know" gives one confidence, but belief infers doubt. To believe is to accept things that you do don't know .Either you know or you don't. Once you know - then you no longer have to believe and belief is the fuel of most religions.
I'm Talking About The Phyical Devil = Human Being Walking To And Fro In The Earth , I'm Not Into Spookism / Ghost . Nor Fairy-Tales