Seer Travis Truman
Reply Thu 20 Aug, 2009 11:14 pm
@Ares cv,
Reply to "Fatal Freedoms"

picture not pictures.
Seer TT : "Doesn't really matter how many, but you posted two. The idiotic picture on this thread, and the religious guy. Not to mention pictures of animals where there was no need for the pictures. You cannot count. Wrong again, ff. "

And were the pictures of animals aimed at mocking you or were they examples of animals that mate year-round?

I never said that the animal pictures were mocking Me, you suggested that I said that. The other 2 pictures you posted were for that.

Those animal pictures were just needless pictures you posted for frivolous reasons because you are immature. Those animal pics were not neccesary and were meant in a patronising way. You have admitted those other pictures were aimed mocking Me.

See, avioding again. That is all you can do when faced with Me, fatal freedoms. You posted 2 idiotic pictures in response because you did not have the ability to answer. That was what you did, that is why you did it, and you dont even answer to it.

Why bother to respond to you? Personal flaming and avoidance of answering the point are what you want to turn My posts into.

I will not answer to any non-topic specific posts from you.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2009 02:19 am
@Seer Travis Truman,
you gonna answer the rest of my post?

or are you gonna pick one thing and respond to that, the same thing you accuse me of doing?

Keep digging yourself into a deeper hole.
Seer Travis Truman
Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2009 07:36 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;68160 wrote:
you gonna answer the rest of my post?

or are you gonna pick one thing and respond to that, the same thing you accuse me of doing?

Keep digging yourself into a deeper hole.

Look, you are obviously a little nobody with nothing but book-knowledge.

I am NOT answering any more off-topic posts from you. Yoou refuse to answer to My posts. ALl you do is dodge and mis-interpret what everone says when you are wrong. You refuse to stop.

YOUR post is is response to My post, and the Q's I raised there. You answer every point I make with a further Q that is not answering the point, so you can endlessly and incessantly argue.

The above material, the abortion? page etc. You refuse to answer to the issues, because you cannot.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 22 Aug, 2009 09:02 am
@Seer Travis Truman,
Seer Travis Truman;68166 wrote:
Look, you are obviously a little nobody with nothing but book-knowledge.

You are correct. I am a nobody. You are also a nobody.

Will anybody remember me or you 100 or 200 or 1000 years after we're dead? Probably not.

I defy anybody to show me they're any different. The sooner we realize this the sooner we can go on with our lives.

You are also correct, my knowledge is mostly book knowledge, I take this as a compliment even though you probably meant it as an insult. The real test of wisdom is knowing what to believe and what not to believe, what to do and what not to do.

One thing I've learned over the years is this, when somebody claims to have the "TRUTH" 99% of the time they are full of ****. One reason why people would choose to represent a bit of data as "truth" is because to them it is important, they strongly believe in it and they call it the "truth" because they want you to believe in it too. Except the more emotionally loaded any "truth" is, the more likely it's wrong.

I hear people claiming to have the "truth" all the time, so my question to you is, why should I believe you over anybody else?


YOUR post is is response to My post, and the Q's I raised there. You answer every point I make with a further Q that is not answering the point, so you can endlessly and incessantly argue.

On the contrary, my questions are asked to make a point. When in debate, I rarely ask a question that I don't already know the answer to.

The above material, the abortion? page etc. You refuse to answer to the issues, because you cannot.

I made you a deal and you rejected it, you are in no position to complain. If you really wanted me to answer the questions you could of had me do so already.

It is fairly obvious (to me at least) that you really don't want me to answer the questions. You rejected my deal with you because you didn't want me to answer the questions so that you could proclaim that I cannot answer them.

I can see through your little "tactics".

I am a chess player. I anticipate your moves before you make them.
Seer Travis Truman
Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2009 09:48 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
reply to fatal freedoms

I am a chess player. I anticipate your moves before you make them.

Only a total dork with no life-experince would say that.

As I said, you just post non-sense.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 10:22 am
@Seer Travis Truman,
You are correct. I am a nobody. You are also a nobody.

Will anybody remember me or you 100 or 200 or 1000 years after we're dead? Probably not.

I defy anybody to show me they're any different. The sooner we realize this the sooner we can go on with our lives.

You are also correct, my knowledge is mostly book knowledge, I take this as a compliment even though you probably meant it as an insult. The real test of wisdom is knowing what to believe and what not to believe, what to do and what not to do.

One thing I've learned over the years is this, when somebody claims to have the "TRUTH" 99% of the time they are full of ****. One reason why people would choose to represent a bit of data as "truth" is because to them it is important, they strongly believe in it and they call it the "truth" because they want you to believe in it too. Except the more emotionally loaded any "truth" is, the more likely it's wrong.

I hear people claiming to have the "truth" all the time, so my question to you is, why should I believe you over anybody else?

PS. I noticed you called me a "dork"....ahahaha...I feel so insulted!!! :rollinglaugh:
Seer Travis Truman
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 11:34 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Reply to fatal freedoms

You are correct. I am a nobody. You are also a nobody.

Will anybody remember me or you 100 or 200 or 1000 years after we're dead? Probably not.
The Truth is that it does not matter whether or not anyone remembers Me after My death, because I would not be able to know, or gain any advantage from that. Once dead, all experiances cease, and it is as if we are never born.

I defy anybody to show me they're any different. The sooner we realize this the sooner we can go on with our lives.
I do not suggest anybody is any different.

You are also correct, my knowledge is mostly book knowledge, I take this as a compliment even though you probably meant it as an insult.
It is meant neither way. I am just trying to use a different 'language' to see if that finally gets the point to you.

The real test of wisdom is knowing what to believe and what not to believe, what to do and what not to do.
OK. But having only book knowledge is a serious problem for you. For example, I have been in SuperMax, Max and Medium sec prisons. Now, I know what it is like in those environments. You can read all the books you like, you do not know. Experiance is VERY important to understanding.

One thing I've learned over the years is this, when somebody claims to have the "TRUTH" 99% of the time they are full of ****.
I would say more than 99% of the time.

One reason why people would choose to represent a bit of data as "truth" is because to them it is important, they strongly believe in it and they call it the "truth" because they want you to believe in it too. Except the more emotionally loaded any "truth" is, the more likely it's wrong.
This is correct.

I hear people claiming to have the "truth" all the time, so my question to you is, why should I believe you over anybody else?
You can either recognise and embrace Truth or you cannot. You have shown Me some abillity to do so compared with fellow humans. However, caompared with a Seer like Me, your Truth-handling abilities are poor.
You can believe in what ever you like. The Superior does not have any beliefs.

PS. I noticed you called me a "dork"....ahahaha...I feel so insulted!!!
I do not care what you feel, or vica versa.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 28 Aug, 2009 01:48 am
@Seer Travis Truman,
Seer Travis Truman;68250 wrote:
Reply to fatal freedoms

I defy anybody to show me they're any different. The sooner we realize this the sooner we can go on with our lives.
I do not suggest anybody is any different.

Then what was the point of calling me a nobody?


The real test of wisdom is knowing what to believe and what not to believe, what to do and what not to do.
OK. But having only book knowledge is a serious problem for you. For example, I have been in SuperMax, Max and Medium sec prisons.

This explains a lot.

Now, I know what it is like in those environments. You can read all the books you like, you do not know. Experiance is VERY important to understanding.

And why would I need to know what it's like in prison? Do you think that book knowledge is mutually exclusive from experience?


I hear people claiming to have the "truth" all the time, so my question to you is, why should I believe you over anybody else?
You can either recognise and embrace Truth or you cannot. You have shown Me some abillity to do so compared with fellow humans. However, caompared with a Seer like Me, your Truth-handling abilities are poor.
You can believe in what ever you like. The Superior does not have any beliefs.

So basically you're saying I shouldn't, correct?
Seer Travis Truman
Reply Fri 28 Aug, 2009 08:17 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Then what was the point of calling me a nobody?
While it is True that we are all "nobody" in one sense, that does not mean that you would consider it that way. I thought that there was a possibility that it would get you to realise that your chief problem is book knowledge vs too little life experiance.

This explains a lot.
There is no legitimate negative connotation to be a criminal, having been in jail, being a serial-killer, mass murderer etc.

Prev. Seer TT : "Now, I know what it is like in those environments. You can read all the books you like, you do not know. Experiance is VERY important to understanding. "

And why would I need to know what it's like in prison?
This is just one example of where you do not know what you are talking about. For instance, you claim that society does "justice". Since your justice claim is one of fairness, justice etc (ie in that the punishment supposedly fits the crime), and you do not know what the punishment entails, you cannot legitimately claim to know what your justice claim is True.

Do you think that book knowledge is mutually exclusive from experience?
I do not discount book knowledge. However, book knowledge alone is useless. The term "educated idiot" can come to mind.

So basically you're saying I shouldn't, correct?
No. I am saying you can believe in whatever you like, and I do not care.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 29 Aug, 2009 07:19 am
@Seer Travis Truman,
Seer Travis Truman;68272 wrote:
Then what was the point of calling me a nobody?
While it is True that we are all "nobody" in one sense, that does not mean that you would consider it that way. I thought that there was a possibility that it would get you to realise that your chief problem is book knowledge vs too little life experiance.

And what does this have to do with being a "nobody"?

This explains a lot.
There is no legitimate negative connotation to be a criminal, having been in jail, being a serial-killer, mass murderer etc.[/quote]

First of all being a serial killer certainly does carry a negative connotation to say the least (although this is an understatement). Knowing that someone has killed, I am not going to trust that person.

Secondly, that fact that you have been imprisoned gives you excuse to dislike society. You blame society for what is ultimately your own fault.

ps. could you tell us why you went to supermax prison, if you don't mind?

And why would I need to know what it's like in prison?
This is just one example of where you do not know what you are talking about. For instance, you claim that society does "justice". Since your justice claim is one of fairness, justice etc (ie in that the punishment supposedly fits the crime), and you do not know what the punishment entails, you cannot legitimately claim to know what your justice claim is True.

I've not made such statements.

I know there are many instances where the justice system has failed, but I also don't think it's wise to scrap the whole thing.

Do you think that book knowledge is mutually exclusive from experience?
I do not discount book knowledge. However, book knowledge alone is useless. The term "educated idiot" can come to mind.

And who says I only have book knowledge? Whatever experiences I do have you would not know.

So basically you're saying I shouldn't, correct?
No. I am saying you can believe in whatever you like, and I do not care.[/QUOTE]

Well unless you give me reason to believe your claims, then I will not.
Reply Sat 29 Aug, 2009 08:59 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
I always wondered why a man who was in favour of serial killers as seers and condoned their actions, was so passionate about the rights of 'womb trapped children'. When they get out and they get killed by a serial killer what way do you go?

Seer Travis Truman
Reply Sat 29 Aug, 2009 09:03 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Reply to fatal freedoms :

And what does this have to do with being a "nobody"?
Not clear enough (this).

First of all being a serial killer certainly does carry a negative connotation to say the least (although this is an understatement). Knowing that someone has killed, I am not going to trust that person.
Amazing. No, society arbitrarily decrees that the "serial killer" demonising label carries a negative connotation, even though society sponsers mass murder via war, abortion, death penalty, pig-thug use of deadly force etc.
To trust anyone, serial killer or otherwise, is naive and foolish.

Secondly, that fact that you have been imprisoned gives you excuse to dislike society. You blame society for what is ultimately your own fault.
There is no "excuse" needed to dislike society, and certainly even if I was never imprisoned I would still "dislike" society. However, it is really more of a matter of realising that society has no Truth-based legitimacy to its claims, or it's moral standard claim.

ps. could you tell us why you went to supermax prison, if you don't mind?
Ok. Start another thread. I can also discuss other cases, and My current legal case. Be aware that certain information may not be forthcoming.

I've not made such statements.
It was an example of how reading about something and being there are 2 different things. One is fake knowledge, the other is real. However, off the top of My head, I do believe that you made refering to the societal version of "justice". In order to make a claim that a punishment is just and legitimate one thing that society would have to be able to do is know what the punishment entailed. So you can see that even your claim requires to know.

Do not take this the wrong way. Society has absolutely NO RIGHT to pass moral judgment, let alone punish, and of its victim-creations.

I know there are many instances where the justice system has failed, but I also don't think it's wise to scrap the whole thing.
The Truth is that the justice system has always failed every case. It is not a matter of whether or not justice systems meet the societal standard of justice. It is a matter of those standards being based on lies and having no legitimacy.

And who says I only have book knowledge? Whatever experiences I do have you would not know.
Of course. But the general indication I get from you is that you are young and studious. So, your experiances are not from "the other side of the tracks", making understanding certain social issues diffucult.
It is also how you interpret and incorperate those experiances into your True Reality. Without Forbidden Truth, you will not know an accurate meaning of those experiances.

Well unless you give me reason to believe your claims, then I will not.
Do as you will. I do not care, because I am not an educator. It does not matter to Me either way.
Reply Sat 29 Aug, 2009 09:09 am
@Seer Travis Truman,
Seer Travis Truman;68283 wrote:

Do as you will. I do not care, because I am not an educator. It does not matter to Me either way.

If you are not an educator. Why then do you point people in the direction of your Forbbiden Truth site?

If you are not an educator. Why then are you here, every post you make is based upon your Forbidden Truth?

Do you not use the The Forbbiden Truth to make people understand your view points?

Thus you attempt to educate us, no?
Seer Travis Truman
Reply Sat 29 Aug, 2009 09:13 am
Numpty;68282 wrote:
I always wondered why a man who was in favour of serial killers as seers and condoned their actions, was so passionate about the rights of 'womb trapped children'.

See, numpty, that a good Q for once.
Serial killers are not neccesarily Seers of Truth, and vica versa. Murderers usually have moments of conscious Truth-realisation (when they commit their crimes), but that is not enough to make them a Seer.

I am not passionate about anything. It is simply a matter of Truth, not one of "rights".

It is important to realise I always correctly identify society as being responsible. The individual is never incorrectly blamed for their abortion-murders personally. So there is no inconsistency.

When they get out and they get killed by a serial killer what way do you go?
No way. I just look at and analyse the Truth of the matter. All targets of serial killers obviously survive society's abortion-murder scheme. A serial-killer is not responsible for his actions and in no way should have to answer to a morally inferior society (which it is).

Individuals are victim-creations of society and a reflection of all of you. There is no legitimate Truth-based claim that they are responsible for their actions. Only society and its doctorines/institutions etc are responsible, because society is utterly malevolent and immoral, and is not subject to True Reality.
Reply Sat 29 Aug, 2009 09:19 am
@Seer Travis Truman,
Seer Travis Truman;68285 wrote:

Individuals are victim-creations of society and a reflection of all of you. There is no legitimate Truth-based claim that they are responsible for their actions. Only society and its doctorines/institutions etc are responsible, because society is utterly malevolent and immoral, and is not subject to True Reality.

They must then be a reflection of you as well. I appreciate your honesty about society, but you are also part of it. By being on the internet you have conformed in some way.

Yo have to pay a bill to a mutinational broadband/ internet company in order to voice your opinions.

Therefore ou are part of the 'process' as well.
Seer Travis Truman
Reply Sat 29 Aug, 2009 09:26 am
Numpty;68284 wrote:
If you are not an educator. Why then do you point people in the direction of your Forbbiden Truth site?
If you are not an educator. Why then are you here, every post you make is based upon your Forbidden Truth?
Thus you attempt to educate us, no?

No, I do not. I have My own personal True Reality motivations to do so. Once reason is to highlight My Superiority. You can all highlight My Superiority and keep failing all you like, or see the Truth. Either way, I do not care.

You can die in pain, live happy, I do not care. There is no reason for Me to care about you.

Do you not use the The Forbbiden Truth to make people understand your view points?
It is not possible to "make" anyone understand Forbidden Truth. 99.99999% of all humans will never consciously recognise and embrace the FT, no matter how accurately it is presented.
Reply Sat 29 Aug, 2009 09:31 am
@Seer Travis Truman,
Seer Travis Truman;68287 wrote:
No, I do not. I have My own personal True Reality motivations to do so. Once reason is to highlight My Superiority. You can all highlight My Superiority and keep failing all you like, or see the Truth. Either way, I do not care.

You can die in pain, live happy, I do not care. There is no reason for Me to care about you.

Do you not use the The Forbbiden Truth to make people understand your view points?
It is not possible to "make" anyone understand Forbidden Truth. 99.99999% of all humans will never consciously recognise and embrace the FT, no matter how accurately it is presented.

Ok try it this way.

Bod 1 says to Bod 2. I am a seer and I follow the Forbidden truth, I believe you may also believe in some truth based matters, this is a link to a site you may be intersted in,.......Forbbiden (example btw)

I know you have done this on here,........So if that is not to further educate people, or educate them at point, what is it then?
0 Replies
Seer Travis Truman
Reply Sat 29 Aug, 2009 09:33 am
Reply to Numpty

They must then be a reflection of you as well.
This is correct. We are all reflections of someones reflection. And you are a relfection of everyone elses reflection.

I appreciate your honesty about society, but you are also part of it. By being on the internet you have conformed in some way.
Although I reject society and it's principals, I am in a sense a part of society. I do live in a society.

You have to pay a bill to a mutinational broadband/ internet company in order to voice your opinions.
They are Truths, not opinions. Yes, My society unjustly foisters bill paying on Me and I have to pay to use the service.

Therefore you are part of the 'process' as well.
Process of what? THe point is that I have Mental Freedom. I have mentally rejected the lies and myths of society, and I have the Forbidden Truth as a result.
Although I might live amounst society, I have rejected that society and its endless stream of lies.
Reply Sat 29 Aug, 2009 09:41 am
@Seer Travis Truman,
Seer Travis Truman;68289 wrote:

Therefore you are part of the 'process' as well.
Process of what? THe point is that I have Mental Freedom. I have mentally rejected the lies and myths of society, and I have the Forbidden Truth as a result.
Although I might live amounst society, I have rejected that society and its endless stream of lies.

Mental Freedom or not, you lose part of it by being on the internet. in order to voice your opinions you have to 'toe the line'. Thus part of your truth is eaten away.

Then yu will say you use it for your own benefit, but if you are not here to educate, what is the point?
Seer Travis Truman
Reply Sat 29 Aug, 2009 07:07 pm
Numpty;68290 wrote:
Mental Freedom or not, you lose part of it by being on the internet. in order to voice your opinions you have to 'toe the line'. Thus part of your truth is eaten away.

Then yu will say you use it for your own benefit, but if you are not here to educate, what is the point?

Nothing you say makes rational sense. Why would I lose Mental Freedom because I have an internet connection? I do not "toe the line" because I am on the internet. What are you talking about?

Really, numpty, most of your posts are demented.

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