@Fatal Freedoms,
Reply to fatal freedoms :
And what does this have to do with being a "nobody"?
Not clear enough (this).
First of all being a serial killer certainly does carry a negative connotation to say the least (although this is an understatement). Knowing that someone has killed, I am not going to trust that person.
Amazing. No, society arbitrarily decrees that the "serial killer" demonising label carries a negative connotation, even though society sponsers mass murder via war, abortion, death penalty, pig-thug use of deadly force etc.
To trust anyone, serial killer or otherwise, is naive and foolish.
Secondly, that fact that you have been imprisoned gives you excuse to dislike society. You blame society for what is ultimately your own fault.
There is no "excuse" needed to dislike society, and certainly even if I was never imprisoned I would still "dislike" society. However, it is really more of a matter of realising that society has no Truth-based legitimacy to its claims, or it's moral standard claim.
ps. could you tell us why you went to supermax prison, if you don't mind?
Ok. Start another thread. I can also discuss other cases, and My current legal case. Be aware that certain information may not be forthcoming.
I've not made such statements.
It was an example of how reading about something and being there are 2 different things. One is fake knowledge, the other is real. However, off the top of My head, I do believe that you made refering to the societal version of "justice". In order to make a claim that a punishment is just and legitimate one thing that society would have to be able to do is know what the punishment entailed. So you can see that even your claim requires to know.
Do not take this the wrong way. Society has absolutely NO RIGHT to pass moral judgment, let alone punish, and of its victim-creations.
I know there are many instances where the justice system has failed, but I also don't think it's wise to scrap the whole thing.
The Truth is that the justice system has always failed every case. It is not a matter of whether or not justice systems meet the societal standard of justice. It is a matter of those standards being based on lies and having no legitimacy.
And who says I only have book knowledge? Whatever experiences I do have you would not know.
Of course. But the general indication I get from you is that you are young and studious. So, your experiances are not from "the other side of the tracks", making understanding certain social issues diffucult.
It is also how you interpret and incorperate those experiances into your True Reality. Without Forbidden Truth, you will not know an accurate meaning of those experiances.
Well unless you give me reason to believe your claims, then I will not.
Do as you will. I do not care, because I am not an educator. It does not matter to Me either way.