@Fatal Freedoms,
Reply to "Fatal Freedoms"
picture not pictures.
Doesn't really matter how many, but you posted two. The idiotic picture on this thread, and the religious guy. Not to mention pictures of animals where there was no need for the pictures. You cannot count. Wrong again, ff.
To say =/= to think
I do not think I am never wrong, nor do I say such. There is no legitimate way you an claim that I think that, when I have stated otherwise.
but in practice you act as if this never happens,
You have never shown Me to be wrong, that is why. It is not that I am thinking I cannot be wrong, it is just that you lost, like on the abortion? thread you refuse to answer to now.
Really then why don't we take a look at the "does this surprise anyone" thread?
I was not wrong on that thread, either. You just do not understand where anyone is coming from, because you are senseless, of limited life experiance, and pathetic.
saying you are not always right is not the same as thinking or acting as if you are always right.
You cant see or face My actions, inferior. Lucky for you. I do not think I am always right, you just think that I think that. The Forbidden Truth is 100% correct. That does not mean I cannot be wrong.
nevertheless it is you who rants about your "forbidden truth" being always right which is comprised of your opinion on various subjects.
The Forbidden Truth is not even partially comprimised of opinion, Mine or anyone's.
No, just when you want to be.
Does not make sense.
you've claimed you position on abortion is 100% true and correct, and yet you're understanding of it is no more profound than anybody elses'.
Incorrect. Abortion is a Forbidden Truth matter. The FT is that abortions are societally sponsered murders of children comitted by society. That statement is 100% correct. It is possible to derive the Forbidden Truths frm abortion if you are a Superior.
And if you take offense to my insults, then that is your fault. works both ways.
It is impossible for anyone to cause a Superior like Me offence. That said, your picture is designed to do nothing but. My words are not designed to offend you, you just take offence. There is a difference. If I tried to offend you, you would get very cut, I assure you.
I don't represent everybody, but in regards to your claims of superiority I can safely say that I do represent nearly everyone if not all other members when I say you are no better than anyone else.
That is a self-contradicting statement.
Previous Seer TT : "Changing threads and then launching personal attacks, attempting to discredit the person and not the arguement....and of course refusing to answer any Q's or posts that prove you wrong are your tactics."
Seer TT : "Really smart. Reduced to foul language again, in a post where you try and deny using low tactics. "
I will pull a trick out of your book and say that you removed one of my sentences. I guess that makes you a hypocrite.
That sentence has no bearing on the outcome. You just cannot think of any come-back because you look so stupid in the above texts.
You said that you did not say that clones didn't have the same DNA. I showed you were you said that clones do not have the same DNA including the date and time you said it.
That is not what was discussed. You accused Me of stating that I was never wrong. That was a false claim. We were talking about
your false quote that I said I am never wrong. Clones were not mentioned. That was a different discussion.
As clear as day. I'm still waiting for you to admit your error.
That is not an error. You were wrong. I specfied that clones had differences. That the DNA had differences. YOU made the foolish presumption that I solely refered to DNA sequencing only. You made a presumption, and that led you to be wrong. Again.
No, I said you think you are never wrong.
That amounts to the same thing. You suggested I said that I was never wrong. You quoted Me in an attempt to show that I made a statement that I can never be wrong. You are stubborn beyond belief.
You thought that because I stated that the FT is 100% pure that meant that I was saying I was never wrong.
Although perhaps not never, but on certain subjects you have insisted that you couldn't be wrong (for instance: abortion). To insist that on any subject you cannot be wrong is downright delusional and arrogant.
I was not wrong. Abortion is just a ridiculous label for a certain form of murder. I know that is true. BTW, you presume that the FT on abortion and the correct answer to the abortion Q are the same. That is incorrect again, FF. Some things are not wrong. The Forbidden Truth is never wrong. 1+1=2. Am I wrong? No! Got it? Probably not.
I will not bother answering to any 'personal' style Q's from you. You are a supreme inferior, and I do not waste time arguing with inferiors. Once a point or position is made, that is really as far as I need to take it.
you are proving to Me again jst how ultra-deseased humanity can be.