So I graduated third in my graduating class of 800, I've logged over 350 hours of community service, scored a 2280 on the SAT, I'm an Eagle Scout (and Senior Patrol Leader of a troop of over 100), and did a ton of extracurricular activities to boot.
Rejected from Stanford and a couple other good schools that practice some form of affirmative action. (I'm white.)
Yet one of my close friends, an African-American, with a somewhat underwhelming record (under 85th percentile gradewise, no outside activities to put on a resume aside from band) got into all three. What the heck is this? Do we, as a culture, really need to have equality of outcome for all races, rather than simply equality of opportunity? Should universities (and employers and other organizations) really be so pressured to appear politically correct that they slip into reverse discrimination?
I may be inferring too much from too little information, but I don't that's likely, given the fact that admission rates are quite low.
Racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. are all very serious problems in America (see the Presidential election..), but how is affirmative action or anything like it ethical or just? Both racism and affirmative action (intentional or not) influence someone's judgment on the basis of prejudice, that minorities should be given extreme abnormal disdain or privilege. Instead of fighting prejudice with prejudice, wouldn't it be better to address the root causes of the problem? That is, address harmful internet sites, inadequate education leading people to mis-infer that correlation implies causation, certain environments and subcultures that encourage children growing up to become racist (certain small Southern towns), and of course ensuring equality of opportunity for as many people as possible.
But enforcing diversity for diversity's sake behind force of law, institutional ruling, or simply underlying prejudice is wrong, for the same reason that enforcing a single "pure race" behind the KKK or a Hitler is wrong; diversity or non-diversity are not underlying principles that should be appealed to. Rather, justice, and individual merits, skills, accomplishments, and talents are what should be taken into consideration.
Otherwise, if we as a culture continue to judge people based just on what group they can be classified into, we will just become ever more divided, which will further unjust prejudice, to the detriment of the nation.
The only way to prevent racism is to become color blind. That means assessing one's behavior based on his [B]actions [/B]rather than the color of his skin. But unfortunately, many people in the "minorities" don't want their behavior to be based on their actions if it serves their own purposes. So they want people to focus on the color of their skin to get what they want. So I'm afraid racism will continue as long as people use it to serve their own purposes.
Whilst you continue to refer to people as 'minorities' you add fuel to the fire, can you not see this?
Whilst you continue to refer to people as 'minorities' you add fuel to the fire, can you not see this?
Whitey. It is Whiteys own fault that he allowed the Jew to put into place something so anti-White, so hate filled towards Whites without nothing more than a whimper out of Whitey. Whitey took a gut shot and laid down and took another. Whitey has taken so many gut shots you would think he would be dead by now. Well, Whitey is close to death. His entire countrie(s) have been taken away from him and for the most part he hasn't even noticed all in the name of diversity. His pride is gone and the only guilts he feels are for some other Whiteys having once owned slaves and so it is his fault the poor little black man needs A.A. Well the black man has A.A. and a host of other set asides, all funded by Whitey. And all has in return is guilt over acts he had no control over. The blood arteries of Whiteys existence are spewing blood and the minority races are dancing joyously in its fountain. Shame on Whitey. He has murdered his own children.
I have been to many forums/message boards on the www and find it telling that all of the boards are racially segregated for the most part with an occasional black or other on an White message board. Black, Asian, Mestizo, Jew....all these boards are segregated. They are self-segregated. Why is this? There is no other answer except people of all races prefer to be among their own kind. Doubt this? Then how many of you are members of a non-White message board or forum? Now, finish reading this before any of you liberals here run off to join La Raza or the New Black Panthers forums. Contrary to the White guilt you have been forced to feel, it is natural, (and normal), to want to associate with those most like yourself. Don't cry. I know it's hard to accept, but it is the truth.
You see, we are not "all the same except skin tone". If we were the liberals would have never created Affirmative Action, (not to be confused with Africans Actions). Liberals know that black and Mestizos cannot compete against Whites on an academic level or even a level that requires good work or moral ethics.
Now, whose fault is this, this Affirmative Action crap? Can't blame it on Asians as they are an intelligent race of people fully capable of fending for themselves and are the least likely of all minorities to use A.A.
Blacks, on average, are too damn stupid to comprehend anything besides what they have been taught by their masters of this era in history.
The Mestizos? No. They just have their little brown hands out demanding more because Whitey owes them too for "stealing" Texas and a few other chunks of land. The Jews? Somewhat for implementing it.
Whitey. It is Whiteys own fault that he allowed the Jew to put into place something so anti-White, so hate filled towards Whites without nothing more than a whimper out of Whitey.
arteries of Whiteys existence are spewing blood and the minority races are dancing joyously in its fountain. Shame on Whitey. He has murdered his own children.
I thought I was on Conflicting Views, not Infowars....
It's not THAT bad, dude.
Is conflictingviews a white forum? I don't know the race of the majority of those on here and they don't know my race.
So to insist the people on this forum are here together because they are more comfortable with their own race when they don't know the race of others on here is absurd.
You are right about one thing all races are not the same except skin tone, no, rather black people have a 200 year history of oppression, I assume here you are justifying A.A. because blacks were 'oppressed'? The Irish were oppressed, the Asians were oppressed, the Italians were oppressed.They put their backs to the wheel and worked to change it. They succeeded and they no longer scream OPPRESSION. Hell, to my knowledge, they did scream it. black people were not even allowed to read at one time in this country When? there is evidence that many blacks learned to read and some were taught well beyond just reading. There were many black slave owners. I am sure they had some degree of education.. So the white people had a several hundred year head start when it comes to academics,White people had a lead, not because Whites are racist, but because blacks, (who are said by some in academia to have been around for thousands of years before the White man), still had not created a written language, a comprehension of even basic math, able to form a civilization with a government of merit, had not domesticated animals, could not farm and were not even able to conceive of the wheel. It took them thousands of years to scratch themselves out of the stone age. While the White man, (who came after them, according to some), were able to build great civilizations, industry, complex musical instruments, astronomy and a host of other things. and even when black people where allowed to vote and to go to college our fellow Americans had to overcome severe discrimination. So even if going to college or getting a job was a possibility, discrimination made it an impossibility. What happened to slaves that learned to read? They were killed. I actually thought you were an intelligent, yet misguided, individual until I read this. Who would have taught blacks to read? Whites. Why would they teach them to read, then murder them? Ridiculous.
However I find your accusation that black people are moral and ethically inferior to be an insult to my intellect. Says much for your intellect. It is entirely based on your own prejudice and arrogance. Prejudice means to pre-judge. I am 57 years old. I have lived a life time judging only upon what I witness, not what PBS tells me.
I hope your hateful poison envelops your heart. Aint that sweet - you want me to die because I do not agree with you that White people are bad and owe blacks a handout at the expense of my children. Well, coronary hugs to you too my friend.
Asians were never slaves here. But they were still second class citizens who were not allowed to vote, date White women or drink from the same water fountain as Whites. YET, they persevered. They put their backs to the grindstone and worked their way up the ladder. They did not complain about racist Whitey. They learned how to live in the White mans country and did it with respect. They created their own communities, (prosperous, I might add), and still live here among us with little complaint against them.They were perfectly capable of learning in their home land. And their children and future generations learned in this land.
But I don't find it surprising that Japanese children are kicking white american children's asses in standardized test taking. They are kicking every bodies "asses" in this country because they put a lot of value on education.Did you notice they are also kicking the black Americans asses also who receive special treatment in the educational system? You would think black Americans would surpass everyone with their special treatment, wouldn't you?
Yes, generalizations and stereotypes won't get you far when conversing with those who posses a higher intellect than yourself.
Oh, now you're blaming the jews. How classy of you. Did Jews, or did not Jews play a major role in A.A.? If so, then I am not "blaming", I am pointing out a fact.
Your bigotry has no bounds. Bigotry is basically nothing more than intolerance. I am intolerant of lies and deceptions. You, on the other hand, are bigoted against people who do not agree with your hatred for White people. It is truly a wonder to see.
Absurd, in this case, is to deny the obvious. If you had a location for poling, and ask everyones race, I guarantee that over 95% of the respondents, (if all current users replied honestly), would be White.
I assume here you are justifying A.A. because blacks were 'oppressed'?
The Irish were oppressed, the Asians were oppressed, the Italians were oppressed.They put their backs to the wheel and worked to change it. They succeeded and they no longer scream OPPRESSION. Hell, to my knowledge, they did scream it
When? there is evidence that many blacks learned to read and some were taught well beyond just reading.
There were many black slave owners. I am sure they had some degree of education..
White people had a lead, not because Whites are racist, but because blacks, , still had not created a written language, a comprehension of even basic math, able to form a civilization
could not farm and were not even able to conceive of the wheel.
It took them thousands of years to scratch themselves out of the stone age. While the White man, (who came after them, according to some), were able to build great civilizations, industry, complex musical instruments, astronomy and a host of other things.
I actually thought you were an intelligent, yet misguided, individual until I read this. Who would have taught blacks to read? Whites. Why would they teach them to read, then murder them? Ridiculous.
Says much for your intellect.
Prejudice means to pre-judge. I am 57 years old. I have lived a life time judging only upon what I witness, not what PBS tells me.
Aint that sweet - you want me to die because I do not agree with you that White people are bad and owe blacks a handout at the expense of my children. Well, coronary hugs to you too my friend.
But they were still second class citizens who were not allowed to vote, date White women or drink from the same water fountain as Whites. YET, they persevered. They put their backs to the grindstone and worked their way up the ladder.
They did not complain about racist Whitey.
And their children and future generations learned in this land.
They are kicking every bodies "asses" in this country because they put a lot of value on education.
Did you notice they are also kicking the black Americans asses also who receive special treatment in the educational system? You would think black Americans would surpass everyone with their special treatment, wouldn't you?
Did Jews, or did not Jews play a major role in A.A.? If so, then I am not "blaming", I am pointing out a fact.
Nice to meet you, my highly intellectual new friend. Perhaps in your next post you will show how I generalized and rather or not stereotypes have/have not a basis in fact.
Bigotry is basically nothing more than intolerance. I am intolerant of lies and deceptions. You, on the other hand, are bigoted against people who do not agree with your hatred for White people.
This is your opportunity to call me a Klansman or a Nazi. Go for it. It will show only that you can, (with your higher intellect), label people but not debate them.
Son, I said 95% plus. Go to a non-White forum and tell me those numbers do not correlate. We all like to be with out own, and that is a fact.
I did read the entire thread before commenting. Why are you blaming
Whitey for all of the dark mans faults?
You might not support A.A. but, by your posts, you do put the blame at Whiteys feet that blacks are illiterate,
morally corrupt
All of blackys errors and misbegotten ways are because Whitey had them as slaves, according to you.
Slavery ended tons of years ago and the negro is still not advancing.
Do not blame that on Whitey. Every other race has been able to assimilate in this country except blacks.
Slavery was the best thing to happen to blacks.
they were bought from BLACK slave owners who would have eaten them or murdered them had they not been purchased
and brought to a country where they were safe and well cared for.
Many White Irish and Scottish men, and other Europeans, upon entering this country, were forced to fight in the war of Northern aggression, (A.K.A. the civil war).
Yes there is. Compare this: White men came into this country and fought and died upon exiting their boats (during the "civil war") of transport because they wanted to be here. Blacks complain continuously, but none of them will leave.
Who taught them?
It's not THAT bad, dude? Then why did the OP come here complaining that he could not get into a good college because he is White and yet his black friend, (with lesser qualifications), was admitted? Because it is THAT bad, dude! And it is that bad because of racial set asides that are anti-White and as racist as anything on this planet. When a more qualified individual, (or race of individuals), is discriminated against - on the bases of race - it is wrong. That cannot be accepted, nor should it. And because it was acceptable at one time by one race above another, does not make it acceptable to do a reverse of the original.