Sat 27 Oct, 2007 01:27 am
[FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"]1.) that no state hold its Presidential primaries or caucuses prior to June 1st.
2.) that the states be rotated thru the order of the primaries so none has a permanent advantage.
I and already sick to death of "Election 08" and 2007 still has two months left to run!!
Is there any reason for this mad marathon? Cui bono? Certainly not the candidates and not, I think, the country. I can see where journalsts, pundits, hotels, caterers, rental car companies, & various hangers-on are making out but why put their interest before the Republic's?
To sum up:
June, July & (most of) August for the primaries
Conventions in late August/early Septenber
Reform the electoral college!
Electoral College Does need reformed... A person can win the popular vote in a state but the college can still give its electoral votes to someone else